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2022 Free Agent Frenzy


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44 minutes ago, 9erFreak77 said:

Man….Deebo means so much to this team but is it worth breaking the bank for? 

Have your limits and stick to them. Any option makes a degree of sense depending on the contract demands

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It's really going to come down to Deebo and his representation as far as what's their end game. If they're looking to for Deebo to be one of the highest paid WRs in the game, I don't see him going anywhere. We'll give him 20-22 mil per and I believe all parties are fine with that. 

If they're looking to break the bank, having Deebo reset the market and become the highest paid WR, then there's a very good chance we'll look to move him. I'd be bummed, as I think Deebo is one of the most talented players in the league, regardless of position. But if it's between a WR resetting the market or a pass-rusher (Bosa), I'm going to go with the guy that can affect the other teams starting QB everytime. And I don't see how any fan could fault the FO in that scenario. 22 million a year is alot to pay a guy who just made his first Pro Bowl in his third year and is known more for his ability out of the backfield than his ability to beat you when he's split out wide. If you're not content with that number, you were never 'all-in' in terms of this team paying everyone and staying competitive, so might as well move on sooner rather than later.

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1 minute ago, 757-NINER said:

It's really going to come down to Deebo and his representation as far as what's their end game. If they're looking to for Deebo to be one of the highest paid WRs in the game, I don't see him going anywhere. We'll give him 20-22 mil per and I believe all parties are fine with that. 

If they're looking to break the bank, having Deebo reset the market and become the highest paid WR, then there's a very good chance we'll look to move him. I'd be bummed, as I think Deebo is one of the most talented players in the league, regardless of position. But if it's between a WR resetting the market or a pass-rusher (Bosa), I'm going to go with the guy that can affect the other teams starting QB everytime. And I don't see how any fan could fault the FO in that scenario. 22 million a year is alot to pay a guy who just made his first Pro Bowl in his third year and is known more for his ability out of the backfield than his ability to beat you when he's split out wide. If you're not content with that number, you were never 'all-in' in terms of this team paying everyone and staying competitive, so might as well move on sooner rather than later.

Yes absolutely! I would easily break the bank for Bosa and its not even close. 

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56 minutes ago, 757-NINER said:

It's really going to come down to Deebo and his representation as far as what's their end game. If they're looking to for Deebo to be one of the highest paid WRs in the game, I don't see him going anywhere. We'll give him 20-22 mil per and I believe all parties are fine with that. 

If they're looking to break the bank, having Deebo reset the market and become the highest paid WR, then there's a very good chance we'll look to move him. I'd be bummed, as I think Deebo is one of the most talented players in the league, regardless of position. But if it's between a WR resetting the market or a pass-rusher (Bosa), I'm going to go with the guy that can affect the other teams starting QB everytime. And I don't see how any fan could fault the FO in that scenario. 22 million a year is alot to pay a guy who just made his first Pro Bowl in his third year and is known more for his ability out of the backfield than his ability to beat you when he's split out wide. If you're not content with that number, you were never 'all-in' in terms of this team paying everyone and staying competitive, so might as well move on sooner rather than later.

The contract is going to be fascinating because the Hill and Adams contracts include so much garbage. 

Hills deal is basically 3 / 72 (24m/yr), so instantly I'm not giving Deebo that much. 

I don't think people realize how crazy Adams' contract is. I'm pretty sure that his deal is legitimately 1 year, almost 24 million. He has triggers in march of 2023 that guarantee his 23/24 base salaries and roster bonus, but if they cut him after the 2022 season, they will have legitimately only paid him a little less than 23 million and will save 15 million against the cap next year. 

Assuming he's still on the roster, it's basically 2 more years at 22-23 per year that gets picked up. That makes his three year total 23.25 Million year 1 + 26.6 Million year 2 + 17.5M year 3 which is about 67 million (so a little over 23/yr). 

So right away, the functional part of Deebo's contract is 21-23 Million. That's hard coded. 

