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Cavaliers Thread: We Somehow Both Don't and Do Suck


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3 minutes ago, Bonanza23 said:

Ok so going to a new team and playing like Allen and Prince played is unreal. Sheesh nba please do us like you did the Lakers and the warriorsĀ 

Prince's dribble looked loose, but he played great. Allen joins Sexton, Garland and Okoro to form a really nice core going forward. Nance is insane.

I'd love to get something for Drummond. I want to like him so much, but he has too many brain farts.

Oh and Cedi would be getting 25 mins for every team in the league. Really good player.

Edited by Don Roshi
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SexGod haters where you at.

He still cant run an offense consistently and both our tiny guards really cant lob to a big on PnRs but Colin is the truth. Watching him on defense is inspiring. Kid gets bounced around like a pinball and yet keeps going.

Cedi showed out today. Streaky player but his hustle is the highest on the team. There are times I just want to tell him to stop sprinting so much. He fades by the end of games.

Allen looked excellent. Prince looked good but Nets fans warned hes super inconsistent. Kind of like Cedi.Ā 

Okoro is really raw on offense but so polished on defense. Its impressive because hes looks undersized for a SF.

I really hope the team tells Love toĀ bulk up to play stretch 5. Hes a defensive liability at 4 and Nance has been straight balling.Ā 

Garland - Sexton - Okoro - Nance - Allen

_________ - DotsonĀ - OsmanĀ - PrinceĀ - Love


Not a bad roster to go into next year with

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