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Mascot Mafia Sign Up and Thread


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2 hours ago, Tyty said:

Well I think the exact opposite. I'm pretty much sure malf is a civ and bucs is most likely mafia. I trust his claim and if you don't get lynched tonight I think he should use his move on you tonight. 


2 hours ago, Tyty said:

Ugh I just realized something. Mathman knowing what the mafia is called doesn't mean he's cleared as detective for civs. It could mean he is in the mafia so he knows what it's called and is false claiming. It would make sense with his weird excuses about how he is doing Christmas stuff. 


2 hours ago, Tyty said:

So I'm back to thinking no one is cleared now. 


51 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Why Sanchez, math? He has been posting very infrequently, as has hockey it seems like. Is that it?


50 minutes ago, Tyty said:

One of The guys on you has to be mafia, imo math. 


49 minutes ago, Tyty said:

You were gone for sure if you didn't do that so while it is kinda lame you claimed if you hadn't civs would've lost a key role. 

 Tyty is all over the place when it comes to mathman. He was also connected to him when he said “math says nhl is mafia” when malf didn’t say that he just said they exist

its interesting for sure.

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2 minutes ago, MathMan said:

How about this?

let me do 2 more invests.

If I don't find mafia, lynch me, and then we know the 4 clears are good, and it's auto-win probably.

If I find mafia, lynch them.

If I get killed by mafia, then you know I'm clear.


I'm willing to bet on myself that I can find mafia.

I was going to invest tyty tonight, but it might be better for him to hard claim, and then we can try to figure out if he's lying (or get cc's)

Utley should be one to watch imho. He's been very quiet, much more than in the Lumberjack mafia

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Just now, TedLavie said:

Utley should be one to watch imho. He's been very quiet, much more than in the Lumberjack mafia

+ N2, where I didn't see him post, was much longer than N1, when he posted. Doesn't prove anything, but he's one I suspect.

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4 minutes ago, MathMan said:

How about this?

let me do 2 more invests.

If I don't find mafia, lynch me, and then we know the 4 clears are good, and it's auto-win probably.

If I find mafia, lynch them.

If I get killed by mafia, then you know I'm clear.


I'm willing to bet on myself that I can find mafia.

I was going to invest tyty tonight, but it might be better for him to hard claim, and then we can try to figure out if he's lying (or get cc's)

Can’t really say I Iike you asking for a specific amount of nights.

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5 minutes ago, MathMan said:

How about this?

let me do 2 more invests.

If I don't find mafia, lynch me, and then we know the 4 clears are good, and it's auto-win probably.

If I find mafia, lynch them.


You’re scum and you’re using your knowledge of who is scum to “clear” people that you “investigated” as I’ve said several times, mafia can clear anyone

I think you might be Godfather type that’s immune to investigation or maybe survive your first lynch and that’s why you were OK playing so open early in the game and wanting to get close with me cause you really did see me as a clear civ and wanted to get someone on your side.

I’ve never heard of an investigator asking for just “two more” invests.

Didn’t @bucsfan333 mention an arsonist role? Isn’t this exactly how an arsonist role would work?

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4 minutes ago, MookieMonster said:

I totally agree that Malf is playing a bit sketchy, but he's the uncc'd detective... Lynching him would be horrible for town if he turns up detective.

I get it. unless I'm 100 percent cleared, I'm a suspect.

Is a little frustrating, but I get it

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1 hour ago, MathMan said:

sanchez--1, ted

tyty--2--et, mookie

math--3--bucs, tk3, dome

bucs - 2 (tyty, math




Sorry, I'm getting frustrated, but it's mostly because I missed on my first 2 invests.

I will calm down. Even if I'm lynched, we are in decent shape.

Guessing the ratio was 13-3-1, 12-4-1, or 12-3-2 to start.

So now it's 11-3, 10-4, or 10-3-1

Probably 3 or 4 civ specials: Me, Whicker, tyty

There might be one more, but any more and tyty is probably lying (from my pov)

With this ratio, a hitless mafia isn't out of the question, which we should find out tonight.


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2 minutes ago, MathMan said:

then why hasn't the detective cc'ed?

I have no idea, but think it’s entirely possible there is no detective in a bcb game. Last game mafia barely had hits. And so far this game looks pretty slow in the hit regard as well.

IMO everything we know or assume about the s game should be put on the backburner

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