The annoying part of Adams' and Hills contract is that they have extremely high salaries that the receivers will never see on the back end. Adams has 2 years of almost 36 million per when he's entering his mid 30's. Hill has a 44 million dollar base in his last year at age 32. These are just garbage. But the annoying thing is that you don't really want to do that with Deebo because in a perfect world, there's a reasonable chance he's going to see year 4 or year 5 of this deal (which would be ages 30/31). 

But despite the optics of "not getting 28-30 million like hill and adams", you have to be able to understand the reality of the contracts signed if you're Deebo and his agent. The niners should 100% be locked in between 21-23 million a season, so if he gets offered 5 / 110, he should take it. 

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2 hours ago, 9erFreak77 said:

Man….Deebo means so much to this team but is it worth breaking the bank for? 

I would go up to 4/100M.. by year 3 the cap will have risen significantly, and year 4 of those kinda deals are usually fluff that you extend, cut, or trade

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Deebo is gonna get a 5yr extension in the $25M a yr range IMO, as for Nick, $32M a yr, depends on if Donald signs first, if not, then Bosa could be had for like $30.5M a yr, but I'm fine paying the stars how they should be paid, we have 5 superstars(Trent, Deebo, Bosa, Warner, & Kittle), and all should or are paid as they should, I have no issue resetting the market.

I don't think Deebo will ask for $30M, those contracts are outliers, like @Forgesaid, Hill's deal is really $24M a yr, but it all comes down to structure and guarantees, some players will take less a year for more guaranteed money, we're not getting a discount, on either, and we shouldn't, both are at the top of their positions, or near the top, so you pay your stars, and honestly, the 49ers can afford Deebo, & Bosa, as well as Aiyuk long term.

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

if he gets offered 5 / 110, he should take it. 

Additionally, this is legitimately life changing money and someone with his injury history should absolutely understand that we could just as easily tag him next year and the year after that. Wouldn't be ideal but it would work on a lot of levels for the team

Better to take a good deal with maybe some escalators than get hurt without a new deal

I think the issue we will have is that the cap is expected to rise. NFL agents know this and aren't going to be willing to lock themselves in for today's market rate. The niners need to figure out a way where they get him locked up with a manageable contract but also give him upside for some crazy cap increases 

Some sort of combination of player/team options. It will be complicated, but it won't be crazy hard to do 

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The nice thing is that contracts are ostensibly 2-3 years in practical reality, so that's going to remove a lot of the concern about Deebo's long term viability. I mean, I will admit that if you're going to keep giving him 50-60 carries a year (obviously this year was a bit of an outlier compared to previous precedent and I'm not sure we will rely on him that heavily moving forward) that I believe he's going to have some shelf life issues. 

But he's 26 years old. You give him the deal now and you get a chunk of the proration out of the way on the last year of his rookie deal and then you're paying for his 27 / 28 / 29 age seasons at full freight. We shouldn't be that concerned about his long term viability lol 

If you're giving him a deal that basically amounts to 3 years, 67-68 million, it's fine. 

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20 minutes ago, Melbourne 9er said:

Can you sign a contract with a % of salary cap instead of a straight monetary figure?

It hasn't been done yet. There was a rumor when the Mahomes extension was being announced but the terms hadn't really been disclosed that it would be tied to a percentage of the cap, but I never got word on whether or not that would actually be allowable and obviously Mahomes' deal did not end up being structured like that. 

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51 minutes ago, Forge said:
1 hour ago, Melbourne 9er said:

Can you sign a contract with a % of salary cap instead of a straight monetary figure?

It hasn't been done yet. There was a rumor when the Mahomes extension was being announced but the terms hadn't really been disclosed that it would be tied to a percentage of the cap, but I never got word on whether or not that would actually be allowable and obviously Mahomes' deal did not end up being structured like that. 

It would be so easy to add escalators to the contract

"If the salary cap reaches X by 202Y then Deebo shall receive an additional roster bonus equal to Z"

You could even make them payable the following year to let you plan a little more. Roster bonuses are also very movable money. You can move them into the future via restructuring to signing bonuses, or you can trade the player and get out from guaranteed money. 

