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Brit Pack

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19 hours ago, Mr Bad Example said:

No One was forced by the government to take the vaccine


Well aside from soldiers and sailors.... Although they had the same choice as many private citizens in the case of "get vaccinated or explore other career options"

Other parts of the world we were forced, Canada would not let you travel, leave your province and forced businesses to force employees to get them. In many cases it was search for a new career. Some places up here would not let unvaxed enter their buildings or sites. One of the best facts of all was abortion clinics, strip clubs stayed open, but places of worship were closed bahahaha. 

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19 hours ago, TransientTexan said:

You can tell his types have zero interest in being intellectually honest. Hence why they lie & label people with blanket invectives like “anti-vax” when most of those people had plenty of other vaxxes. They just preferred not to be forced to take a *certain* vax. 

it’s all meant to protect them from actual debate. Just mudsling & slap labels & strawman. The “anti-science” label is another one. 


Well stated TT and I did quote incog but he's blocked me some time ago as it's easier to block those that have a different view point then to discuss with them anything:). 

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20 hours ago, incognito_man said:

Cipolla defines stupidity as (paraphrasing) "behaviors which harm both oneself and society". This, compared to other definitions of:

intelligence: actions that benefit oneself and society

helplessness: actions that benefit society but harm oneself

banditry: actions that benefit oneself but harm society

anti-vaxxers are "stupid" using this definition because very VERY clearly vaccines benefit both the individual and society. Of course rare exceptions exist where some people may be more sensitive to certain vaccine additives (e.g. severe egg allergies) - so it's critical that individuals and their vaccine administrators are aware of the real risks. However, the wide-scale anti-vaccine movement we have today is not science-based and is measurably "stupid" behavior.

Really anyone who did not vax was " stupid ". PRetty shallow on your part bro, Without getting into many details lots had their reasons and to suggest it was for the betterment of society as a whole............WHO FED YOU THAT STORY. You are so critical of AR for doing the same thing you're doing. You just use the rest of society as your cover or justification for your belief. While many, many on the other side can and do suggest otherwise. But your Cipolla agreement covers that off.......right? 

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3 hours ago, PACKRULE said:

Other parts of the world we were forced, Canada would not let you travel, leave your province and forced businesses to force employees to get them. 

We're the US, we don't give a crap about other countries 

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49 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

We're the US, we don't give a crap about other countries 

I wish we'd stop sending them trillions of dollars to fight senseless wars then. 

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56 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

We're the US, we don't give a crap about other countries 

Hahah i thought it depended on who ran it:) But yeah we know the routine....it's why you're so well liked around the world:). 

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7 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

I wish we'd stop sending them trillions of dollars to fight senseless wars then. 

I think that was more of a personal thing from regular humans.....and lending friends money used to pay off with interest or good friends:). 

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6 minutes ago, PACKRULE said:

I think that was more of a personal thing from regular humans.....and lending friends money used to pay off with interest or good friends:). 

Unfortunately our current"good friends" are the Saudis and Israel which....yeah.

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16 minutes ago, Mr Bad Example said:

Unfortunately our current"good friends" are the Saudis and Israel which....yeah.

Well i don't mind some of those Jewish folks myself and well I'm quite certain lots of saudis are ok too it's their leadership that sucks ballz. I mean i'm sure there are good Russians and such too, dam leaders of this world suck bad. 

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4 hours ago, PACKRULE said:

Really anyone who did not vax was " stupid ". PRetty shallow on your part bro, Without getting into many details lots had their reasons and to suggest it was for the betterment of society as a whole............WHO FED YOU THAT STORY. You are so critical of AR for doing the same thing you're doing. You just use the rest of society as your cover or justification for your belief. While many, many on the other side can and do suggest otherwise. But your Cipolla agreement covers that off.......right? 

I never said the person was stupid. But the behavior/choice obviously was. It certainly felt like it at the time to critical thinkers, and history has now shown, with an absolute abundance of data, that not getting the vaccine (for the vast vast majority of folks who don't have knowable risk factors associated with a vaccine) was a measurably "stupid" behavior. Forgoing the vaccine unequivocally increased both individual risk for harm and societal risk of transmission. 

Quite literally a textbook definition of stupid behavior.

If a person makes a single stupid decision (like this was), they are not necessarily a stupid person. But if it becomes a pattern of behavior, then I'm comfortable calling them a habitually stupid person.

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11 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

I never said the person was stupid. But the behavior/choice obviously was. It certainly felt like it at the time to critical thinkers, and history has now shown, with an absolute abundance of data, that not getting the vaccine (for the vast vast majority of folks who don't have knowable risk factors associated with a vaccine) was a measurably "stupid" behavior. Forgoing the vaccine unequivocally increased both individual risk for harm and societal risk of transmission. 

Quite literally a textbook definition of stupid behavior.

If a person makes a single stupid decision (like this was), they are not necessarily a stupid person. But if it becomes a pattern of behavior, then I'm comfortable calling them a habitually stupid person.

I won't get into it really further there are a number of reliable and credible sources that have shown great concern and or harmful reactions and worse from the vax. Risks and other issues that have and are still arising from still and will be for years to come. And no that's not from the flat earth society or other alien believing folks credible but of course likely against your view or side so you would cancel them or call them unreliable.

You call these folks stupid sure, I believe getting it was stupid and i f**king got it.

I trust those folks about as far as I could toss a 400 lbs Oline man I'm 200 so not far.

They yes, they will spin that data all day long that it was better for you, you need it, you'll die without it. Heck we have a gov't touting the Ecar in Canada still talk about a trustworthy source. They steal, give to frriends, lie to us and then when it came to Covid they were telling the truth. Talk about stupid. Trusting billionaires, billionaire pharma companies and gov'ts with my medication and vax is like playing russian roulette with no empty chambers. If you don't think so, I'm unsure how you could not check out the track records of those vax companies and your gov't and others around the world. Sheesh, talk about stupid. How many millions have those pharma companies paid in law suits for breaking rules, cheating and yes killing folks? I was stupid I thought it best for that and i was sadly mistaken i can't go back but wish i could. They lied, are still lying and it will only get worse. 

Either way I'm done chatting about this. WE will agree to disagree. The greater good for society would be loving a neighbor enough to let them make a decision without shaming them by societal standards as they were put on us for this fake crisis. 

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There are plenty of doctors and others in the medical field who refused to take the poison poke in the arm.  There are scientists, engineers attorneys, etc who refused the same.  The side affects for some are very real and well documented.

Taking it or not taking it is a personal choice and neither decision is stupid.  A vaccine that doesn't prevent you from getting the virus, getting sick from the virus, or transmitting it to others is worthless in the opinion of many.  Their opinion has merit.

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