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The Binding of Isaac: Remafia (Delirium wins!)


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Just now, jasonwbantle said:

No. I’m pointing out that Winston throws INTs like crazy. @Ravesacting like he’s the second coming or some ****

But you're talking about an INT he threw where the defender clearly should've been called for DPI anyways in a game where he threw 5 TDs.

Its just a weird time to talk about a lone INT that isn't on the stat sheet where the defense committed a DPI and the QB is starting his first game for the team and its a "home" game they had to fly to and his best WR is missing as well as the WR that was slotted to be #2. 

Dude played a great game today. We haven't seen an arm like that in 3-4 years.

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Just now, Raves said:

Nope, if you look at other forums I admit that Winston is more likely to lose us games that Brees might've won with his efficient low turnover play the last few years but will also make them more likely to win games because teams have to respect his ability to throw more than 10 yards in the air so they can't stack the box like in years past.

More likely to win than drew Brees lol how old are you?The Simpsons GIF by MOODMAN

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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

But you're talking about an INT he threw where the defender clearly should've been called for DPI anyways in a game where he threw 5 TDs.

Its just a weird time to talk about a lone INT that isn't on the stat sheet where the defense committed a DPI and the QB is starting his first game for the team and its a "home" game they had to fly to and his best WR is missing as well as the WR that was slotted to be #2. 

Dude played a great game today. We haven't seen an arm like that in 3-4 years.

THAT IS ONE GAME! Do you not watch football? Have you not seen his entire pro career? Ugh. Whatever. Congrats on the W

Edited by jasonwbantle
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Just now, Dome said:

We went 8-1 with Taysom and Teddy... Jameis is more talented than either of them by a long shot. 

Talented yes- better I dunno. I’d prefer Teddy two gloves than someone who throws careless INTs every week. His stats the year he won’t the passing title we’re Bc he was losing every week. There is a reason he hasn’t started a game since until today!

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1 minute ago, jasonwbantle said:


He's only played one game with a coach like Payton. 

1 minute ago, jasonwbantle said:

Do you not watch football? Have you not seen hills entire pro career? Ugh. 

Before I answer.... What do you think my stance is on Winston?

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After surviving the Womb, Isaac was wondering what next horrific floor he'd have to deal with. But first he was bracing himself for losing yet another part of himself. Indeed, yet again a mysterious beast rushed in and gored someone, this time @Dome. After finding the corpse, it was The Carcass of Isaac's beloved cat, Guppy.

Wait... didn't Guppy die a year or so ago? What was it doing here? Better not to dwell on it.

In the next room however was the corpse of a much larger being, The Cornered Beast (previously the Beast) of the Bible! It was masquerading as @carl_sjunior for quite some time. Someone had sliced the monster to bits...

The nightmares weren't over, however. Cackling and screams were getting closer. And the ringing in Isaac's ear continued to grow louder and louder. Frantically, they moved the Beast to find a hole downward. They jumped down into the Sheol.



@Dome was:

The Carcass

“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God." - Leviticus 19:31

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • jihTUeg.pngGuppy's Head
    • Thrice per game, at night, target a player to give them the "Pretty Fly" passive ability. This ability makes their vote count as 1 more during the day (and can stack with itself).
    • Additionally, having two stacks protects that player from being killed at night.
    • However, all stacks of Pretty Fly are removed if anyone visits them at night (except with this ability).
  • 9V6AOpl.pngGuppy's Tail (PASSIVE)
    • Your vote counts as -1 vote during the day.

@Domewas originally:


"Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel." - Proverbs 12:10

You are aligned with Isaac: Eliminate all threats to Isaac.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • uVUA8a9.pngGuppy's Eye
    • Once per night, target a player to receive a copy of all reports they received throughout the game. If that player is tainted, however, you also become tainted.
  • o6VEskX.pngGuppy's Paw
    • Twice per game, at night, you can commute, causing all moves attempting to target you during the night to fail.

@carl_sjunior was:

The Cornered Beast

"So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image." - Revelation 16:2

You are aligned with the Bible: Players of your faction must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • o2Rn6Xl.pngMaw of the Void (FACTION)
    • Once per night, kill a target player. This ability cannot be protected against (but it can be redirected).
    • You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
    • Only one member of your alignment may use a faction ability per night.
  • O9VvMzi.pngWhite Pony
    • Twice per game, at night, you may send one of your two riders (Conquest or the Headless Horseman) to curse everyone.
    • That curse will affect all players on the following day, and will be in some way voting-related.
    • You do not know what these effects do ahead of time but the start of day write up will mention the rider who was used, including its effect.
    • You can only use each rider once per game.

@carl_sjunior was originally:

The Beast

"This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." - Revelation 13:18

You are aligned with the Bible: Players of your faction must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night. Abilities marked as "Passive" are always active, and "Day Actions" are instead used during the day.)

  • qP3tKLB.pngSulfur (FACTION)
    • Once per night, kill a target player.
    • You cannot use this ability the first night of the game, nor can you use it two nights in a row.
    • Only one member of your alignment may use a faction ability per night.
  • SK4C72K.pngLarynx
    • Once per game, at night, target a player. If that player attempts to kill someone during the night, that killing ability cannot be redirected nor prevented (not even if the killer is roleblocked).
    • This ability can, however, be redirected or roleblocked.
  • xPTPSIm.png7 Seals
    • Once per night (four times per game), you may target a player and send one of your four riders (Famine, Pestilence, War, or Death) to curse them.
    • That curse will affect them on the following day, and will be in some way voting-related. You do not know what these effects do ahead of time but will be informed what the effect is in your Night PM after using it.
    • The start of day write up will mention the rider who was used, but won't mention who was cursed, nor its effect.
    • You can only use each rider once per game.

Day 7 ends Monday, 9/13 at 9:00 PM ET. Starting today, I'll also allow a shortened day via an early hammer if enough votes are [locked] to clinch the result (although I must wait for all players to submit or abstain from a move before processing a night early).

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2 minutes ago, jasonwbantle said:

More likely to win than drew Brees lol how old are you?The Simpsons GIF by MOODMAN

Winston is more capable of winning games the Saints would otherwise lose, but games the Saints would barely win Brees is better at ensuring those victories.  It's not crazy to realize that one play will ensure a team hits a 10-6 or better record while another might show give them a 6-10 or 14-2 record based on their play.

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