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The Acolyte - June 4th


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2 hours ago, Kiltman said:

Jedi actually being idiots who miss stuff constantly is about as canonically accurate as it could get though 

Each Jedi we’ve ever met has been an idiot at one point or another.

I see the seams of the show, but that one isn’t really a bridge too far.

Stupidity can certainly be a thing for characters in media, as obviously everyone in life does stupid things, so natural that only transfers to characters in stories too.

But a situation where an entire group of jedi(multiple of them being masters) end up dead and the person blamed for it is a well liked and well respected Jedi Master in a time where we're told in the prequels that things had been peaceful for 1,000 years not raising every red flag available for Yoda and other masters of the order is just hard to come to grips with.

While maybe argument can be made that Yoda didn't sense these things or whatever because it had been peaceful for so long and he rested on his laurels, him being told about the events should bring up many questions.

#1 - Why wasn't he informed sooner?

#2 - Why did Sol go from highly respected/liked jedi master to murderer of what, 10? or so jedi without anyone noticing any changes in his demeanor/actions/personality/etc?

#3 - Given Sol did these things, the question of did the dark side influence him and should they be concerned about another dark side user existing? Yoda is aware of the rule of 2, as we find out in The Phantom Menace, and legends says it's well known among jedi in general(which I guess can take as canon or not depending on your opinion of legends, but Yoda definitely knows if no one else does).

#4 - Yet again, given Sol is blamed for this, Yoda and the jedi in general should now be on alert. If they were extremely lackadaisical in their actions before hand, this should end that immediately. Jedi don't just up and decide to go on a murder spree without some kind of dark influence in them.

"For 800 years have I trained jedi"(though I guess this timeframe cuts it to like 700ish? lol). Yoda should be the last person to believe Sol just did a complete 180 for no good reason.

If there's going to be a season 2, the writers are going to have about 6 billion hoops to jump through to explain how Yoda and the council just buys all this.

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5 hours ago, TitanLegend said:

Stupidity can certainly be a thing for characters in media, as obviously everyone in life does stupid things, so natural that only transfers to characters in stories too.

But a situation where an entire group of jedi(multiple of them being masters) end up dead and the person blamed for it is a well liked and well respected Jedi Master in a time where we're told in the prequels that things had been peaceful for 1,000 years not raising every red flag available for Yoda and other masters of the order is just hard to come to grips with.

While maybe argument can be made that Yoda didn't sense these things or whatever because it had been peaceful for so long and he rested on his laurels, him being told about the events should bring up many questions.

#1 - Why wasn't he informed sooner?

#2 - Why did Sol go from highly respected/liked jedi master to murderer of what, 10? or so jedi without anyone noticing any changes in his demeanor/actions/personality/etc?

#3 - Given Sol did these things, the question of did the dark side influence him and should they be concerned about another dark side user existing? