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1 hour ago, FourThreeMafia said:

If you dont like the movie, thats fine...but you (along with others) sound like you outright WANT the movie to suck, and thats what gets annoying on here.    I am eager to see what people think, good or bad, but then there some like you who are just constantly negative before youve even seen it.   Youve clearly already decided youre going to hate it.   

It's not a great film but it's one of the most enjoyable movies of the year for me. I was smiling the whole time.

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11 hours ago, deltarich87 said:

Oh man


Disclaimer:Have not seen the movie yet. Will be seeing it tonight.

They could have just had him keep the mustache, and if he came back in the black suit and caused destruction, it would have been perfect. Villain Superman with the villain mustache. 

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Just now, seminoles1 said:

I hope there's an Ultimate Cut of this as well.  Not that it made BvS a great (or even good) movie, but it vastly improved it.  2 hours for a movie with this many characters isn't enough time.

I could be wrong, but I think one of the biggest reasons they cut so much was to change direction on the universe, so adding it on a director's cut doesn't really make much sense, and I wouldn't expect one.  It would be one thing if Snyder finished the movie, but as soon as he stepped down, I think the director's cut idea was scrapped as well. 

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12 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I hope there's an Ultimate Cut of this as well.  Not that it made BvS a great (or even good) movie, but it vastly improved it.  2 hours for a movie with this many characters isn't enough time.

I'm sure there will be. Maybe not under that same name, but certainly an extended version. This was supposed to be around 2:40 before being forced under two hours. It made BvS a far more cohesive film and I think it'd knock out a lot of the problems with this one by just adding 20 mins. It's a shame WB are so utterly incompetent with their decision making.

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Just now, HorizontoZenith said:

I could be wrong, but I think one of the biggest reasons they cut so much was to change direction on the universe, so adding it on a director's cut doesn't really make much sense, and I wouldn't expect one.  It would be one thing if Snyder finished the movie, but as soon as he stepped down, I think the director's cut idea was scrapped as well. 

Yeah, true.  DC wants to change directions, and doing a Snyder Ultimate Cut would completely go against that.  Oh well.  A man can hope.

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1 hour ago, iLikeDefense said:

So are the two post credit scenes back to back or like mid and ending credits?

The fun one is a mid credit. It’s about a minute in. The more impactful to the Universe one is all the way at the end. 


While that Meme about the MCU vs DCU is clever, it’s a gross oversimplification. When they started Iron Man wasn’t even close to the level of Superman (it would be more like if they had actually started with a Green Lantern). And Civil War had how many Characters fighting? BvS has like 3.5 with just an intro to Diana, and Lex/Doomsday are well... we all know.

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1 hour ago, HorizontoZenith said:

You need to quit saying this to people.  It's not true.  As The Duke corrected, he wants it to be great.  I want it to be great.  He expects it to suck.  I expect it to suck.  If it sucks, I want it to suck so hard and bad that they're forced to do a reboot.  I have every right to want it to fail if it sucks because I like DC's potential as much as you do. 


Youve been saying you want it to fail for awhile so it will be rebooted.  All you ever do is bash and nitpick every little thing.

Im not the only one who has called you out on this either.


"Constantly negative before you've even seen it..." This doesn't make any sense either.  Every single indication is that the movie sucks compared to how good it should be.  You know it's not going to be a good movie.  You know it's going to have a lot of stupid, stupid, stupid irredeemable qualities to it.  You've chosen to ignore those irredeemable qualities in BvS and Suicide Squad.  Some people can't, and they want a reboot.

How doesnt it make sense?    Alot of people like it, especially people who are fans of the characters and comics already.   Sorry you dont have a mind of your own and professional reviews make your mind up for you.  Youve proven this to be the case many many times.   


If you let another person's opinion of a movie impact your opinion of a movie, that's your own fault.

Haha....yet youre the one saying its trash before you even see it because of what others are saying, and Im the one telling people to watch it and NOT let others opinions affect what they think of it.

Take your own advice. 


Nobody here wants the movie to suck.  Nobody.  You can tell when there are blatant haters.  The Duke isn't one, I'm not one.  If you don't want to read negative thoughts or alternate opinions, ignore the people who offer them. 

Please, just stop lying.   Youve said many times you want it to suck so you can get a reboot.

Once again...I am fine with negative opinions.    I am not fine with blind hate.   If you watch it and critique it harshly....so be it.    When you havent seen it and youre talking about how much its going to suck, it just continues to prove how close minded you are....as Ive pointed out many many times.


I'm not trying to stir **** up here.  I'm saying you need to quit because the only thing that's going on here is you getting upset about pessimistic fans.  Nobody in this thread is a DC hater. 

Youve NEVER ever once been anything but negative regarding the DCEU.  Its exhausting.

Do you have the right to be that way?  Sure....just like I have the right to point out how closed minded you are.

Deal with it.

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Just now, FourThreeMafia said:

Please, just stop lying.   Youve said many times you want it to suck so you can get a reboot.

Not doing this with you again.  How about don't respond to people who are negative since you're just as guilty of not showing  you're okay with negativity as I'm guilty of anything you're accusing me of being.  It's just as exhausting for people who are negative to be chewed out for being negative, so why do you keep responding to people who are negative? 

I'm not asking you to change your mind.  I'm not even asking you to like negative people.  I'm asking you to stop trying to belittle and condemn people who are negative.  It's clear you hate negative complaints regardless of you saying you're fine with negative complaints, so if you can't stand the people who are pessimistic about the state of the universe, just quit responding to them. 

If somebody wants to be negative, let them be negative.  You don't see the negative people belittling people who said they enjoyed the movie, do you? 

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Just now, HorizontoZenith said:

Not doing this with you again.  How about don't respond to people who are negative since you're just as guilty of not showing  you're okay with negativity as I'm guilty of anything you're accusing me of being.  It's just as exhausting for people who are negative to be chewed out for being negative, so why do you keep responding to people who are negative? 

Deal with it. 

Its okay, I know you are tired of being exposed as a hater.  Its literally all you do.

Ive proven time and time again I am fine with constructive criticisms from people who have seen these movies.  I pointed out major criticisms of Man of Steel and BvS, and I flat out disliked Suicide Squad.   But guess what...my negativity came AFTER I actually, ya know...WATCHED them for myself.

You, on the other hand, have never been anything but negative regarding the DCEU....and that wouldnt be an issue if it werent for the fact that you were hating on every movie before they even came out, and you jump on professional reviews to support your constant negativity, rather than watching the movie and forming an opinion of your own.

Yeah....youre absolutely a hater.   Maybe not a DC hater....but a hater of the current DCEU.       Im not even a big fan of alot of the decisions made, and I know there are plenty of people who flat out dislike it...and thats fine.   But people like you who do nothing but hate on it before they even see the movies?    Yeah....Ill keep calling them out, regardless of how triggered they get by it.

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57 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I hope there's an Ultimate Cut of this as well.  Not that it made BvS a great (or even good) movie, but it vastly improved it.  2 hours for a movie with this many characters isn't enough time.

Exactly why they needed to build this up over the course of a handful of films rather than jumping right into it from the get-go. They really rushed the universe and are trying to juggle a ton of stuff in a short amount of time. Luckily, Snyder's control and him leading the DCEU seems to be over so there is hope going forward.

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7 minutes ago, deltarich87 said:

Exactly why they needed to build this up over the course of a handful of films rather than jumping right into it from the get-go. They really rushed the universe and are trying to juggle a ton of stuff in a short amount of time. Luckily, Snyder's control and him leading the DCEU seems to be over so there is hope going forward.


They at least needed to have a movie for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the Flash.     I know they had movies for Supes, Wonder Woman and if BvS had been done better it wouldve worked for Batman, but they had to introduce 3 JL members in one movie and flesh them out....on top of giving the other characters ample screen time and fleshing out a villain.   

I still wished they wouldve gotten Nolan's Batman to be part of the extended universe after The Dark Knight.     The reasoning apparently was that Nolan's Batman was set in a realistic world, but thats part of what wouldve made it work so well.  It wouldve turned Batman's world upside down, and they couldve done BvS, but in a different way, and IMO, they shouldve started trying to build Steppenwolf up a bit in previous films.    Personally, I wouldve went with Brainiac for the first JL movie as I believe he would be easier to build up, but the way they did it, it wouldve felt rushed regardless who they chose.  

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