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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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Night 1

The creature stalks through the night, crimson and black skin slipping and sliding across its menacing form. Finally, it spies its prey—Malfatron. Grinning with an otherworldly large mouth, its hands twist into immense scythes.

“Gotcha, you little runt! Time for papa to slice and dice!”

The blades come slicing down, digging deep into his victim’s flesh. Pleased with the results, the attacker slinks off, back into the shadows.

Bleeding out, Malfatron sees his life flash before his eyes. But another figure, watching from above, drops down and extends a hand towards Malf’s injuries. Tendrils stretch out from the figure’s hand, seeping into the bloody cuts.

The next morning, Malf awakens, miraculously healed of his wounds.

Malfatron is alive!

It is now Day 2. If you did not receive a Night PM, assume your ability was successful.

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