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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

The group surrounded an individual they thought might be one of the ones pursuing them through the Caves, @JoshstraDaymus. The individual started laughing, "Oh, you naughty sinful boy!" She removed the cloak she was wearing and revealed herself to be Isaac's Mom, fueled by her belief in the Bible! She took out her knife, saying "I can now finally prove my devotion to God by sacrificing you!"


The group tried as hard as they could to cry at her but Isaac's mother was too strong for them. Cornered, accepting his fate, Isaac closed his eyes. But just then, a Bible falls from the sky, striking Mom in the head, killing her instantly. Opening his eyes, he stands victorious, but only for a brief time...


Demonic laughs and chants begin to get louder, from the darkness of the Caves. His plight isn't over yet, and night is coming.


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"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." - Exodus 20:12

You are aligned with the Bible: Players of your faction must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • vSYx3Zv.pngMom's Heels (FACTION)
    • Once per night, kill a target player.
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row unless there was at least one vote for you at the end of the previous day, or if you're the only member of your faction remaining.
    • Only one member of your alignment may use a faction ability per night.
  • wpTYaxg.pngMom's Bra
    • Once per night, target a player. That player is roleblocked.
    • You cannot target the same player two nights in a row with this ability.
  • gfsfGG3.pngMissing Poster
    • Once per night, target a player to receive a report on their current Role PM, and whether they are currently tainted or pure.
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.

night moves are due at 9:40 PM ET.

Great job town!!!! Awesome kill.

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On 9/4/2021 at 4:17 PM, TheKillerNacho said:



"And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of the cherub, and the second face was a human face, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle." - Ezekiel 10:14

You are aligned as a Seraphim: While not technically a member of any faction, you win if and only if the Bible faction loses. You are not a threat to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • 5uleL1E.pngImmaculate Heart
    • Once per night, target another player to protect them from being tainted during the night (this does not prevent them from being killed).
  • w78Tg6D.pngThe Halo
    • Once per night, target a player to receive a report on that player's alignment.
    • You cannot use this ability the first night of the game, nor can you use it two nights in a row.

 @MWil23 it was a N1 death write-up

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