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The Last Fan on Earth - DABOYLE WINS


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12 hours ago, Dome said:
  1. @Whicker
  2. @Daboyle
  3. @bcb1213
  4. @Tk3
  5. @gopherwrestler


Survival Elimination Number Six


Submissions due by the end of the Super Bowl


Do you remember when the old FootballsFuture website was going to be deleted and there was a rush on the server to collect, archive and carefully save relics of the past before they disappeared forever? Me either.

All that said, if things had gone down that I would have remembered and you might have too.

The rules of this competition are incredibly simple. You need to archive 5 messages from Twitter.com before society crumbles. We cannot risk losing the history, legends and accomplishments that have been made on the backs of a million blue checkmarks.


"Tweet" Rules

Each Tweet must be made by a "Verified" user, meaning they have a blue check mark next to their name.

Each Tweet must have been made before January 1st, 2022

Each Tweet must not contain any illegal, pornographic or otherwise offensive material.


Tweet Topics

Tweet One: Select a Tweet that best demonstrates what should be the core values of the society that will be built after the collapse of humanity following the closing of Twitter.

Tweet Two: Select a Tweet that best demonstrates the tools, supplies or materials that are going to be most important to our new society.

Tweet Three: Select a Tweet that inspires humanity to achieve technological advances to the highest of their abilities, and will inspire generations them after them to do the same.

Tweet Four: Select a Tweet that will support cultural growth, demonstrate its importance, and help reconnect members of the new society to the past lives of their ancestors.

Tweet Five: Select a Tweet that references the most important moment or period in human history.



Three independent reviewers are going to be looking over your submissions and voting on which competitor they think archived the Tweets that will hold the least amount of value from a historical, cultural and survival aspect. That competitor will be sent to Purgatory. If all three reviewers pick different competitors, the three losers will play a trivia game to determine the loser.


Submissions due by the end of the Super Bowl

I don’t get it, can you dumb this down 

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7 hours ago, Tk3 said:

Do I have any tokens that will allow me to skip this one?

No… this is an elimination, not a competition. 

you should have skipped the Mental Health comp we just did if you wanted to skip this elim 😬

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8 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

I think it’s bs we had to have this done before SB but hist can relax and not care for like a week to post results. 


you mean 8 hours you whiner...


if you read the rules you would've seen that judges had to review your submissions first. tsk tsk.


Edited by Dome
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