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QB Talk Once Again.... sigh


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7 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

You guys have to trade him. So they’re calm and collected. Hence why it’s GBs camp leaking news and such. Not ours.


Pressure is on GB. Our worst case is is rolling it back with a young QB that we hope developed in this off-season. Which is the exact thing you guys are hoping. So your option A is identical nearly to our worst case scenario

Okay, fine. Then we let Aaron talk to other teams lol. They’re getting something . 

Really? You really think it’s an apples to apples comparison? 

You hired the OC to lure him in. 

you signed a WR he’s comfortable with and wants 

You had the most important people travel to him. 

You waited for him while every other QB signed elsewhere. 

It’s going to be a hefty hefty price. 

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4 minutes ago, Rainmaker90 said:

Okay, fine. Then we let Aaron talk to other teams lol. They’re getting something . 

Really? You really think it’s an apples to apples comparison? 

You hired the OC to lure him in. 

you signed a WR he’s comfortable with and wants 

You had the most important people travel to him. 

You waited for him while every other QB signed elsewhere. 

It’s going to be a hefty hefty price. 

There are no other teams interested in Aaron Rodgers. That time has come and passed.

Like everyone in the NFL world thinks except your front office, you’ll get a day 2 pick and conditionals. Get used to that idea.

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19 minutes ago, Rainmaker90 said:

Okay, fine. Then we let Aaron talk to other teams lol. They’re getting something . 

Really? You really think it’s an apples to apples comparison? 

You hired the OC to lure him in. 

you signed a WR he’s comfortable with and wants 

You had the most important people travel to him. 

You waited for him while every other QB signed elsewhere. 

It’s going to be a hefty hefty price. 

He doesn’t want to play for other teams. Did you only listen to what you wanted to in his interview. He plans on playing and playing for the jets. His plan isn’t to play regardless. To think he’d just play for any team instead of retire is wishful thinking ONCE AGAIN by the GB fan base.


Hackett has 100% deserved an OC job. Was luring AR a reason we maybe brought him in? Maybe. But he’s earned the right to be an OC. Once again listen to ARs interview. He in fact only got a tad upset once. And what was that over? The thought that Hackett on his own without AR wouldn’t be a good OC. AR himself said this.

Lazard is a great signing for us regardless of who’s at QB. Davis can’t stay healthy and likely will be cut. So we needed a good big bodied WR that can block and be a RZ threat. Lazard was the best guy available that fits that.


We had our FO travel out there to see him as any franchise would do. Not sure where you’re going with that. You think LV would just send McDaniels to visit AR if they were in on him? No. They would send a similar group.


Man am I going to laugh when this trade goes through. Your fan base is truly delusional. You keep thinking you’re trying the 2016 AR. And you’ll be disappointed. And generally speaking I’d almost feel bad. But how bad yoir fanbase has been this last week. I hope Love is garbage and you get robbed in this trade.

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6 hours ago, Bobby816 said:

As I said… we’re trading for the 39 year old AR. Not the 37 and 38 year old MVP AR. Fact is, is that he was average last season. What he did in 2020 and 2021 doesn’t matter. Jalen Ramsey was a shutdown CB in 2020 and 2021 yet was just good last year and he went for a 3rd. Yes QB is more valuable than CB. But CB is still an incredibly valuable position. And oh ya…. Ramsey is 11 years younger than AR. Let that sink in.

But if you thought the Rodgers' regression would be the standard moving forward, why would you prefer Rodgers to say someone like Carr?  Especially when you factor in the dead cap when Rodgers retires, Carr would have been a significantly better option if you truly believed Rodgers 2022 season is the new norm.  Rodgers might not play at an MVP level again next year, but the Jets believe he's closer to that MVP level than what he played at last year.  And I don't really see the comparison between Rodgers and Jalen Ramsey.  One is a CB.  One is a QB.  And the QB position is exponentially more valuable than the CB position.

