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Mayhem Mafia - Game Over - Anarchy (Mafia) Wins!

Slappy Mc

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Just now, Forge said:

You're a gift giver too? So we had 3? Isn't that what wolf was?

Yes! And there’s two in the OP writeup. 

I’ve given a bulletproof vest to Malf, a security camera to Malf, and a bomb defuser kit to you 

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On 12/23/2021 at 8:40 PM, Slappy Mc said:


I rounded the corner on 15th street and arrived at the news station. A man in a Santa suit greeted me and offered me a gift bag of some sorts. After politely refusing, I unlocked the door and entered. Inside the custodian was still finishing mopping and taking out the trash when a knock came from behind me. I turned around and saw a suspicious looking man in a trench coat, but after I blinked, he was gone. Shaking my head I turned around to discover my boss was suddenly less than a foot away from me with a look of disgust on his dense, unsightly face. "You're late! Again." I looked at my watch and it was clearly 8:57am. My shift starts at 9:00am. I opened my mouth and before I could utter a single syllable, he curtly scoffed, "Figures on our biggest day of the season, you decide to be late." I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I hate the holidays. I especially hate Christmas. Again I gestured to speak and he turns away from me and hollers at one of my co-workers. I hate that freaking guy. Its not so much our working relationship, because I have had a lot of really bad bosses. It's the fact that every day I have to hear the same old stories about his "followers" that join him at Camp Peace, or as I call it the Cultist Paradise. Either way, the guy drives me crazy and unfortunately since I decided to not join him at his retreat, I am on his **** list. I am not as easily persuaded as some.

It is now 9:10 and I have wasted enough time. I need to grab a bite to eat before the morning debrief. I walked over to the table packed with coffee pot after coffee pot and two boxes of Dunkin' Dave's Delicious Donuts. A sign was posted below, "Take only one." I shrugged and grabbed two donuts and a cup of coffee. As I turned around I heard the shrill voice of one of my female co-workers, "I saw that! Only one, can't you read?!" I sighed and put the second doughnut back. Is there anything her bug eyes miss? I feel like she is always watching me. Matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the boss had multiple people watching and tracking my every move. Oh well. One of my male co-workers approaches me and hands me another doughnut. I said, "no thanks, I appreciate the gesture." He looked at me and whispered, "I double up every day." I looked down and he produced another doughnut out of thin air. We met eyes and he winked and walked away. I have some of the strangest co-workers, I swear.

Morning debrief was announced and everyone gathered around to figure out what kind of stories we get the privilege of covering today. Ten minutes later, I have my assignment. I am pleasantly surprised that somehow I got assigned the task of interviewing a former Special Forces member about what it is like to reintegrate into the civilian lifestyle. Freakin' sweet. The last interview I got was the local coroner. After being redirected by multiple people to the wrong address I finally found him and he proceeded to talk for 40 minutes about how auto-erotic asphyxiation was the leading cause of deaths for men ages 20-50. Riveting, let me tell you.

I left the building with the address I was supposed to meet the man at. Two blocks away from the station, another man dressed in a Santa costume is handing out gift bags. I quickly walked past to avoid another awkward conversation. I'm sure they mean well, but this holiday just isn't for me. As I approached the address, I found myself walking the wrong way with a mob of like 30 people coming my way with signs that appear to be protesting something. As I navigate the crowd I feel a hand graze my waist, I quickly grasp for the hand and just as quickly as it came, it was gone. I checked my pockets. My wallet and my notepad are missing. Freaking fantastic.

I reached for my phone, but as soon I grabbed it, the chorus I picked out for when my boss called me, "F*** you" by Lily Allen, started playing. I answer the phone and my boss is hysterical. Great what is it now, I think to myself. He tells me that there is an active bank robbery on the corner of Franklin and 31st at Wellshire Bank. He instructed me to get there as fast as I can, that the rest of the crew is already heading there. I hung up the phone and looked at the nearest street sign. "Great, 10 blocks away," I mumbled to myself. Off I ran.

