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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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As I walk to the gallows I leave you with this statement 

We are playing for fun, people play different ways. Always remember that. Do not take shots if you don't want them returned even in 10 fold. A reaction shouldn't be cause for concern since it can be preempted by limiting the initial action. If you are taking said actions think about why and find a way not to. For people who want to complain from the sidelines, don't get on the reactor if you ignore the action maker. That is beyond wrong and will always be met with response. You can't wait for a response to say something. That is just goading something bigger 

Also, something can be dumb, someone can think something is dumb, doesn't mean you are. Talk things out. If you still disagree well you do. Its not the end of the world

We can call each other names all we want imo as long as at the end of the day we hold out an olive branch and understand these things.  Keep it to the spirit of the game

This was a fun game everything involved regardless what certain mods want to state. People need to look at things from the other view when they can

Trying to control somones play style and voting is a very bad path to continue down 

Each game is new, each game is tried to win with cunning and deciet by most. In that, it includes lying, pushing, acting and reacting. The issue will always lie when people say things to purposefully attack someone personally not game related. Don't do that and there have been a bunch recently (and not in this game alone) and its not Pickle. You know who you are. 

Let's mess with each others minds, but at the end of the day we all know it is a game and we move on to the next and try it again


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Vote Count

Orca - 11 - KSJ, Rack, Mwil, Squire, Counselor, Ragnarok, Touch, Malf, ET, Pickle

Rack - 3 - bcb, Pickle, Orca

Bcb - 1 - Nacho

Orca has been eliminated, writeup incoming.

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Day 4

There was a great deal of discussion as the Thunderbolts debated who was, and was not, a threat to their mission. A number of options are presented, discarded, and taken up again, but as time passes, the crowd turns to Orca.

“So you’re saying you were motivated?”


“But you weren’t recruited by cult?”


“must be scum, kill him”

A horde descends on Orca, whose powers can’t save him from death.

Orca is dead. He was Riot (Kraven), Motion Sensing Ability Cop, Maximum Carnage.


Elsewhere, as night falls...

Gasping. Blood. A trail of it. A figure dragging themselves across the floor. Fear. Betrayal. Anger.

No. Not anger.


His body trembles, then shakes, then screams in agony as muscle grows exponentially. His shirt rips, no longer able to contain his mass, and only a powerful elastic band prevents his pants from doing the same. A low chuckle becomes peals of laughter as the figure pulls himself to his feet.

“You gonna betray me, punks? Don’t need me watching over you, making sure you’re not up to any funny business? Thought you could get rid of me? Tough beans. I'm not that easy to get rid of.”

The hulking figure stalks out of the building, out into the streets of New York City, the sun’s light fading in the distance.

I’m the strongest one there is.”

@gopherwrestler is alive.

It is now Night 4.

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