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STAR WARS Prequel Trilogy Mafia (Galactic Republic and Jango Fett wins!)


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I'm confident that the following contains at least 1 if not more separatists (based on voting)

KSJ not separatist (why would 2 separatists visit the same person)
Slappy not separatist (separatist tried to kill him)
Tugboat not separatist (ride or die)

So that leaves Gopher, Raves, and Glen. 

Id lean gopher as the most likely to be a separatist as it looks like he left his vote off of RMIB in case it was a tie he'd be one of the few that could vote to break it. 

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2 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:


I am of full belief town doesn't have two trackers and that scum also has one based on previous nacho games.  I believe ksj was going for the LOL clear of I can't do two things also

So you think he is Sith or an other? 

Or do you think 2 separatist actually visited slappy who they were trying to kill?

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37 minutes ago, squire12 said:


I look at who makes the big (biggest) push and /or who has the clinching vote in a 1or 2 vote situation at/near the deadline.

a hop on mid vote is not IMO a bus

not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, but just something that struck me with your post.

Fair as well.

I guess I'd say that I easily could have stayed on Doom or jumped back on to force OT if I really wanted to and have been completely justified and not looked suspicious for doing so and could have easily said "I was trying to align the vote" late in the day.

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37 minutes ago, Jlash said:

Haha, sorry, did you want my thoughts on it or just letting me know it was back there? I did read through your thoughts on the potential conversion and the KSJ/Slappy connection. I'm not sure I'm as sold on slap being scum as you. Killing town is clearly the worst look, but for him to have made it so clear it was him is confusing. And KSJ tying himself to slap that early if they're aligned is also confusing. 

But, maybe that's the point of the maneuver. 


I guess I view it as so obvious that people would say "No way scum would do that" and I wouldn't hesitate to make a similar play with a watcher out in the open and if KSJ is telling the truth, a tracker as well.

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12 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

trying to kill?

  • Guard (Droid): Once per night, target a player. If anyone else was attempting to target that player, their actions will fail and this ability will be automatically deployed as if Deploy Droid were used on it.
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