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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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9 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

dang i have a pm about being tainted


9 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

i am already aware of what the taint is


9 hours ago, jasonwbantle said:

And what happened exactly 


9 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

I don't really understand it, i'm gonna have to pm nacho and see. 

this game is more complex than most. 


9 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

TBH I think the taint spreads anytime an tainted player uses any ability on an untainted. 


9 hours ago, carl_sjunior said:

yeah maybe good theory


alright everyone, gather 'round


the negative aspect of my move is that if I visit anyone who is tainted, I'll become tainted. this is how the taint was mentioned in my role PM and how I knew about it

last night I visited carl and became tainted, my PM is VERY clear that carlsjr already was tainted when i visted him...

I don't know know if this is an order of moves thing or not, but when I visited carl last night he was already tainted, 100%


Knowing that, do the quotes above sound like carl trying to get ahead of it? 



regardless of what you feel about him potentially trying to get ahead of it, the move I used on carl last night and learned something important about his role, enough that I need him to claim so I can compare notes.

@carl_sjunior run me through what you've already claimed about your initial ability before you were tainted.

Edited by Dome
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7 hours ago, Daniel said:

But the fact that I got roleblocked just like Raves was when jason visited him, at the same time I was tainted, certainly doesn’t help me believe jason.

Jason didn't roleblock you. 

My ability last night roleblocked and I got redirected from my intended target to you. 

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5 hours ago, jasonwbantle said:

2. what did player b catch? We know sky was right about b resurrecting. What else did I miss?


8 hours ago, skywindO2 said:

N1: Player B says he's going to Jason, comes home.
N2: Player B says he's going to Daniel, comes home.
N3: Player B says he's going to Swoosh, dies.

I specifically asked TKN how Player B's visit to Jason went following night 1. The answer I got is that all I know is that he attempted to visit Jason, and he's still alive. Any number of abilities could block Player B from doing this, and I would have no way of knowing it. Someone could have role-blocked Player B. Someone could have protected Player B so even if he visited a hostile, he'd survive. If Jason was jailed, or commuted, the visit would fail. Based on the rules I had for Player B, there's isn't really any reason to believe a player would receive a notification of his visiting. I'm gonna go the Occam's Razor route and say all 3 visits happened, tell me why I'm wrong. So yes, there's definitely a case to be made against Swoosh.

However, on the side of Swoosh, there's the possibility that he may not actually be Isaac-aligned but that also doesn't mean he's a threat to Isaac, see KSJ's role. Swoosh gave us Josh so I can't turn my back on him that easily. 



Anyway, remember when Player B told Jason not to tell him what to do? Good times. 



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2 minutes ago, skywindO2 said:

Jason didn't roleblock you. 

My ability last night roleblocked and I got redirected from my intended target to you. 

This is why a speculated that a tainted person using any ability on an untainted causes taint. Unless Daniel got a more specific message about it.

When I got tainted, the message was "You've been tainted" 

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7 hours ago, Daniel said:

For those of you who forgot, we saw that being tainted kills you the next night in squire’s writeup, unless you’re purified.

Jason’s been saying he’s tainted for like three phases.

I don't think this is true. That's only when that one ability causes taint. 

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5 hours ago, The Orca said:

1. Correct but based on #2 below it was him at least. Maybe Racks as well, but at least Swoosh

2. Go back and read my multiple posts about. Skywind sent Player B to Swoosh, its all but certain it went there. No one would use a redirect on a fake player that they didn't know goes somewhere at night. Based on Player Bs revealed role it dies if Swoosh is NOT Isaac or tainted. He claimed he IS Isaac and wasn't tainted. Meaning Player B wouldn't have died...but it did. Then look at the writeup that it died via a sword and then look at Player Bs role with the sword picture about its night move

3. Cause he couldn't have got the info on me N3. I'll explain tomorrow (this is not known yet cause I havent claimed yet.

I've been up 24 hours basically. I've got to go to bed


you mean the night where literally everyone knew I’d be protected/visited/watched? I can’t explain the Player B thing, but odds are that was the fallout from a telegraphed move.

where was all this yesterday when you refused to answer if you were isaac aligned? 

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