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Totall Rickall Mafia - Game over; MAFIA WON


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8 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:


@HokieHigh was dragged into the vat of acid by @bcb1213. He pulled out a real fake door and tried to Titanic it but the acid ate it away and he sank to the bottom. His bones floated to the top.

@HokieHigh was a Civ.


In the chaos of what just occured, five shots were fired. Nobody was able to see what happened. Once the chaos settled @TL-TwoWinsAway, @jasonwbantle, and @Raves bodies were found with large holes blown through them. @TL-TwoWinsAway had two.

@TL-TwoWinsAway was a Civ.

@jasonwbantle was a Civ.

@Raves was an Other.


Night six will be Friday at 8pm EST. Day six starts now.


So, TL was shot twice, but Malf claimed that he was shot at last night.

I shot Raves, and scum isn’t shooting and hitting TL, so does anyone want to admit to shooting TL?

 I’m betting Raves was actually the SK if there was one because he tried to kill Pickle N2 and got my exact flavor.

@Malfatron did you also shoot TL?

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Let’s go about this differently:

@Blue @Malfatron 

I visited one of you last night. Each of you claim, in detail, and spill it. 

Malf, you tried to swing it early onto me yesterday, and if you’re telling the truth about being blue survival Indy, you’re in a faction with Raves who flipped blue.

Blue, you up until yesterday were passive, clearly not scum hunting, and then claimed JOAT.

@JoshstraDaymus @Pickle Rick @The Orca

Someone want to double check me on the color of raves on the flip?

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14 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Blame bucs

You’ve got to be joking me

13 minutes ago, Malfatron said:


you got converted.

you have nothing


Unbelievable. This is why I hold you to a much higher threshold early in games. I freaking knew it. 

So, what civ/Indy killed TL? Anyone want to claim that one?

@Blue it’s claim time, and you’d better make it a good one.

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11 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

The group surrounded @bcb1213. They dragged him to the vat. As they attempted to toss him in, a small theme park burst from his body, splashing blood all over everyone who voted for him. They all writhed in pain but all recovered. But there was an odd feeling among them. Something seems to have changed in one of them. 

In one last effort from @bcb1213, @HokieHigh was grabbed and tossed into the vat instead.

@bcb1213 was Mafia.


It is now night time. Votes are cut off. Y'all have until 8:30 to send in moves.

This happened before night and the fallout from the vote was processed:

10 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

@HokieHigh was dragged into the vat of acid by @bcb1213. He pulled out a real fake door and tried to Titanic it but the acid ate it away and he sank to the bottom. His bones floated to the top.

@HokieHigh was a Civ.


In the chaos of what just occured, five shots were fired. Nobody was able to see what happened. Once the chaos settled @TL-TwoWinsAway, @jasonwbantle, and @Raves bodies were found with large holes blown through them. @TL-TwoWinsAway had two.

@TL-TwoWinsAway was a Civ.

@jasonwbantle was a Civ.

@Raves was an Other.


Night six will be Friday at 8pm EST. Day six starts now.

So, clearly BCB was vengeful in some capacity.

In the top, "they all recovered", but something seems to have changed in one of them, and that happened before Hokie was tossed into the vat. However, that could be foreshadowing to him dying later...but Malf seems to believe a conversion.

What are the odds that scum gets a vengeful on Hokie AND a conversion?

Regardless, even if there was a conversion, exploring that before the other PoE seems counterintuitive.

Sanchez hasn't claimed.

We know Pickle is Town.

We know Josh is Town.

Malf has claimed Blue friendly survival other (and yet TL was shot twice, assuming one of them was scum, that leaves a Town misfire or an OTHER).

Orca is not a killer/didn't kill the night I visited him...and Forge very well may have investigated Orca and got the same flavor that I did.

Blue claimed JOAT.

We know what I am.

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11 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

Vote Count

1 Malfatron - The Orca


No Vote

Pickle Rick

Going off of the VC:

Town: Pickle, Josh, Me, Orca (assuming no conversions)

That leaves:

Blue: Claimed JOAT

Malf: Claimed friendly other, survival, blue color, same as Raves

Sanchez: No claim, never will claim

So, we KNOW that D1-D3, Malf was not able to make a move, as confirmed by me N1 and Matts Days 1-3. He claimed, and Sanchez confirmed, that Malf tried to shoot Sanchez N4, but also says that someone tried to kill him LAST NIGHT (N5).

He did accuse Matts and BCB of cooking up something together as scum, and then BCB accused Malf of doing the exact same with Sanchez the very next day. It's POSSIBLE, but I'm not sure what the play is there, especially given Bucs entered the thread and admitted that Sanchez didn't get the flavor he should have.

Here's his full claim:

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:

cards on the table

Im a Survivor - Other - Blue

my wincon is to just survive the game. i can absorb 1 hit, and it happened last night finally

Orca, I need to address  this as well:

10 hours ago, The Orca said:

7 left

I'm town

Pickle town

Josh town/converted

Mwil town/converted

Malf claiming nothing, shot Sanchez


Sanchez won't claim


Basically it comes down to Malf/Blue/Sanchez today

Given what I JUST posted, IF there was a conversion, it would have happened BEFORE night was processed, and thus ANYONE could have been converted. So, labeling you and Pickle as Town knowns is a mistake. (Correct me if I'm wrong @Malfatron). That said, I agree with you that it HAS TO come down to Malf/Blue/Sanchez today.

I'd assume, given the above, it would be likely that Orca and Pickle didn't kill last night, unless one of you wants to claim the other hit on TL: @Pickle Rick @The Orca.

Here's what needs reconciled:

TWO people hit TL (he was shot twice), and scum wouldn't hit him a second time.

I killed Raves because I was pretty certain he was lying about his role and got the same flavor as I did N2 when I got that same exact flavor that Pickle did. I think Bucs made a mistake in thread killing Pickle, and Raves likely attempted to do the killing. I also knew that, if he was genuine about being hit and having a vest block him the night before, that left him completely vulnerable to me. My biggest dilemma was whether or not to hit Sanchez.

Malf claimed separate INDY from Raves despite sharing the same color...which I believe should mean that they're a separate faction. Given that Raves also flipped OTHER, I believe that he's an INDY.

We have the following alignment flips:

Mafia (Red)

Other (Blue)


So, there isn't a second scum faction. I don't know Bucs' games well enough to know whether he'd use a second separate color as a separate Other designation.

That said, here's what concerns me, aside from Malf's claim and admission to not being a civ:

11 hours ago, Malfatron said:
11 hours ago, MWil23 said:

7 left

I'm town

Pickle town

Josh town/converted

Mwil town/converted

Malf claiming nothing, shot Sanchez


Sanchez won't claim


Basically it comes down to Malf/Blue/Sanchez today

Do you even know?

because it sounds like you dont know

He's using the classic Malfatron manipulation and sowing seeds of doubt, and then this morning, when I'm clearly trying to set a trap for a full claim from multiple people:

1 hour ago, Malfatron said:


you got converted.

you have nothing


He's obfuscating to attack my credibility going forward.

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Having no night results or nothing to show for your night moves rubs me the wrong way.

Also, the idea of the gun not working against Sanchez who says he was sauce protected or whatever is another thing. Maybe a chance Malf didn't actually use the gun when he said he did?

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