6 hours ago, Bobby816 said:

I’ll even take it closer to your organization. You guys signed Charles Woodson as a FA and he gave you great years until late in his career. He still had a bit more in his tank. And you guys knew he had little to no trade value. So you didn’t even try and trade him and you cut him. Which was the right thing to do. Bc he earned that. He went on and played pretty decent for Oakland for 3 more seasons. So he wasn’t washed up.

What exactly do the Packers owe Rodgers?  He's been paid over $305M over his career in Green Bay.  He's going to go down as a legend, and probably one of the greatest (if not the greatest) Packers of all time.  What more do the Packers owe him?  After the whole "I'll never play for the Packers again" saga, the Packers gave him a massive extension making him the highest paid QB.  And he proceeded to have his worst season as a pro since his first year as a starter.  The only thing "doing right by Rodgers" actually does is lower the price tag for what Rodgers is worth.

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36 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

But if you thought the Rodgers' regression would be the standard moving forward, why would you prefer Rodgers to say someone like Carr?  Especially when you factor in the dead cap when Rodgers retires, Carr would have been a significantly better option if you truly believed Rodgers 2022 season is the new norm.  Rodgers might not play at an MVP level again next year, but the Jets believe he's closer to that MVP level than what he played at last year.  And I don't really see the comparison between Rodgers and Jalen Ramsey.  One is a CB.  One is a QB.  And the QB position is exponentially more valuable than the CB position.

What exactly do the Packers owe Rodgers?  He's been paid over $305M over his career in Green Bay.  He's going to go down as a legend, and probably one of the greatest (if not the greatest) Packers of all time.  What more do the Packers owe him?  After the whole "I'll never play for the Packers again" saga, the Packers gave him a massive extension making him the highest paid QB.  And he proceeded to have his worst season as a pro since his first year as a starter.  The only thing "doing right by Rodgers" actually does is lower the price tag for what Rodgers is worth.

Brady was done with NE and what did they do? They let him walk. And for a person with along career that has done A LOT for the organization and community. They should be granted their wish. Holding him hostage for a delusional trade package isn’t how you treat an all time great. Of course try and get a decent package for him. Don’t just give him away. But tomorrow will be the 10th day he told you guys he still wants to play and for the Jets. And have you guys gave him his wish? No. Your asking for 1st round plus for a 39 year old who was average last year who’s owed a ton of money.

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3 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Brady was done with NE and what did they do? They let him walk. And for a person with along career that has done A LOT for the organization and community. They should be granted their wish. Holding him hostage for a delusional trade package isn’t how you treat an all time great. Of course try and get a decent package for him. Don’t just give him away. But tomorrow will be the 10th day he told you guys he still wants to play and for the Jets. And have you guys gave him his wish? No. Your asking for 1st round plus for a 39 year old who was average last year who’s owed a ton of money.

New England had no choice in the matter.  Tom Brady negotiated a no-tag clause into his contract.  IF the Patriots could have tagged and traded him, you absolutely can guarantee that they would have done so.  Again, I ask you why should the Packers put Rodgers' needs ahead of the Packers' needs?

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23 minutes ago, GangGreen420 said:


does he not realize the Packets could just “let Rodgers talk with other teams?”

Exactly. GBs delusional FO wants to play their unrealistic game (please show me all the 39 year old NFL players that were traded for a 1st, heck I bet none have ever been traded for even a 2nd).


Tomorrow makes 10 days of GB being told he wants a move to the Jets. I say if he isn’t traded by Friday (2 weeks from when he told them). That’s when AR needs to put the pressure on. As Banner said. Walk in that GB FO and say make the trade in the next 24hrs. If not I won’t accept a trade to any other team and I’ll be at OTAs and will be a Packer this next season. You don’t want that and I don’t either. But that’s whats happening if you don’t trade me to the Jets in the next 24hrs.

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3 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

New England had no choice in the matter.  Tom Brady negotiated a no-tag clause into his contract.  IF the Patriots could have tagged and traded him, you absolutely can guarantee that they would have done so.  Again, I ask you why should the Packers put Rodgers' needs ahead of the Packers' needs?

