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8 minutes ago, MantyWrestler said:

Peeing in a cub is very different than having something shot into your body! There's no side affects from peeing in a cup.

There are if you smoked a joint the night before

Edited by Mr Bad Example
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8 minutes ago, Kampfgeist said:

In their safe little bubble where like-minded individuals all gather to share their social media "truths" and the algorithms all affirm them, they are definitely true labels.  Outside the bubble in the real world - false.

Hilarious that you accuse others of being in a bubble, when you lazily swallow everything fed to you by the apparent “consensus”. It is impossible not to see leftist viewpoints/narrative in the public sphere given their ubiquity. Just because we find those narratives contrived & unconvincing (since we have a memory longer than 10 minute & can see when their ‘stories’ change) doesn’t mean we don’t see them. Meanwhile, it is way easier to be in a leftist ‘bubble’. I’ve yet to see a single leftist accurately describe their opponent’s positions. They only fight strawman caricatures & mind-read (imagined) motives. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

It's almost as of there are negative consequences to weak workers rights, feeble unions, and at-will employment

Funny, but those who have been fired have been able to successfully sue employers who terminated them for refusing to take the vaccine. Like the members of the military for instance.

Way to shift the conversation rather than admit you were wrong. No big deal. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

It's almost as of there are negative consequences to weak workers rights, feeble unions, and at-will employment

No union workers anywhere had to get the shot? Who knew.

I'd argue these are civil and constitutional rights, not "workers" rights.

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3 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

Your response is intellectually dishonest, and I think you know that. If you don't take this shot, we fire you and you can't take care of your family, but no pressure! Come on that's bull**** and you know it. 

BTW, folks in the military could opt out of the military rather than take the vaccine. 


I was never told I could just quit if I didn't want to vax, and this vaccine was no different then the ones I was forced to take, all vaccines have a % it doesn't work well on or they have side affect that can be dangerous, however in most cases it works with little to none.

never understood all the defiance over taking a shot

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7 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

There are if you smoked a joint the night before

No there isn't! There are side affects IF you smoked the joint, not peeing in the cup. Nothing negative can happen to my body by peeing in a cup.

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4 minutes ago, MantyWrestler said:

No union workers anywhere had to get the shot? Who knew.

I'd argue these are civil and constitutional rights, not "workers" rights.

The government did not force anyone to take the shot. Private employer can impose all sorts of conditions on its workers as long as it's not infringing on the rights of a protected class


" I don't know how vaccines work" is not a protected class

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19 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

Dude, I like reading a lot of what you post. Friendly advise, and I sincerely mean that, stop with the name calling. 

Nobody wins these arguments on the internet. Let's stick to making fun of Rodgers for even thinking he should be a VP candidate. 


How is what I have said any more toxic than the passive-aggressive insinuations & invectives by the plethora of other individuals in this thread?

It’s always the same few ringleaders & their disciples regularly exploiting topics like this thread to take their thinly-veiled shots at other members of the populace. The thread is no more of a toxic cesspit now than before I ever set foot in it. 

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2 minutes ago, turf toe said:

I was never told I could just quit if I didn't want to vax, and this vaccine was no different then the ones I was forced to take, all vaccines have a % it doesn't work well on or they have side affect that can be dangerous, however in most cases it works with little to none.

never understood all the defiance over taking a shot

It's freedom of choice... freedom! They wanted people to be forced to take the shot just to walk around in public. Crazy!

Most vaccines also take years to develop and are thoroughly tested before hand. There were also reports of people having terrible side affects and the government and companies were still basically saying, shut up and take the shot.

This, from a guy who took the shot... why? I have a wife and family and needed my job.

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Just now, TransientTexan said:

How is what I have said any more toxic than the passive-aggressive insinuations & invectives by the plethora of other individuals in this thread?

It’s always the same few ringleaders & their disciples regularly exploiting topics like this thread to take their thinly-veiled shots at other members of the populace. The thread is no more of a toxic cesspit now than before I ever set foot in it. 

I don't disagree, I saw a few of your posts and like I said, like reading a lot of your posts. I don't want the mods to come down on your for name calling. That was all. 

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1 minute ago, Mr Bad Example said:

Not bringing a gun into work is also a condition of continued employment for every non- police department employer I've ever seen.

And the right to bear arms IS an actual constitutional right

Are you sure about that? Pretty sure folks who work in stores that are targets of robbery do in fact have guns at work, for safety and protection. 

But you go ahead and keep grasping at those straws. 

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40 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

I agree with RFK having some good ideas, but why turn your campaign into a circus act with a midget tossing contest? How does anybody take him seriously after that alleged bone-headed move? He becomes a clown as soon as he does that. 

he's an unserious candidate/activist with a mixed-bag of takes. Since I cannot take him seriously I could never vote for him, but he has ideas that are meritorious. Unfortunately I suspect the relationship between the merit of his ideas and the airtime of his ideas will be inversely related.

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