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24 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:


It's funny that you think attacking Fauci will somehow make me upset or feel the need to rise up and defend

I couldn't care less that you don't like him. I don't hold his words like gospel. He is a man. That's the funny thing about people like you. You hold the words and deeds of someone so sacred and your identity is so tied to that person that you think other people do the same thing just because they are on their "side". I've got news for you honey, most people aren't sheep like you. 

Oh my. What a strong independent thinker you are. You must be the most intelligent person behind a keyboard. Bottom line is everyone in charge is letting their mouthes write checks their butts can't cash.

Reputable doctors can't even put content on places like YouTube when they have science to back it up. Even people that show things that work in different ways. Dr McCullough has great stuff but was taken down in one video just for saying most common masks filter anything 3 microns and larger while this virus is 1 micron, as an example 

Edited by BullsandBroncos
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34 minutes ago, BullsandBroncos said:

Guess they should make more effective shots then and make working treatments more readily available like the monoclonal antibodies and hydroxichloroqine.- That effort should be as strong as the vaccine efforts. But that's not how they'll make the most money.

Please don’t push false Covid treatment.

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22 minutes ago, BullsandBroncos said:



Shows huge reduction in numbers for reducing fatalities in severe cases of the virus 

Also on that second article at the very end:


Ours is only a hypothesis and a suggestion, but if not now, when should researchers share ideas?


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23 minutes ago, Xenos said:

Also on that second article at the very end:


First one showed that the percentage dropped from 47% to 19%.


not as effective as MAB and Ivermectin but a lot of numbers shows that it helps.


after losing 2 fully jabbed people in my life to the virus, I just don't understand why some of these treatments that are available aren't being used. They televised a conference of the top doctors in this arena in Texas by the pan handle and a meeting with some of those doctors at the state senate where they admitted they don't have a low supply of these treatments yet somehow they aren't being administered. In fact, they even said that MAB are produced at the same rate as Humira which is a heavily administered medicine 


there is a huge lack of focus on those who are actually sick and many of them are vaccinated. 25% of the deaths this year in the Amarillo area were vaccinated and still didn't get MAB treatments they should've. McCulloughs who is definitely considered elderly took HCQ exclusively because it was before the jabs came out and he made it. I wouldn't personally solely rely on HCQ alone but if it was safe to get MAB, Ivermectin, and  possibly HCQ, that seems to be the best "Covid Pack" out there for the extremely sick, jabbed or not.

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ahhh here's an article about a case contact where 39% of the transmissions happened between parties where the transmitting and the contracting were both vaccinated. It also shows 2/3s of the people in the Barnstable County breakout in Massachusetts were fully vaccinated.

A U.S. Navy ship had 3700 individuals on it fully vaccinated passed the virus to 65% of the individuals before delta kicked off. 

a study in the lancet shows a population of senior citizens where 1 has covid and the rest are exposed. The exposed took the regeneron monoclonal antibodies and it prevented the contraction of the virus at a better rate than the shot. This is a preventive medicine. The supply of them isn't even an issue. They just have insane parameters of a doctor being allowed to administer it to you for no reason. Vaccine break through cases, the virus goes past the vaccine antibodies. The regeneron product uses more than 1 different kind of antibodies unliked the vaccine. 

I'm not saying you don't need a shot. I have the shot. But this data shows the shot is more for protecting the individual than preventing transmission if you have the shot and covid. So yes you have protection but you can still pass it around with ease according to data shown in here. There is no shortage of MCAB. It is just being avoided and they aren't being administered to patients in severe hospital care for the virus. They make money from the Vaccines and not the antibodies. Plain and simple. And they're using that for mailbox money.

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23 minutes ago, BullsandBroncos said:

There is no shortage of MCAB. It is just being avoided and they aren't being administered to patients in severe hospital care for the virus

The lizard people will fall when they reach the edge of the earth, you just need to figure out a way to get them out there.

I'd focus energy there.

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5 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

The lizard people will fall when they reach the edge of the earth, you just need to figure out a way to get them out there.

I'd focus energy there.

You seem to know a lot about them. Chase away and report back when you've accomplished your mission, Bond. 

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10 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

Guess they should make more effective shots then and make working treatments more readily available like the monoclonal antibodies and hydroxichloroqine.- That effort should be as strong as the vaccine efforts. But that's not how they'll make the most money.

Without creating or referencing a conspiracy theory, why would the overwhelming majority or physicians, hospitals (via policy), the FDA, etc., ALL choose not to give cheap, effective drugs like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin if they actually worked?

I’d honestly like to hear your opinion.

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10 hours ago, BullsandBroncos said:

What’s the real issue here?

70% of the medication was being purchased by 5 states so they limited purchasing ability to ensure other states had access as well.

I have no issue with telling a group of people who don’t believe in the severity of the pandemic (perhaps even in covid as a real thing at all), vaccines used to prevent severe outcomes, etc., that they can’t then bogart one of the few effective treatments we have for them.

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 Omicron appears to cause less severe illness than earlier variants of the coronavirus but is more resistant to the two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine widely used in South Africa, according to the first major private study since omicron was first detected last month.  However, the study, released Tuesday, found that the vaccine from U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German partner BioNTech provided just 33 percent protection against infection, much less than the level for other variants detected in the country.  At the same time, the vaccine may offer 70 percent protection against being hospitalized with omicron, the study found, describing that level of protection as “very good.”



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16 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Additional data from Pfizer's clinical trial of its oral Covid-19 antiviral drug confirm the treatment's high level of effectiveness, the company said in a news release Tuesday.

In the final analysis of its Phase 2/3 clinical trial, the antiviral, called Paxlovid, was found to be 89 percent effective at preventing high-risk people from being hospitalized or dying from Covid, the company said.


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