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45 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

Whiffed on the Claypool character read that was clear enough for even the fans to grasp. Surely he doesn’t double down. 

The revisionist history around here is quite impressive sometimes

I just went back and read the First 8 pages of the Claypool Trade thread, and outside of thinking it was too steep of a price (myself included) or saying we could have just drafted Pickens, there isnt really much concern from Bears Fans. And there is nothing that I saw about Character or Attitude mentioned

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10 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

The revisionist history around here is quite impressive sometimes

I just went back and read the First 8 pages of the Claypool Trade thread, and outside of thinking it was too steep of a price (myself included) or saying we could have just drafted Pickens, there isnt really much concern from Bears Fans. And there is nothing that I saw about Character or Attitude mentioned

To be fair a fan's instinct is always to back a move that has been made.   Because there is nothing you can do about it after the fact (or before the fact).

For example, Packer's fans were bashing the trade instantly, but had they made the trade for themselves they would have defended it too.  

Then conversely many of us, myself included, would have been saying he wasn't that good at that time.  And laughed that they gave up a 2nd.  

A lot of fans online were beating drum for a Claypool trade because they liked him in the draft and literally he was best available in a weak WR market (at time).  Hence both Packers and Bears bidding for him.

The best predictor is to ask the fans of the team.   They know their players.   I asked Steelers fans at time and they basically said, he COULD be good IF this and that.  But most of them were like good riddance and I can't believe we got a 2nd.

I didn't like that at all.  Fans that follow their team closely are usually right on their players. 

Conversely Raiders fans were pissed they didn't resign Billings and I took that as a really good sign and he has played to expectations and better.



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3 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

The revisionist history around here is quite impressive sometimes

I just went back and read the First 8 pages of the Claypool Trade thread, and outside of thinking it was too steep of a price (myself included) or saying we could have just drafted Pickens, there isnt really much concern from Bears Fans. And there is nothing that I saw about Character or Attitude mentioned

It is also remarkable how most of your post come in some form of alerting everyone of how wrong they were and how smart you are and that you told us so. Remarkable, but at this point, also expected.

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6 hours ago, dll2000 said:

I really hope Poles doesn’t trade for Jeudy.  

I don't see why he would. When they traded for Claypool the Bears desperately needed to add talent for Fields since WR was more or less neglected all offseason. Mooney has never been a 1 and Claypool and him at least had the potential for two solid 2s to add some sort of passing attack. Unless you're talking a 6th or 7th I don't see the real appeal for Jeudy. He had a pretty good year last year but it was an aberration IMO and he's in the last year of his deal. He sure as hell isn't worth the $10+ mil for a 5th year option either so you're renting a mid guy for 3/4 the season. 


19 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

The revisionist history around here is quite impressive sometimes

I just went back and read the First 8 pages of the Claypool Trade thread, and outside of thinking it was too steep of a price (myself included) or saying we could have just drafted Pickens, there isnt really much concern from Bears Fans. And there is nothing that I saw about Character or Attitude mentioned

I thought there was more of an ego thing than a character concern, but that's pretty common in the league with young promising players. The celebration when he should have been getting the ball to the refs got him slammed due to situational idiocy, but that's wasn't a character concern for me, just a young kid that was too caught up in making a play. Repeating that kind of deal is where character concerns come into play. I was really hopeful he would get focused and he and Mooney could make a solid duo, especially with his size he should have continued to be a plus blocker out there. 

Sucks it was missed but I still feel like he adds enough talent that GB wins at least 1 game vs the Lions since both were super close losses. To see Rodgers leave GB while missing the postseason would be worth the 2nd in itself    lol 

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8 minutes ago, Bigbear72 said:

It is also remarkable how most of your post come in some form of alerting everyone of how wrong they were and how smart you are and that you told us so. Remarkable, but at this point, also expected.

I know, it really must be though having someone level headed in the Bears Forum.

But as you can see, it doesnt really slow any of you down

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4 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

I know, it really must be though having someone level headed in the Bears Forum.

But as you can see, it doesnt really slow any of you down

No. I tend to be pretty level headed about most things and will cop to if I am wrong pretty easily. Just always was curious as to what people got out of being "that guy". 🤷‍♂️

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Just now, Bigbear72 said:

No. I tend to be pretty level headed about most things and will cop to if I am wrong pretty easily. Just always was curious as to what people got out of being "that guy". 🤷‍♂️

Are you confused about what this place is or something? Its an internet forum, a discussion board. You know where people go back and forth about topics?

I have a differing opinion, so I call out what I disagree with, so then Im "that guy"? (whatever that means). Then I guess everyone that posts here is a "that guy". Other than you of course.

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16 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

Are you confused about what this place is or something? Its an internet forum, a discussion board. You know where people go back and forth about topics?

I have a differing opinion, so I call out what I disagree with, so then Im "that guy"? (whatever that means). Then I guess everyone that posts here is a "that guy". Other than you of course.

Nope. I just think most times points can be made without the need to unnecessarily ridicule or put down other people.

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Also, to be clear, I think that we all take jabs at each other in good fun. I have had them taken at me on multiple occasions. You have every right to have your opinion. I just find it amusing that most of time that I see you post its to point out how you knew something all along and that everyone else is unreasonably stupid.

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1 hour ago, StLunatic88 said:

The revisionist history around here is quite impressive sometimes

I just went back and read the First 8 pages of the Claypool Trade thread, and outside of thinking it was too steep of a price (myself included) or saying we could have just drafted Pickens, there isnt really much concern from Bears Fans. And there is nothing that I saw about Character or Attitude mentioned

His TikTok/diva antics and lack of production towards the end of his Steelers stint was public knowledge before the trade went down. Everyone knew about it. Even the bears fans that disliked the trade were optimistic Poles knew what he was doing and that we could milk Claypool for any ability he had and get him focused. It was a positive at the very least that the fo saw we were lacking and made any effort to address it. I also went through that thread weeks ago and I think I was positive despite scouting Claypool in Pit naturally and disliking his (false) production (and my best friend is a Steelers fan so I’ve heard incessant complaints about the guy before too). I think the biggest positive to it in the moment was that we kept him out of GB, where AR likely would’ve gotten the most out of him. 

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Who played better against Denver overall?  Mahomes or Fields?

Mahomes is better football player.  Not saying Fields is better.  That is part of point.  Fields looked better.  Fields lost and Mahomes won.  Mahomes is better.  

Lots of things in football matter.  And lots of things go into a W or L.   Many variables.

You can't look at stats or Ws and Ls alone when assessing players.   You can do that more in other sports.  Not in football.

Lots of variables in football.

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