There’s this word called respect. And taking care of those who have taken care of you. Rodgers earned that money you paid him. If you didn’t pay him that. Someone would have. So it’s not noble of you guys to pay him what he was getting anyway and worth.


He’s under contract with you guys. You made the decision to draft a QB that was going to have to play before his contract was up. So you guys put that timeline on his career. You don’t want him there. He said this himself last week. He’s decided he still wants to play and has chosen the Jets as the only team he wants to play for.


So what is GBs “need” here. There “need” is that they don’t want him there and “need” to trade him. No where in that is the “need” a 1st round draft pick plus. That’s a “wish” not a need. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

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The issue here is really this.

It should be relatively simple and have us meet in the middle of both sides making offers too much on their side. But when GB came out of the gate saying they wanted 2 1st. It made things unrealistic. That’s the equivalent to us saying we’re offering a 2024 7th for AR.


GB came out so unrealistic that they think a “middle” ground is a 1st plus now. When really they’re asking price with us swaying toward them optimistically should at max been a 1st. Where if we offered a 4th. We could come to a middle ground in the area of a 2nd or 3rd and probably a conditional pick. Instead bc of the stupid unrelated asking price out if the gate by GB. The middle ground they think is middle isn’t the middle at all. It’s still an unrealistic price.

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2 hours ago, Rainmaker90 said:

Okay, fine. Then we let Aaron talk to other teams lol. They’re getting something . 

Really? You really think it’s an apples to apples comparison? 

You hired the OC to lure him in. 

you signed a WR he’s comfortable with and wants 

You had the most important people travel to him. 

You waited for him while every other QB signed elsewhere. 

It’s going to be a hefty hefty price. 

You are under the illusion that you can shop him to other teams. 

And the other thing, who do you think would give up a 1st for a 39 year old QB who might play 1 year? 

The final thing, the Jet and Packers had some kind of understanding of what it would take. Otherwise the Jets would have said no if they knew the Packers demands were first. The Jets would have signed Carr. 


Tell me one time in history where a player who was pushing 40 received a "hefty hefty prrice"? I'm waiting. 

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10 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

The issue here is really this.

It should be relatively simple and have us meet in the middle of both sides making offers too much on their side. But when GB came out of the gate saying they wanted 2 1st. It made things unrealistic. That’s the equivalent to us saying we’re offering a 2024 7th for AR.


GB came out so unrealistic that they think a “middle” ground is a 1st plus now. When really they’re asking price with us swaying toward them optimistically should at max been a 1st. Where if we offered a 4th. We could come to a middle ground in the area of a 2nd or 3rd and probably a conditional pick. Instead bc of the stupid unrelated asking price out if the gate by GB. The middle ground they think is middle isn’t the middle at all. It’s still an unrealistic price.

We have no idea what the Packers demands are, if their demands are truly 2 1s, or the 13th overall, the Jets wouldn't be in it to begin with. No team trades high value for a player pushing 40 and who the team wants to off load because of his contract. 

We are basically helping the Packers by taking Rodgers off their books for them so they can move onto Love. Why should we have to pay a big price for that? 

It should be a fair price, which would be a 2023 day 2 pick and a 2024 conditional pick. Maybe throw in Corey Davis who I think the Packers liked. 

Edited by NYJets4716
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42 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Brady was done with NE and what did they do? They let him walk. And for a person with along career that has done A LOT for the organization and community. They should be granted their wish. Holding him hostage for a delusional trade package isn’t how you treat an all time great. Of course try and get a decent package for him. Don’t just give him away. But tomorrow will be the 10th day he told you guys he still wants to play and for the Jets. And have you guys gave him his wish? No. Your asking for 1st round plus for a 39 year old who was average last year who’s owed a ton of money.

Brady was a FA, tell Rodgers to void his contract so we owe him nothing, no cap space for 2023 and we probably would let him go, but he agreed to a 3 year deal for over 100m, why pay him to join another lteam for free.

Brady played for 50% of his worth, that’s why he’s the GOAT, Rodgers bled the Packers dry.

Edited by fattlipp
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