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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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Ok so it's pretty obvious that Wolf is using roles from here:


That is where I found the John Doe role that BCB is claiming. Also there is this:


"The Jailkeeper may each night put a player in jail, which will protect that player from death, but also prevent them from being able to succesfully perform any night actions on that same night."

There is no reason that BCB should have been able to perform a night action. 

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30 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

If Malfatron survives past night two, i will be locking my vote there day 3. 

This is now the second time you've put a condition that has/will have you locking your vote. At best, this is antitown town behavior.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

This is now the second time you've put a condition that has/will have you locking your vote. At best, this is antitown town behavior.

Pretty sure this is the first time I have stated I will lock my vote.

Either way, on principle, if Malfatron makes it past day two and he hasn't been cleared, he should be actively pushed. 

If that makes me "antitown" then so be it. 

I was redirected to Malf for some reason last night. Not sure what they were expecting, but I can't kill. 

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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Pretty sure this is the first time I have stated I will lock my vote.

Either way, on principle, if Malfatron makes it past day two and he hasn't been cleared, he should be actively pushed.


do you really not see the failed process this line of thinking presents?



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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

Either way, on principle, if Malfatron makes it past day two and he hasn't been cleared, he should be actively pushed. 



That's totally different.

1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

I was redirected to Malf for some reason last night. Not sure what they were expecting, but I can't kill. 

Take a step back then assuming you are telling the truth.

IF you were redirected to Malfatron, that would be a risky town play. If scum did it, it's also extremely risky IF Malf is scum. What if you were a vig? An investigator? 

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:


You feel off. Locking votes, fishing for roles, really directing the tempo and setting up arbitrary people as possibilities, while not being dynamic. This feels excessive.

Again, fishing for roles doesn't work when he has claimed a role. 

Directing the tempo? Am I the PG on a basketball team? I havent directed anything. The one thing I tried to direct last night was redirected to Malf. 

Setting up arbitrary people as possibilites? As far as I know, y'all can get it. The only person in here I'm not going to vote is Raves.

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Setting up arbitrary people as possibilites? As far as I know, y'all can get it. The only person in here I'm not going to vote is Raves.

Not voting Raves is in and of itself an arbitrary possibility. Not voting is the same as voting, just like not gambling is the same as gambling.

I'll vote anyone here without hesitation if they're scum. :) 

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Just now, squire12 said:

do you really not see the failed process this line of thinking presents?



You have stated this before and the answer remains. It's a very strong logic that if Malf has not died or been cleared by the end of day 2, it really cannot be good.

You dont share my line of thinking, big surprise.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Not voting Raves is in and of itself an arbitrary possibility. Not voting is the same as voting, just like not gambling is the same as gambling.

I'll vote anyone here without hesitation if they're scum. :) 

Even if Raves is scum, I will not vote him. I'll gladly die keeping that promise intact. 

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