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Fire Maurice Drayton And Give MLF, Gute and Murphy The Ultimatum


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Wow, I mean I just gotta wonder what the ****ing hell is wrong with this organization that they constantly learn nothing?

Why in the world do you hire a bum like Drayton who's been here forever and presided over terrible units before and then promote him?

And Matt LaFleur needs to get yelled at in press conferences for stupidly not starting Bakh tonight, and calling **** plays all game.  And Gute, do your damn job and get rid of ESB, Deguara and fix the damn OL once and for all.  No excuses for any of this garbage to happen.

And as for Rodgers, boy that was just brutal.  He surely had to know he wasn't going to win this one clutching the ball all game long.  But still ... even the offense's own struggles tonight would have been diminished if we had had a halfway competent special teams unit.

Edited by LLcheesehead12
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I mean, what is there left to say?   This was abundantly clear from like what, week 4?  that this wasnt good enough?  Thats a leadership issue "that starts with me" , that is a hell of a leadership flaw that you cannot recognize that issue and deal with it by mid season.  I like MLF overall but damn, thats Mike McCarthy status

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I don't mind the roster management much - some issues sure, but it's been a big improvement over Ted's last few years. 

But I genuinely do think Lafleur needs to feel a lot of pressure despite how well the last 3 years have generally gone compared to what came before. Drayton is an absolute bum, always has been, nobody liked the promotion, and all corners wanted him gone midseason and said that exactly what has happened, would happen. That is possibly the worst ST unit I have ever seen in my 20 years watching the sport, despite a decent (though past his best) kicker and a punter who showed early this year that he can play. Outside of Bojo's play for that earlier part of the year I honestly cannot think of one single good thing to say about that entire unit. Not one. 

We absolutely cannot afford to fall back into a Dom Capers situation, so pressure needs to go on MLF to fire him tomorrow morning. 

No point commenting on Rodgers, that was his last game with us. I didn't buy into the trade hype last summer or the one before but I think that's the end of him here. 

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It's crazy!!  When Barry was hired I was tough on him and of course got mad at him week 1.  Tonight I feel bad for him and every player on our defense.  They gave us a grade A effort and should have had a W to be rewarded with.  Never thought I would see the day in the Aaron Rodgers era in which we lost a playoff game and didn't even give up an offensive TD.

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5 minutes ago, Billy86 said:

No point commenting on Rodgers, that was his last game with us. I didn't buy into the trade hype last summer or the one before but I think that's the end of him here. 

Yeah, could be.  It's being caught between a rock and a hard place though because as tiring as Rodgers's latest playoff performances have been, I really don't think Love is going to get it done if you go with him next year

3 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:

It was all so predictable that this would occur. One of the worst ST units in many years. LaFleur screwed up hard with this hiring and for sticking with him all year. He'd be an ever bigger fool to keep him for next season

I feel like everyone in the organization from Murphy on down needs to have fire rained on their heads for this.  They obviously forgot about Seattle 2014 and thought the offense and defense were too good to have the special teams blow it.  They are arrogant idiots who need to pay a heavy price for not investing in special teams and hiring a big time STC.

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Just now, LLcheesehead12 said:

Yeah, could be.  It's being caught between a rock and a hard place though because as tiring as Rodgers's latest playoff performances have been, I really don't think Love is going to get it done if you go with him next year

I feel like everyone in the organization from Murphy on down needs to have fire rained on their heads for this.  They obviously forgot about Seattle 2014 and thought the offense and defense were too good to have the special teams blow it.  They are arrogant idiots who need to pay a heavy price for not investing in special teams and hiring a big time STC.

On Rodgers, it's not so much a "he needs to go - now!" situation as I feel it's kind of just done at this point. If he doesn't get traded, I wouldn't be surprised to see him retire. For all his talking of "not giving a f---" anyone who listens to McAfee knows he's quite sensitive and thin skinned. And he's going to get absolutely ridden in the press for many, many months to come. 

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10 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Can't blame LaFleur when his QB pisses all over the living room rug. 

No question Rodgers gets no pass for this.  But ... I feel like we at least had enough of him to be sorta like 2015 Peyton Manning.  A QB who still gives you the best chance to win but needs a little help from the defense.  And I definitely think tonight our guys were playing at least pretty close to the level that that 2015 Denver defense had.


But yes you can blame LaFleur when he shrugs off special teams issues all year and does nothing to emphasize fixing them.  They cost us 10 big points tonight and a chance to give Rodgers one more SB win before heading off to the Sunset.

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2 minutes ago, LLcheesehead12 said:

No question Rodgers gets no pass for this.  But ... I feel like we at least had enough of him to be sorta like 2015 Peyton Manning.  A QB who still gives you the best chance to win but needs a little help from the defense.  And I definitely think tonight our guys were playing at least pretty close to the level that that 2015 Denver defense had.


But yes you can blame LaFleur when he shrugs off special teams issues all year and does nothing to emphasize fixing them.  They cost us 10 big points tonight and a chance to give Rodgers one more SB win before heading off to the Sunset.

I should probably go to bed and not say something to get banned, but the fact that idea is even in your head right now makes me furious.

If Rodgers wants a ring he should try not sucking ***. This team didn't cost Rodgers a ring. Rodgers cost this team a ring.

The man doesn't deserve **** other than to be asked some very difficult questions by the national and local media 

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Gotta trade Rodgers.

Regardless of how good Love is.

It’s the only way the Packers win a Super Bowl in the next three years.

Not getting over the hump without draft capital or cap space. Certainly not getting over it with neither.

Man, I haven’t watched a complete game all season and this one still stings a tad.

No help is coming either. Lol. Help is leaving. 

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Gotta trade Rodgers.

Regardless of how good Love is.

It’s the only way the Packers win a Super Bowl in the next three years.

Not getting over the hump without draft capital or cap space. Certainly not getting over it with neither.

Man, I haven’t watched a complete game all season and this one still stings a tad.

No help is coming either. Lol. Help is leaving. 

We're not winning a SB in the next 3 years, lol.  You're exactly right though, no help is coming.  They shot their wad - 3 years straight and came up holding their *****.

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