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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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3 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

After surviving and crawling through the disgusting bowels of the Womb, the wanderers decide @The Orca is a threat to their interests. He retreats, but they pursue him into the next room when they see... Mom's television? Just... sitting there?

Those loyal to Isaac begin to cry at it, but a static-like figure emerged - it was the Dogma of the Bible, connected to the device via umbilical cord! As the figure tried to dissuade them by condemning their actions as evil, they did not waver until their tears caused the television to explode. Dogma disintegrated slowly, trying its hardest to take one more of the heathens before the end, but was unable to do so.


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"So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter." - 2 Thessalonians 2:15

You are aligned with the Bible: Players of your faction must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • dG28Qqi.pngDivine Intervention (FACTION)
    • Once per night, kill a target player.
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row unless there were no votes for you at the end of the previous day, or if you're the only member of your faction remaining.
    • Only one member of your alignment may use a faction ability per night.
  • 3Ih4gZs.pngThe Bible
    • Once per night, you may target a player to frame them. All reports gathered on that player during the night are fabricated to indicate that player is a Bible-aligned player who visited the target of their factional ability last night (if one was used).
    • You cannot target the same player with this ability again this game.

Night moves are due 9:30 PM ET.


Thanks for the game 

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1 minute ago, carl_sjunior said:

this sentence doesn't make any sense

town hasn't won? so i'm not town? huh

No, since town hasn't won, it doesn't mean you are town.  You could be, but since we haven't won yet you can't be excluded from potential non-town.

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Just now, Raves said:

No, since town hasn't won, it doesn't mean you are town.  You could be, but since we haven't won yet you can't be excluded from potential non-town.

A couple of things that aren't just from my perspective, others can go see this for themselves:

1. He didn't accuse me of being scum or lying until hours after I called out his claim. He tried to convince me I was just misinformed about tainted roles losing their report history or that I wasn't sure what a report actually was (more below).

2. He said that his move isn't a report. Look at all the invest moves in the autopsies, they're all reports. 


He's very clearly not town.

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Just now, Dome said:

A couple of things that aren't just from my perspective, others can go see this for themselves:

1. He didn't accuse me of being scum or lying until hours after I called out his claim. He tried to convince me I was just misinformed about tainted roles losing their report history or that I wasn't sure what a report actually was (more below).

2. He said that his move isn't a report. Look at all the invest moves in the autopsies, they're all reports. 


He's very clearly not town.

You're asking me to do work, I'm not gonna do that.  I'm gonna be Jameis Winston with an amazing defense, great field position, and a strong run game taking what's given to me.  Carl/Orca was given to me.  Tomorrow that's not going to be what's given to me.

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