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Super Bowl: San Francisco 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs

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16 hours ago, NcFinest9erFan said:

Yeah in the end it doesn't really matter.

Score, play def, win.

Kick, they score, we can't, they win.

At the end of the day doesn't matter.

If we'd play the perfect game, there is no OT.

Not even perfect...

Just don't shoot yourself in the foot and we win going away.

Edited by 757-NINER
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5 hours ago, Forge said:

Twitter seems more your speed

ok. and NBCsportsBayArea seems like yours



3 hours ago, 757-NINER said:

Just don't shoot yourself in the foot and we win gping away.

it all goes hand in hand fellas. not knowing the rules, shooting self in foot, being cute for the mic, getting sloshed for the media, owner taking a bow before the super bowl... on and on it goes. when mistakes are made in the big game again... it all adds up. once is an accident, two is trend, three is a problem

i'm not being a troll..... there's inherent issues here

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1 hour ago, Herodreamer79 said:

ok. and NBCsportsBayArea seems like yours


My guy, everywhere is my speed. You know why? Because I have my own opinions, they are typically pretty strong opinions, and I'll discuss them until I'm blue in the face. Sometimes, I'm over aggressive in my opinion when people disagree. And I like having people that both agree and disagree with me because I learn things and every now and again, I have my mind changed. But these reasons are why I  don't need the coddling reassurance of an echo chamber. 

I can think that Grant Cohn and David Lombardi are both jackasses while also thinking that they are capable of making a good point about something. It's my super power. 

See, now here's the thing. You asked the question on how people felt about that. And people actually took a moment out to give it some thought and reply. But you weren't actually interested in their opinion. At least not if it didn't align with yours. You didn't offer a counter, you didn't even give reasons why you may have felt different. You simply attacked those opinions by saying those people had stockholm syndrome. What that tells me is that you were interested in maybe a couple of different things: 

1) A bubble that only supports your own opinions, or 

2) You really just wanted an opportunity to vent and you thought that getting other people to do that first would allow you to let it out. I dunno, maybe you thought it would make you look bad or something. 

And here's the thing, man. If you want to vent, let that out, man. It's all good. We've all been there. Hell, I love GDT and how crazy I get to be. You missed a great time with me in 2021 when we traded up to #3. You can just let it out. Now, some people may disagree with you and reply to your post, those are the dangers of a message board, but we all also get it. And a lot of us have different opinions. 

Do you think that you're the first person in this thread that has brought this stuff up? You're not. 

There are definitely people on this forum who don't like me. And there are people I almost certainly who I do not get along with. And you know what, we still have common ground and we still have stuff that we vehemently disagree about. There are a lot of individuals on here who have known each other for over a decade. Veterans of the Alex Smith wars. We've been through it. Trust me, we don't always share the same opinions. 

I don't believe that in order to be critical of Kyle, that you need to be critical of everything Kyle does, and not everything that Kyle does or doesn't do is a larger indictment of his ability to win. It doesn't really take a lot of reading with regards to my posts to see where I just don't align with Kyle....even remotely a little. And this goes back years, two super bowl appearances be damned. He's not perfect and will merit criticism, but not everything requires criticism either. I'm sorry if that upsets you. But by all means, please feel free to tell us why these specific things matter to you or what you actually think is the issue. I'd love to know them. I keep asking why it matters if the players know the rules because in my mind it just doesn't, but nobody has given me an answer yet and I'd love to get one. 


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2 hours ago, Forge said:

There are a lot of individuals on here who have known each other for over a decade. Veterans of the Alex Smith wars. We've been through it. Trust me, we don't always share the same opinions. 


This is one of the last places on the internet where it feels like I am surrounded by people.  I turn off the news after these losses, and take about a month off from football scouting and stuff. 

How much smarter are we all than back then.  Do you remember breaking down every second of an Alex Smith checkdown pass that bounced off a dudes hands?  Collectively, as a group, the knowledge base and understanding of the game is just one click better than it was then.  I know I have learned a hell of a lot about football from everyone in here.

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3 hours ago, Forge said:

My guy, everywhere is my speed. You know why? Because I have my own opinions, they are typically pretty strong opinions, and I'll discuss them until I'm blue in the face. Sometimes, I'm over aggressive in my opinion when people disagree. And I like having people that both agree and disagree with me because I learn things and every now and again, I have my mind changed. But these reasons are why I  don't need the coddling reassurance of an echo chamber. 

