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Week 6 GDT: Ravens vs Titans in London


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Just now, Mesa_Titan said:

Seriously dude, you can't keep saying things when you have no clue what you're talking about. We had no chance to get Stroud.

The rest of this is 100% true and you know it. If you want to argue we didn't have a chance at Stroud then fine, argue away. But what about the rest of it?

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4 minutes ago, lovetitans said:

The rest of this is 100% true and you know it. If you want to argue we didn't have a chance at Stroud then fine, argue away. But what about the rest of it?

The rest can be argued, other than Dilliard. I think Brunskill and Skor have done fine, below average definitely not. Have to fix the tackle spots, no doubt. But you can't judge a GM after one year, especially when he hasn't even been the GM for one year yet...

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1 hour ago, lovetitans said:

Well, I'm not saying fire the GM but this first year is not very inspiring. Dillard has been benched, Sean murphy bunting is currently a member of possibly the worst group of corners in football, Brunskil is a very below average guard on a terrible O line, Key has been invisible since week 2, Al-Shaair has been decent and Hopkins has been probably the only "good" free agent signing. Skoronski has been decent as a draft pick but certainly not what we expected from the player who most analyst talked about the most pro ready player in the draft and an instant competitor for the pro bowl as a rookie. Spears is the only draft pick having a true significant impact from his first draft and we Openly wanted CJ Stroud who is already playing lightyears better then our QB's and we didn't pull the trigger on that trade. instead we traded a future 3rd round pick to grab Levis who hasn't even been able to beat out Willis to be active on game days. 

Its not a very inspiring start for him. But I will say I believe Vrabel's presence on this team and his unwillingness to adjust his philosophy is more to blame than anything.  

sean murphy bunting is literally like the only good DB on the team right now lol

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This is what happens when your front office & HC is still not on the same page. We literally should’ve committed to a full rebuild why I just don’t understand. We should’ve traded the farm for stroud off vrabel strongly felt he was our QB. I can’t say it enough. It’s a QB driven league Dayum some picks if a QB your guy you go get him, he’s the deciding factor in wins & loses. If not trade up for #1 pick to get stroud, commit to a full rebuild an acquire picks for the future. Now we’re bout to see how good of a coach vrabel really is, I’ve been saying it for yrs I’m not that impressed with him, he’s fisher 2.0. 1st of all he inherited a playoff winning team, & he simply had the advantage of playing in a weak division we’re we had the best QB for years. Those days are over. Henry won’t win us games, why because the OL is patch work & a below average. Tannehill is no longer serviceable as a game manager to make matters worst. 1 of you guys said it best I couldn’t agree more but the titans window closed the day our idiot GM decided to trade potentially the best WR in titan history, I hate that I called it happening & kinda spoke it into existence but I just had the feeling, based on how contract talks were going, & how J Rob had an arrogance to him based on decision making.

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That being said in all honesty I don’t think Willis, nor Levis is the answer truth be told as long as vrabel is the coach we are stuck. He’s not an innovator, he’s stubborn, & he’s starting to remind me of a Belichick wanna be, who’s also struggled at the QB position, struggling to hire good coordinators, develop a QB, & draft skill position players since the goat left NE. Vrabel is a problem it wasn’t just J Rob, how can you constantly go into each offseason & fail to upgrade the skills position by getting guys with speed. We are so Frucking slow as an offense. We are a dial up offense where majority of the league is running wifi 

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tiny shred of a silver lining: once we got the NPF-skoronski duo in there on the left side they were moving guys in the run game more than i think i’ve seen all year. i’m not convinced NPF is the answer at LT but i’m glad we’re gonna try to find out.

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