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Brock Purdy franchise QB?


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11 minutes ago, GW21 said:

I think he started last week. 

Regardless of that, I feel like our beat writers are super out of the loop these days. It definitely seems like the national guys have better luck with our team, so I feel like this is all just conjecture at this point. 

If Brock is ready to go, I have a hard time believing that Shanny will go with anyone else, but I'm also not buying into this other stuff we're hearing up to this point either. 

I don't think he's throwing a football....I could be wrong but the initial throwing sessions were not going to be with a football. 

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Just now, J-ALL-DAY said:

I don't think he's throwing a football....I could be wrong but the initial throwing sessions were not going to be with a football. 


Brock Purdy has gone through his first week of throwing a regulation 15-ounce NFL football.

I know Shanahan was saying that he was going through and making throwing motions with a towel a couple weeks back, which is what you may be thinking about. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure, I'm just going off of what Maiocco is saying in the article. 

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6 minutes ago, GW21 said:

I know Shanahan was saying that he was going through and making throwing motions with a towel a couple weeks back, which is what you may be thinking about. I wasn't there, so I can't say for sure, I'm just going off of what Maiocco is saying in the article. 

Got it, thanks. 

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1 hour ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

I mean we still don't know how Purdy is going to react or feel to the recovery. Far too early to say one way or another. All the doctors that commented on this think it will be very difficult for Purdy to be ready for week 1. We think Purdy is going to be 100% by then because of the few sessions he's had? Where he's not even throwing a football? 

I assume that he's going to be meet the timeline until I hear that he's had a set back. 

Given that this procedure  is done out of house with follow ups with doctors not employed by the 49ers, I'm more bullish on him recovering properly 

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

I assume that he's going to be meet the timeline until I hear that he's had a set back. 

Given that this procedure  is done out of house with follow ups with doctors not employed by the 49ers, I'm more bullish on him recovering properly 

Sure, and that's the hope. But I'm not taking the word of Lynch and Shanny as gold just yet....especially with their history. Plenty of doctors have concerns and questions on how quickly Purdy can recover and be 100%. Very little history on QBs having the UCL surgery with an internal brace. Just need to let this play out. 

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Let's say Matts's timeline is correct. Purdy will be cleared on August 20th. Gives him 20 or so days to get ready for week 1. What is your expectation for Purdy? We haven't talked about a sophomore slump. But the way it's shaping out is due to the injury and missing OTA/Camp it's a huge possibility we don't get the Purdy we saw from last season. 

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15 minutes ago, 49erurtaza said:

Let's say Matts's timeline is correct. Purdy will be cleared on August 20th. Gives him 20 or so days to get ready for week 1. What is your expectation for Purdy? We haven't talked about a sophomore slump. But the way it's shaping out is due to the injury and missing OTA/Camp it's a huge possibility we don't get the Purdy we saw from last season. 

Hard to say. I think he was going to have some rough moments to start even if he was healthy with opposing teams having some film on him but by like week 5-6 he should be fine. What I am curious about is his arm strength and if there is a drop off or not from last season. If there is, then it could be a big problem as he didn't have a great arm to start with. 

Week 1 is going to be pretty ugly up in Pittsburgh. 

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47 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Hard to say. I think he was going to have some rough moments to start even if he was healthy with opposing teams having some film on him but by like week 5-6 he should be fine. What I am curious about is his arm strength and if there is a drop off or not from last season. If there is, then it could be a big problem as he didn't have a great arm to start with. 

Week 1 is going to be pretty ugly up in Pittsburgh. 

I don't understand the idea that it is going to be so tough in Pittsburgh. They have some nice players don't get me wrong but they aren't really close to KC or BUF or Cincy in my mind

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48 minutes ago, Ftn49 said:

I don't understand the idea that it is going to be so tough in Pittsburgh. They have some nice players don't get me wrong but they aren't really close to KC or BUF or Cincy in my mind

The defense, when healthy is good. The offense is not. 

It's going to be an ugly game from a standpoint of one of those 19-16 type games. I wouldn't expect 5 turnovers, but that game in 2019 is the type of game I expect. 

