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Red Dead Redemption II Mafia - Game Over - Pinkertons and Dutch Wins!


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16 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I take issue with Wolf claiming he knew he was protected. Orca at least gave an explanation.


finally figured it out. . .didnt see the add blocking the quotes. i dont know i was protected. im making an educated guess with two pieces of info. one i outed my invest role and wasn't killed day one or two. and two no one was killed either night, correct? i was trying to ask whoever did that to do it again, since in my opinion im the most likely night target

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50 minutes ago, rackcs said:

@The Orca trust is good and all, but I would like you to go ahead and share exactly what you meant when you posted about good and bad pinkertons

Meant....nothing specifically. Was screwing around trying to see who would bite on the comment. Also, was trying to appear to know less about the theme as it came to night

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1 hour ago, Daboyle said:

Vote Count:

6 - The Orca (wolfeyestrk, bcb1213, Malfatron, Dome, skywindO2, JoshstraDaymus)
6 - wolfeyestrk (The Orca, [Pickle Rick], Llamalover, racks, Whicker, MWil23)
1 - skywindO2 (Forge)
1 - Malfatron (gopherwrestler)

Forge and Gopher, agents of chaos. Good work gentlemen!

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33 minutes ago, Llamalover said:

Now, I may not have the most experience in these parts, but if me and my pally were both scum, what reason would there be to both go in together so much. Again, I’m a bit of a greenhorn in the respect of sussin’ out misfits, but don’t that seem kinda counterproductive?

It depends on context. Sometimes they will involve scummates in on their claim to corroborate their story. Sometimes they'll leave scummates out entirely. Everyone plays scum a little different. Malf specifically doesn't mind getting mixed up in things when he's scum.

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2 hours ago, Whicker said:

So Wolf, Malf, Bcb with Orca SK or 3rd party of some kind. If there’s a fourth… Josh?? Or Llama? 

I trust Dome, Mwil, and Skywind for the most part 

I'm not sure if I trust me, I'm so lost on who to pick here. Leaning swapping to wolf because I trust Llama. Also if Wolf finding Orca's character wasn't accurate? How can we trust he was telling the truth with Malf? What's the reasoning behind BCB?

Going back to my day ones thoughts, all of Dome, JoshstraDaymus, Scoundrel(Forge 2.0), Malfatron, wolfeyestrk were on the kill line for Forge 1.0. I'm certain one, if not more was with the Pinkertons.

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From a pure storyline perspective, Orca's story doesn't really stand up.  By the time Arthur began becoming close with John again, he was falling out with Dutch and planning on leaving the gang.  This could be a scum v scum scenario where a scum cop found the indy or their may be two scum groups. The O driscoll's are the bad guys for the first half of the game as a rival gang.  That is followed by the Pinkertons who are kind of like a crooked FBI.  From a pure character standpoint, it would be easier to write out a pinkerton scum team of Cornwall, Milton, Micah and maybe Cornwell than it would be an O Driscolls team.  Arthur's allegiance weakens to Dutch throughout the game so he could be with the gang or a true indy depending on when things pick up in this version

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5 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Quick question:




Please a brief description on lore would be great 

Arthur is the main character you play as in RDR2. John is the character you play as in RDR1. RDR2 is a prequel to RDR1. In RDR2, Arthur is a member of the Dutch Van Der Linde's gang but throughout the game he's becoming increasingly out of touch with reality and the gang's situation. 

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