By the time I got there, the police had the whole area blocked off and a crowd had already gathered. I saw those pricks at Channel 7 already set up and my phone rang again. This time it was my wife, she works for the local hospital and she is getting called into work for a couple hours. I explained to her that there was no chance I could leave work to go watch our 4 year old. This after all could be my big break. We concluded that our babysitter, that has done such a good job protecting our kid and our house when we needed her, was our best route.

I meet up with the rest of the team and we start to cover the event with as much information as we were able to gather. As we start to broadcast, we hear reports of a hostage situation and then the unexpected happened. Not even two blocks away a giant explosion erupted shaking every building around and causing the entire crowd to disperse. More sirens from Firefighters, Paramedics and Police officers are heard hastily trying to make it to the site where the explosion happened. I looked around and immediately regretted my desire for excitement. I however didn't expect what happened next.

A man from within the bank emerges at the entrance with a gun to the back of a petrified looking man's head. The police try to negotiate with the deranged man unsuccessfully and the man screams that he is going to kill everyone inside the bank if anyone tries to make contact again. The Hostage Negotiator implores the man to release some people as a sign of good faith, the man chuckles and slowly walks back to the door. As he opens the door, he shouts "You Have Been Warned!" and pulls the trigger killing the hostage instantly. I look back at my cameraman in horror, his face is white as a ghost. We just broadcast an execution on TV. The police go retrieve the remains of the poor hostage that suffered a cruel fate. After they get the body back to safety they see a note attached to his chest. It reads, "Remember my face, you will be seeing it in your nightmares for the rest of your lives." On the back side of the note was an identification card... MY IDENTIFICATION CARD!

I can't believe what I am seeing. Why would they use my ID on their note? Who would do this to me? As soon I gather my wits, the crowd turns on me. "There he is!" I glance at my cameraman and says, "RUN!" So I did. I ran as fast I could for as long as I could, taking every back alley and shortcut I could find to get away from the mobs that now wanted my head. I hunkered down in a back alley somewhere and pulled out my phone. I went live using social media and said this, "Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, something catastrophic is truly happening. As most you will already know by the time this reaches your ears, there has been a bank robbery on 31st street and a bomb has detonated around 29th street. I do not know if they are connected, but I do know we are all in grave dangers. To make matters worse, my ID card was left on the corpse of a man murdered by one of the bank robbers and now I am being pursued. Until this situation starts to make sense, I feel I need to go off grid. I will update you all as often as I can. This is @Slappy Mc signing off. God help us all through this Mayhem.
As I walked around around there seemed to be a rather large group of people chattering about something. I walked over to see what they were looking at. I see a bunch of people looking up and around and a body lying on the ground. It appears as though someone fell off the parking garage near Tina's Diner on Hawthorn Ave. I quickly find out that he didn't fall, he was pushed. A man in military camo, lay lifeless on the pavement, a bomb diffusal kit in hand. He was identified as @Malfatron, War Veteran Justice Aligned.

When the dust settled the people started to disperse, a man is seen running down the road screaming "I survived! I survived!" and people looked around bewildered. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard close by followed by pure pandemonium. Being that I am a reporter by trade, I feel an obligation to go check it out. I run as fast as I can and find a pack of 3 cars that are engulfed in flames and a man running around missing limbs and a crater sized hole in his chest. He crumbles to the ground in front of me dead. He was later identified as @Pickle Rick, Redirector Justice Aligned.

It is getting dark and this gets more dangerous every night. I need to get off these streets. I will try to catch you all up tomorrow on anything else I find. Please be safe. God bless.


Bolded both instances of the gift givers in OP. 


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On 1/7/2022 at 3:09 PM, Malfatron said:

I didnt feel the need to throw whicker to the wolves, but since whicker pretty much confirmed, yes i got 2 gifts n1

A gun and something from whicker


On 1/7/2022 at 3:10 PM, Malfatron said:

Sorry whicker if i said too much, but willy needs to get back on track here


On 1/7/2022 at 2:50 PM, Whicker said:

Except there are three?



On 1/7/2022 at 3:14 PM, JoshstraDaymus said:

Not hiding anything, you're correct. I gave it to Pickle. I gave Nacho a Bulletproof vest n1


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