We are also, generally speaking, pretty meh at the start of the season

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54 minutes ago, Ftn49 said:

I don't understand the idea that it is going to be so tough in Pittsburgh. They have some nice players don't get me wrong but they aren't really close to KC or BUF or Cincy in my mind

Pittsburgh in week 1 the prior two years have made Josh Allen and Joe Burrow look terrible. Their defense always starts out hot in week 1. We are playing on the road in a tough environment against a team with a very good DL and will potentially have a QB starting that is coming off a UCL surgery where he would be only cleared a few weeks before the season starts. A lot can go wrong and probably will go wrong in Pittsburgh. 

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1 hour ago, 49erurtaza said:

Let's say Matts's timeline is correct. Purdy will be cleared on August 20th. Gives him 20 or so days to get ready for week 1. What is your expectation for Purdy? We haven't talked about a sophomore slump. But the way it's shaping out is due to the injury and missing OTA/Camp it's a huge possibility we don't get the Purdy we saw from last season. 

My thought is that he’s going to be using the time between now and when he’s officially cleared to build up his arm and will be participating in TC in at least a limited fashion, so it’s not like he’ll start fresh with only 20 days to go before the season.

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On 4/27/2023 at 1:34 PM, clarkfn2284 said:

Brock looked great, but there are a lot of feelings in this post. A lot of things that people "think" and usage of stuff that we "think" makes the difference for Brock. To be honest, we have no idea about the heart and the competitiveness and why a team responds to one guy versus another. Those are all things we tell ourselves to make us feel more secure in our opinion.

I disagree. You can learn a lot about a guy's approach from watching him perform. Not saying Purdy is Kobe Bryant but you cannot tell me I can only "think" Kobe was a passionate player. We can absolutely look at how a guy carries himself, how he fights for the extra inch, how he puts his body on the line and say "that guy has heart, that guy has passion". That is not "thinking" anything, its seeing what there is to be seen. 

Admittedly, the part about Purdy being a decorated HS wrestler and how that translates is a bit of a guess, but I think it fits perfectly. Wrestlers are tough as nails and it is a huge freaking grind to be a wrestler of that caliber. You have to train like a madman and you basically have to leave it all on the mat every match to have a shot to win. You can't take your opponent lightly or think you can just show up and win. All of those traits are things that from my vantage point Purdy carried over into football. It is a mindset more than anything.

That is why I am saying its why I think he is loved by his teammates, but one thing you cannot question is the fact that he IS loved by his teammates. The team DID gravitate towards him. I am simply giving a reason why. That is not a "feeling" it is an observation leading to a theory.

On 4/27/2023 at 1:34 PM, clarkfn2284 said:

I don't think any of us can question JG's desire to win, or his willingness to play through injury at least in his time here.

Actually, I have questioned the bolded. Repeatedly in fact. I have written many posts about this going back to week 1 2020. Here it is again in case you missed it:

1) 2019 Jimmy was coming off a knee injury. His footwork, his pocket presence were not up to par. He played well overall but this was a very obvious avenue for him to improve. It made sense that he was rehabbing his knee and that meant he could not hammer home footwork drills in the offseason. I get it. He gets a pass there. 

2) Covid happens. The world is shut down. Coaches cant meet with players. Players have to train on their own. What is the classic saying - "champions work hard when no one is watching"? 

3) Jimmy shows up week 1 with even worse footwork than he had the previous year. It was abysmal. His footwork was terrible, he looked very lackadaisical, did some weird pirouette while getting sacked, and it was very obvious to me that he was not perfecting his craft when the world was shut down and he was sitting at home. 

I have made the point that a starting QB is 1/32 in the entire world. You only play games on 17 days out of the year. You cant have a QB who isnt locked in for 100% of those games. There were definitely other games besides week 1 2020 where Jimmy was not locked in. We cant have that and to me, its a sign of where his head is at. 

Since I have started to say this, we have learned that Jimmy:

A) Ghosted the team on several occasions. He disappears in the offseason and no one can get a hold of him. This seems to be an irrefutable fact at this point.

B) His brothers throw him a party after every game. Mondays are not days off in the NFL. Jimmy was clearly not doing enough to take care of his body in the proper manner if he is having parties after every game.

