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3 hours ago, MookieMonster said:

Wait...How did I get converted? I protected myself every night? Im also intoxicayed right now so full explanation please

When we lynched ET and therefore won bcb asked us if we wanted you to win with us given that you were the last civ that could be converted out of the 4 remaining

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how disappointing that people didn't go after Touch after I died.

my misread of Bucs was the only thing I got wrong, everything else was legit correct information.

I shouldn't have doubled down on the ONLY piece of information that was speculation and not truly confirmed information.


man, I had such an epic plan going

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20 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

i lept a log of nights 1-5




Dome recruits ns

Math tries tyty

Ty tries bucs

Touch tries whicker

Mookie protects Math

TK3 investigates ted

Whicker  tracks md4l

MD4L kills



Dome tries ted

Math tries dome

Ty recruits tk3

Touch recruits ns9

Mookie protects Math

TK3 watches ET

Whicker  tracks ted



Dome tries untouch

Math recruits tk3

Ty recruits Ted

Touch tries ET

Mookie protects Math

TK3 kills math

Whicker  tracks Dome



Ty tries ns

Mookie protects himself

Tk3 investigates touch

Ns kills dome

Dome tries mookie

Touch tries hockey

Whicker tracks touch



Touch recruits ted

Tyty recruits Whicker

Whicker tracks tyty

Tk3 tracks mookie

Mookie protects himself

Hockey kills tk3

Why didn't Bucs get converted though?

I banked my game on the speculation that his unconvertableness (let's pretend that is a word) was because he was a cult leader

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18 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

I also made my first actual slip this game but luckily the only people who would know it was a slip would have ousted themselves by pointing it out.

My original plan was to just let people give away the information an expose themselves as being "too knowing"

But then I wound up stuck on NHL and helpless and figured it would be more fun to blow it up and start accusing

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18 hours ago, bucsfan333 said:

I spent too much time trying to figure out Tk's claim. I gave him too much credit, figuring there was a framer or something. I didn't think he'd be dumb enough to fake a claim with a list of guys and go after me first, knowing that I wasn't a cult leader. 

I figured there wouldn't be a framer role for cult leaders, but it was too late. Should've spent more time fighting it instead of trying to figure it out.

I spent most of the game not knowing what was going on. By the time I kind of had a grasp on what was going on, it was too late.

Good game, bcb.

It was a confusing situation. I had enough background information that I was willing to risk it.

I didn't account for the fact that some players couldn't be converted by some factions.


The downfall of this setup, was that those who were truly NOT in the know, they were so screwed. They either had to be converted eventually, or lose. There was no winning as a civ this game.

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13 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

how disappointing that people didn't go after Touch after I died.

my misread of Bucs was the only thing I got wrong, everything else was legit correct information.

I shouldn't have doubled down on the ONLY piece of information that was speculation and not truly confirmed information.


man, I had such an epic plan going

That's what threw me off so much. You seemed so sure about everything. I didn't understand why you were pushing me over the others on your list.

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

That's what threw me off so much. You seemed so sure about everything. I didn't understand why you were pushing me over the others on your list.


Well, dome was hit, so he was off the table.

And I still had the chat with Tyty/Ted, AND they seemed to think I was still with them. So it didn't make sense to burn that bridge just yet. I thought that if I could gain knowledge on who they recruited next, I could use that information to "fake" more claims.

It seemed like a good setup, and I truly thought the information was correct, so I rolled with it.

I thought my "come clean" post would at least give people a roadmap after I was dead (especially after the Tyty information proved true). Untouch needed to be the next death.

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

I thought my "come clean" post would at least give people a roadmap after I was dead (especially after the Tyty information proved true). Untouch needed to be the next death.

At the very least it should have forced Untouch's crew to take me out. A civ shouldn't have done that dirty work for him.

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3 minutes ago, Tk3 said:


Well, dome was hit, so he was off the table.

And I still had the chat with Tyty/Ted, AND they seemed to think I was still with them. So it didn't make sense to burn that bridge just yet. I thought that if I could gain knowledge on who they recruited next, I could use that information to "fake" more claims.

It seemed like a good setup, and I truly thought the information was correct, so I rolled with it.

I thought my "come clean" post would at least give people a roadmap after I was dead (especially after the Tyty information proved true). Untouch needed to be the next death.

Yeah I had no idea you could be claimed by another cult until I got claimed for a 2nd time myself

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1 hour ago, Tk3 said:

At the very least it should have forced Untouch's crew to take me out. A civ shouldn't have done that dirty work for him.

By that point they didn’t really stand a chance. I had two others with me so everyone else would have had to vote me to get me lynched. Luckily for me the random hit fell to hockey who knew I visited him and he didn’t get recruited. 

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