I can think that Grant Cohn and David Lombardi are both jackasses while also thinking that they are capable of making a good point about something. It's my super power. 

See, now here's the thing. You asked the question on how people felt about that. And people actually took a moment out to give it some thought and reply. But you weren't actually interested in their opinion. At least not if it didn't align with yours. You didn't offer a counter, you didn't even give reasons why you may have felt different. You simply attacked those opinions by saying those people had stockholm syndrome. What that tells me is that you were interested in maybe a couple of different things: 

1) A bubble that only supports your own opinions, or 

2) You really just wanted an opportunity to vent and you thought that getting other people to do that first would allow you to let it out. I dunno, maybe you thought it would make you look bad or something. 

And here's the thing, man. If you want to vent, let that out, man. It's all good. We've all been there. Hell, I love GDT and how crazy I get to be. You missed a great time with me in 2021 when we traded up to #3. You can just let it out. Now, some people may disagree with you and reply to your post, those are the dangers of a message board, but we all also get it. And a lot of us have different opinions. 

Do you think that you're the first person in this thread that has brought this stuff up? You're not. 

There are definitely people on this forum who don't like me. And there are people I almost certainly who I do not get along with. And you know what, we still have common ground and we still have stuff that we vehemently disagree about. There are a lot of individuals on here who have known each other for over a decade. Veterans of the Alex Smith wars. We've been through it. Trust me, we don't always share the same opinions. 

I don't believe that in order to be critical of Kyle, that you need to be critical of everything Kyle does, and not everything that Kyle does or doesn't do is a larger indictment of his ability to win. It doesn't really take a lot of reading with regards to my posts to see where I just don't align with Kyle....even remotely a little. And this goes back years, two super bowl appearances be damned. He's not perfect and will merit criticism, but not everything requires criticism either. I'm sorry if that upsets you. But by all means, please feel free to tell us why these specific things matter to you or what you actually think is the issue. I'd love to know them. I keep asking why it matters if the players know the rules because in my mind it just doesn't, but nobody has given me an answer yet and I'd love to get one. 



i made my stance clear. if the stockholm syndrome comment triggered everyone then i apologize. i'm really not upset. just... confused by the dismissiveness  of some alarming things that came out of the mic'd up vid (when you add the other stuff around this teams big losses it paints a troubling picture).

i don't understand the whole "twitter style" comment. what i was pointing to came from the horses mouths.  

i dont have anything more to add to this.


it's all gotten a bit silly. 


2 hours ago, 49erurtaza said:

Classy smackdown by @Forge 👏

case and point

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13 hours ago, jonnguy2015 said:

"Embarrassed" is a strong way to put winning after a full quarter of OT

The title is click baitey for sure, but to be clear, Alex isn't wrong about Shanny kind of losing this one against spags. 

I mentioned it leading up to the game, and I have harped on it after. I had a lot of issues with how Shanny handled some of the in game call set ups, sequencing, etc but I also have concerns about what is happening to his offense (specifically his passing offense) in the playoffs since he's been with the niners. 

Is it a Shanny thing? Is it a QB thing? The two are inextricably linked, which makes it difficult. Shanny's passing offense has not been as effective in the playoffs with Jimmy and Brock. That much we can say with relative certainty. Some of that has involved some crappy weather (2 games against Green Bay), but even still, the best I can say about the passing game is that its mostly disjointed. Brock's numbers across the board are way down compared to what he does in the regular season. Now, some of that is to be expected. You're playing the best of the best....but kind of feels like this is hitting him pretty hard statistically even if I think he's doing okay via the eye test. 

In 2016 with Atlanta, the falcons only put up 21 in the super bowl. Maybe that's the BB impact, but the two games before they lit up the packers and seahawks (80 points in those 2 games). 

Now, the other item that has been consistent with the niners since Shanny got here is the offensive line. It's basically been consistently bad. This chiefs game and the Dallas game last year were the only two games where I think the pressure was a major issue all game, though in the previous super bowl Chris Jones obviously terrorized the niners in the 4th quarter and I feel like the Rams really took over up front in the 4th. So if its the line, I have concerns that he just refusing to significantly address it. That's on him as well. So he's not looking better with that lol. 

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