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Cavaliers Thread: We Somehow Both Don't and Do Suck


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1 hour ago, Don Roshi said:

This is my favourite iteration of the Cavs I've seen. Granted, I only started watching just after LBJ left the first time.

Unselfish, hardworking. I'll take that thank you.

Honestly that 2016-2017 iteration of the Cavs I think could easily put their stake as one of the greatest teams of all time.  The 2017 NBA finals really felt like the basketball matrix for stretches, just GSW with Durant was OP.

This is one of the most fun for lacking starpower though.

Cavs before LeBron left the first time was ugly and also feels like a different NBA back then.  Outside of Delonte for stretches, nobody I could think of outside of LeBron who could create offense.

Edited by Rod Johnson
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42 minutes ago, candyman93 said:

David Griffin sucks as a GM. Just wanted to say this.

He was gifted Zion and Brandon Ingram, yet his team still sucks.

Our GM was given dog crap and has the team at least competing.

I think they looked at this year's draft class and decided sucking for one more year while they get everyone acclimated to the new offensive system wasn't too bad of a plan. I think they'll go all in 21/22 and 22/23.

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17 minutes ago, candyman93 said:
35 minutes ago, sdrawkcab321 said:

Koby has had 4 years. Griff is in his second. 

Do you want to include Kobys first season though? We went to the NBA Finals, so he wasn’t really rebuilding anything yet

Yep, so you can say that 1st yr Koby hedged his bet pretty well at keeping enough to return to the finals and getting enough to a rebuild. I’ve been one of the biggest Collin Sexton haters on this board but damn he looks really good so far and looks like a stud. I’ll gladly eat that crow all day long. Unlike Bruce, I’ll admit when I’m completely wrong about a player. Also have been a huge Garland fan and he looks like a stud as well. Cavs potentially have two stud guards in the making. Said they wanted to build the team like the Blazers and they are well on their way.

now after saying that. Griff was gifted a lot better talent/roster/situation for a rebuild than Koby. Also seems like Koby has done a better job at getting the HC. 

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