Both of those are only evidence in my favor and why I say that Jimmy loves the lifestyle of being a QB more than anything else. This isnt to say he isnt a good guy, or that he didnt work hard, that he does not care, or that he isnt more competitive than the majority of people out there. This is to say that you get graded on a curve as an NFL QB, and quite simply, Jimmy does not seem to have that same competitive fire that Brock showed last year. 

Ultimately, I believe these are the reasons that Kyle soured on him, and why we traded two firsts and a third to move up 8 spots to draft Jimmy's replacement. You don't do that if you dont think the guy you have is already as good as he will ever be. You dont do that if you think your QB can improve. Kyle knew that Jimmy was who he was at that point.

I believe this is why Kyle said "a pissed off Jimmy is the best Jimmy" because the team knew that Jimmy was too happy, too comfortable. He was well paid and wasnt hungry. He wasnt going to do what it would take unless he knew his career was on the line. You have to understand you have to be borderline insane to be highly successful in the NFL. It is absurdly demanding. Jimmy was doing a lot, but it wasnt enough based on the standards set by other NFL QBs. That is just the way it is. 


his willingness to play through injury at least in his time here.

I would actually argue that this was to our detriment as well. He should not have played in the playoffs in 2021. His thumb and throwing shoulder were injured. The NFCCG against the rams you could tell his arm was shot. Playing on concrete in the tundra of GB and getting hit repeatedly because Tom Compton couldnt handle Rashaad Gary really f*cked us going into the following week. 

I know that you are going to say this is just my opinion (fair) but I will go to my deathbed saying that if Trey plays GB, we still win that game, and if JG came back for the NFCCG against the rams that we beat them and go to the SB. I was calling for this on the Monday after the dallas game. I was calling for Trey to "kaepernick the packers". 


 I wouldnt feel comfortable questioning Trey's dedication considering he is still here seemingly being a good soldier while getting a bit of the shaft.

That is a completely different case study though. Trey hasn't played enough to warrant that sort of discussion. We simply do not have the data to make a determination about this one way or another, because as you stated, we are not in the building watching practice everyday. We can only know what they show us on the field.

On 4/27/2023 at 1:34 PM, clarkfn2284 said:

These guys are all elite level competitors. At the end of the day the talent and what they do with it wins out.

Its the "what they do with it" part that this entire post (and my previous post) is about. All the talent in the world can be less valuable than these other traits I am highlighting. The margins are too thin and the steaks are too high to be anything but a crazy person in the way you do things if you want to be great in this league. 

My main overall point was that Purdy has shown us (so far) that he has the IT factor with regards to his leadership and his heart. Dude is an absolute gamer who leaves 110% of everything he has on the field every week. That will be my viewpoint until he does something to change it. Nothing is set in stone. We can only go by what we have seen in games and how his teammates have responded to him. It seems clear at this point that the team feels a certain way about him. Everything could still change! 

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Reminds me a bit of how Eagles fans have talked about Hurts, before and after his break out. Having the "it" factor, being a great team mate, leader of men, etc... I do believe this kind of stuff is real and can translate to team success- but the QB has to perform on the field or the rest of that stuff falls by the wayside


So much depends upon

Purdy's ucl



...nevermind I am not a poet

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i just remember how Jimmy G fooled us all in 2017

I'm taking a wait and see approach with Brock.

i don't believe his skill set is enough to overcome what defenses will do to him once they get him pegged.

plus i want to see more of Trey before we throw him to the wayside. 100 throwing attempts isn't enough to know what we don't know. 

Edited by Herodreamer79
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4 hours ago, Herodreamer79 said:

i just remember how Jimmy G fooled us all in 2017

I'm taking a wait and see approach with Brock.

i don't believe his skill set is enough to overcome what defenses will do to him once they get him pegged.

plus i want to see more of Trey before we throw him to the wayside. 100 throwing attempts isn't enough to know what we don't know. 

I doubt we see much more of Trey besides preseason, which I don't care much about anyway. 

Trey has already been cast to the wayside, he's just still on the team. Purdy has to fail on his own before Trey is relevant again

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