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Cavaliers Thread: We Somehow Both Don't and Do Suck


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Posted (edited)

Mobley is built to play against “modern day offenses” like Boston. Also exactly like how Bam Adebayo gives Boston problems every time Miami plays them.


If Evan got to the free throw line twice as much as he does now, he’d be an all world player. Just imagine if he was 220-230 pounds


Okoro also has the strength to just annoy Tatum when he tries to push off.

Edited by candyman93
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Posted (edited)

There needs to be serious discussion on what to do with Garland long term.


He’s just not physically built for playoff basketball. He gets thrown around like a small child.


We’ve tried some off ball stuff for him and it just doesn’t work. Obviously you keep him if Mitchell leaves, but that’s it.

Edited by candyman93
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4 hours ago, candyman93 said:

There needs to be serious discussion on what to do with Garland long term.


He’s just not physically built for playoff basketball. He gets thrown around like a small child.


We’ve tried some off ball stuff for him and it just doesn’t work. Obviously you keep him if Mitchell leaves, but that’s it.

He played well down the stretch but we needs to get in the gym and get bigger. He gets beat up too much at the rim. He and Mobley both need to add some strength to take their game to the next level. Look at Don. That dude looks like a tank. That’s why he’s able to get to the basket and bully guys larger than him. 

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Posted (edited)

So here’s what will happen-


Mitchell demands to be traded. 76ers look like the most realistic option. They have cap space, draft picks, and Embiid + Maxey.


I’d move Allen to OKC for their insane draft capital. They’ve got 7 1st round picks those next 2 years.


JB is gone and Altman is gone. They had their chance and it’s time to go.


Fans get very emotional when they realize it’s over, but it’s over. This is a poorly built roster and Mitchell has clearly articulated what he wants to accomplish.

Edited by candyman93
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5 hours ago, candyman93 said:

So here’s what will happen-


Mitchell demands to be traded. 76ers look like the most realistic option. They have cap space, draft picks, and Embiid + Maxey.


I’d move Allen to OKC for their insane draft capital. They’ve got 7 1st round picks those next 2 years.


JB is gone and Altman is gone. They had their chance and it’s time to go.


Fans get very emotional when they realize it’s over, but it’s over. This is a poorly built roster and Mitchell has clearly articulated what he wants to accomplish.

76ers aren’t happening. We’re not trading him for a bunch of late round firsts. Those are basically worthless. 

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8 hours ago, candyman93 said:

So here’s what will happen-


Mitchell demands to be traded. 76ers look like the most realistic option. They have cap space, draft picks, and Embiid + Maxey.


I’d move Allen to OKC for their insane draft capital. They’ve got 7 1st round picks those next 2 years.


JB is gone and Altman is gone. They had their chance and it’s time to go.


Fans get very emotional when they realize it’s over, but it’s over. This is a poorly built roster and Mitchell has clearly articulated what he wants to accomplish.

There is know place that has the cap space that that goes any further.

they would all have to give up some meat to get it done 

the officiating was horrible 

that said let’s go under assumptions that Mitchell extends how due you improve this team?

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15 hours ago, candyman93 said:

Mitchell demands to be traded. 76ers look like the most realistic option. They have cap space, draft picks, and Embiid + Maxey.

Yeah, but what in the world do they have to give us besides picks? Nothing. They have not one young intriguing player that we could take back in a trade for Mitchell. 



Yes, the officiating was dreadful. But let's get real. This team is untalented and it's led by one of the worst coaches in recent basketball memory. We need MAJOR shakeups this off-season.


I wonder if the Kings would entertain a Garland/Mobley for Murray/Fox trade of some sort? I feel like Garland/Mobley would be great fits with Sabonis & with Fox's injury history, I wonder if they'd part ways with him to get younger and a defensive superstar. My fantasy GM hat would be:

1. Trade DG & Mobley for Fox & Murray
2. Trade LeVert for a late 1st.
3. Draft LBJ Jr. (#20)
4.  Draft Bobi Klintman (#26ish)
5. LBJ takes a sweetheart deal to play with his son.
6. Andre Drummond signs as a veteran big man.


PG: Fox/Porter/Jerome
SG: Mitchell/Okoro/James Jr.
SF: James/Merrill/Bates
PF: Murray/Niang/Wade
C; Allen/Drummond/Klintman


This would give us excellent floor spacing and an elite starting 5. The only thing missing is a microwave scorer off the bench who can create with the basketball. That's where staggering Fox/Mitchell/James would be key.

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Posted (edited)

I strongly disagree that this is a poorly built roster. This is an amazing roster piloted by a moron. 


GSW were a 47 win team under Mark Jackson and they turned into a 65+ win team overnight with a good coach

The Celtics were an under 500 team for 1.5 seasons 

The Timberwolves barely made the playoffs last year


We have a pick n roll spam offense with motion offense talent. JB isn't capable of utilizing more than 2 players on the court at a high level because all we do is PnR. Run motion and movement and it frees up literally everyone. We have high level passers at most positions and lots  of shooters and we have an offense that doesnt move or create open looks. 

The defensive talent on this teams amazing. Fix the offense with some creativity and we'll be in business. 


Giving up on this roster, that has a top-3 SG, and a top 10 PG, PF, and C because we havent won with ******* JB Bickerstaff would be the all time roll over and die. Whats the point of  even trying if you never give yourself a chance.  

Edited by roger murdock
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3 hours ago, roger murdock said:

He was a 22 YO all star whos underutilized because our coach doesnt like ball movement and wants a take turns offense. 

I think the biggest issue is that JB sucks. But Garland has been dreadful despite getting some good opportunities. He’s terrified of the paint & is a horrible defender. That’s not JB’s fault.

Fire JB tho—he is definitely garbage regardless of our players struggling.

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