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6 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

It's also just under 2 hours long.

There's been like 3 or 4 different sets of rumors on the run time, ranging from 121 minutes to 170 minutes, so I don't really see any reason to buy this one any more or less than the others.

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16 hours ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

So the plot is online finally. It sounds... kinda okay? 

Not going to ruin anything so I'll just post the link and say that, it kinda sounds like they did what most people feared they'd do and just took a half Snyder movie and a half Weadon movie and slapped them together. Obviously not CONFIRMED or anything but this is right around the window where we'd start seeing these spoilers so I'll just throw them here and if they're wrong they're wrong.


It leaves me wondering reaaaaaaal hard how, especially after quite literally the last week, they're going to figure out if Affleck is staying or not (and I'd bet it's 85% not at this point) which might make the DCEU a bit more a mess.

Just read through all of this, dont waste your time. Could it be all true? Sure. But most of the time its "i dont quite remember" or "not sure of the sequence" And it even references scenes where the VFX arent even close to finished (i.e. not even started) I know even a month out, there are still plenty of touch ups and changes, but the fact that things arent even started seems hard to believe for a Weadon Film.

Many of the things are stuff we saw in trailers, with what seem to be vague assumptions around them. It sounds like this person saw a few extra scenes than we have, read some other rumors, and has pieced their own version of the story.

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13 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Just read through all of this, dont waste your time. Could it be all true? Sure. But most of the time its "i dont quite remember" or "not sure of the sequence" And it even references scenes where the VFX arent even close to finished (i.e. not even started) I know even a month out, there are still plenty of touch ups and changes, but the fact that things arent even started seems hard to believe for a Weadon Film.

Many of the things are stuff we saw in trailers, with what seem to be vague assumptions around them. It sounds like this person saw a few extra scenes than we have, read some other rumors, and has pieced their own version of the story.

Was going to post the same thing.. How credible can someone be when he/she says I don't quite remember but it is in the trailer.. Most of us can assume how this will shake down based on our knowledge of the characters/themes and what we have seen from the trailers.

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2 minutes ago, iLikeDefense said:

Was going to post the same thing.. How credible can someone be when he/she says I don't quite remember but it is in the trailer.. Most of us can assume how this will shake down based on our knowledge of the characters/themes and what we have seen from the trailers.

I was thinking MAYBE they saw the Lasso of Truth thing, its the only scene that we havent gotten in a trailer that has any detail to it. I was going to spoiler free break down this thing, but I started and it just isnt worth it. 

If this is all we get in the film, it would be disappointing. But I just cant imagine that this is what we will see. Its even missing plenty of major things we have already seen in some of the trailers. Im honestly just impressed that we are this close and still have NO IDEA of how they are bringing back Superman, or what his role will be.

Im probably more excited than the next person, but things like this are just so dumb.

Whatever story we end up getting, I think the group action shots are going to be just as awesome as the Avengers shots we got.

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25 minutes ago, devils1854 said:

I hope they dont bring back Supes that way. Kinda seems like a cop out. 

ehh, its one of the two obvious ways. I even mentioned it a page or so back. if they feel they have no other choice and have to attempt it, as long as they sell it correctly, it could work.

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121 mins is the official run time


I was watching the new tv spot during the World Series, and it got me to thinking. Who do you think the villain would have been if WB decided this was a potential one off Justice League movie like it might be now, instead of the build up to Darkseid like it was planned.

No way a no name villain like Steppenwolf would have been the big bad. Braniac, Vandal Savage, or even Maxwell Lord seem like better villains to put on screen.

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21 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

That makes no sense...it's the culmination of the DC universe with an entire group of heroes to manage...three of which are making their first appearance...yet it's the shortest movie in the series? 

They can't learn from their past mistakes?


Avengers was 143, not too much longer. 

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1 hour ago, seminoles1 said:

22 minutes is a long time...

Not that long. If they are telling their entire story, why do we need more and more fluff for no reason?

The fact that anyone really thinks they can tell one single thing about this movie because of its run time..... is delusional

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But it amuses me that we’re at this point. Nine years after ten years after Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, we are so used to very long (and sometimes arguably overlong) would-be blockbusters that a movie like Justice League running just over two hours is cause for alarm. That’s just over/under the running times for (offhand) Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Wars and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II is now seen as cause for alarm. That last example is telling, as Harry Potter 7.2 was indeed the finale to an eight-movie saga that was more-or-less strictly business. It is entirely possible that Justice League is more concerned about wrapping things up than reminiscing or setting up new story threads. 

Conversely, as much as I enjoyed much of Walt Disney's Thor: Ragnarok, it is a prime example of a 105-minute caper stretched to 130 minutes seemingly due to expectations of how long these films should be. And I don’t know of anyone who thinks that Superman Returns or Paramount/Viacom Inc.'s Transformers sequels earned their bloated runtimes. Heck, if you cut out the prologue that everyone skips and go to the bathroom during the whole “Peter discovers his dad’s big secret” sequence, Sony's Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a lean/mean two-hour Peter Parker movie. The Avengers, which runs 143 minutes counting that rather terrible 12-minute pre-title sequence that probably gets skipped on Blu-Ray more often than the opening chapter of Finding Nemo. And, miracles of miracles, Fox's 96-minute (plus credits) X-Men worked out just fine.Guardians of the Galaxy-121


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