We really should start to refer to these deals as % deals and not actual dollar figure deals. Prices are up all over the map everywhere for everything. The salary cap could jump 20% over the next two years. Unless the NFL is cooking the books, it feels inevitable... 


Lets be honest here, the NFL probably prefers the fact most of the league feels pressured to sign short term deals so they can really incentivize guys to play hard, while not committing year to year. It would suck to have literally zero job security at a dangerous job. 

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3 hours ago, Forge said:

if he gets offered 5 / 110, he should take it. 

Also I would like to add some further context 

Dee Ford got 5 / 85 and Deebo is legit one of the best players in the NFL... correct me if I am wrong but Dee is basically going to see every single dollar of that 85m. Thats less than ideal to quote eric crocker

Deebo may only want 3 years tacked onto his one remaining. He may want to hit the market again

Fluff years are great for boosting egos but I feel like it has the potential to create some weird conversations later on. Deebo doesent seem like a guy who needs a big ego boost. 

I think you can tell a guy like Deebo that you are committed long term and that if things are going well at the time he needs another deal, we will make it happen once again. 

When business relationships are built on good partnerships in good faith, its easy to make things work. Seems like Lynch and Kyle have a lot of capital in the locker room. 

The Bosa deal feels like its going to be a lot harder to consummate. He may not get paid out this year. He may not want to. We will make it work. 

Warner, Bosa, Deebo, Kittle, Williams are all cornerstone, all pro type players. 

Trey Lance QB1

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19 minutes ago, N4L said:

Also I would like to add some further context 

Dee Ford got 5 / 85 and Deebo is legit one of the best players in the NFL... correct me if I am wrong but Dee is basically going to see every single dollar of that 85m. Thats less than ideal to quote eric crocker

Deebo may only want 3 years tacked onto his one remaining. He may want to hit the market again

Fluff years are great for boosting egos but I feel like it has the potential to create some weird conversations later on. Deebo doesent seem like a guy who needs a big ego boost. 

I think you can tell a guy like Deebo that you are committed long term and that if things are going well at the time he needs another deal, we will make it happen once again. 

When business relationships are built on good partnerships in good faith, its easy to make things work. Seems like Lynch and Kyle have a lot of capital in the locker room. 

The Bosa deal feels like its going to be a lot harder to consummate. He may not get paid out this year. He may not want to. We will make it work. 

Warner, Bosa, Deebo, Kittle, Williams are all cornerstone, all pro type players. 

Trey Lance QB1

I actually feel like the Bosa deal will be somewhat easy to maneuver. You're just setting the market and the 49ers aren't really going to say no to any reasonable AAV request. He's definitely going to hit 30, but if he want's 32M I don't think the 49ers are going to haggle on that all too much. Top of the guaranteed market is TJ Watt at 80, which Bosa will beat and the 49ers won't bat an eye at. Top total guarantees are Joey and MG, which he's also going to top. It's just going to be some minutiae to get through. MG and Watt contracts are stepping stones. I feel like Deebo's is harder because there aren't ideal comps. Maybe the best comp would be Chris Godwin in a vacuum, but it's shorter term right at 20M, so I don't know. 

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22 minutes ago, Forge said:

I actually feel like the Bosa deal will be somewhat easy to maneuver. You're just setting the market and the 49ers aren't really going to say no to any reasonable AAV request. He's definitely going to hit 30, but if he want's 32M I don't think the 49ers are going to haggle on that all too much. Top of the guaranteed market is TJ Watt at 80, which Bosa will beat and the 49ers won't bat an eye at. Top total guarantees are Joey and MG, which he's also going to top. It's just going to be some minutiae to get through. MG and Watt contracts are stepping stones. I feel like Deebo's is harder because there aren't ideal comps. Maybe the best comp would be Chris Godwin in a vacuum, but it's shorter term right at 20M, so I don't know. 

You mean you dont want to have endless conversations/be subject to falsified rumors about tRaDiNg nIcK bOsA?????????

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