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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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7 minutes ago, Tugboat said:

2.  Does that help?


I'm just curious why TK3 thinks he can glean anything from who thinks who got extra points?

Maybe I know someone who has a bunch of coins, but absolutely shouldn’t?

Maybe I know somebody who leveled up much farther than they should be able to?

Maybe I know how many coins everyone has?

Maybe I’m just bluffing and seeing if scum will accidentally “tell on themself”?

Tune in tomorrow to hear the juicy details.. perhaps I’ll even hold tugboats hand along the way!

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2 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Maybe I know someone who has a bunch of coins, but absolutely shouldn’t?

Maybe I know somebody who leveled up much farther than they should be able to?

Maybe I know how many coins everyone has?

Maybe I’m just bluffing and seeing if scum will accidentally “tell on themself”?

Tune in tomorrow to hear the juicy details.. perhaps I’ll even hold tugboats hand along the way!

If i said that based on this and the smug 🙂 that you have received 3+ points, and i did not...would that satisfy you?  You're acting like somebody who got a lot of points on Christmas morning.

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7 minutes ago, Blue said:

you trying to get all the way to China with that hole you're digging, dude?

Dude, we got Mass Relays to traverse the galaxy.  What kind of loser digs to China anymore?  How unambitious.  Lemme dig myself to a different planet, or a space station at least.

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5 hours ago, Raves said:

Really?  Outside of Liara, which is by far the story's preferred option, I found Jack to be my 2nd choice in choosing.

I think I read somewhere that - based on metrics from Mass Effect legendary edition - she was 2nd to last, only ahead of Ashley Williams.

1. Liara

2. Miranda

3. Tali

4. Jack

5. Ash

I really liked her romancing option too, but her romance in 3 was pretty disappointing until The Citadel DLC was released - that sort of put a nicer finish to it.

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6 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

Is there a possibility that the role/ability was a lightning rod of sorts or maybe a protective role and BCB lost his life saving someone else?

Hmmm... Her overall story arc was that she became a protective "mama bear" type in ME3, but that was such a small piece of her story, I don't see it as a viable option.

I'll re-read some of the writeups, see what I can figure out.

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9 hours ago, Whicker said:

5 Gopher – Mwil, Tk3, Slappy, Matts, Orca


9 hours ago, Whicker said:



9 hours ago, The Orca said:


This is also odd IMO. Albeit ironically the Gopher line are mostly my biggest town reads

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@Tk3 to answer your question, I’d say the Gopher line (Me, you, slappy) and Raves, with probably Blue and maybe Forge as likely to have been in consideration for receiving points, with the inactive players or non contributors in posting content as extremely unlikely (gopher, nacho, pickle, tugboat, wolf, ET, and Jlash).

Jlash is highly suspicious with a subtle push on Matts end of day and subtly carried some momentum (still love ya buddy) if you go back and read.

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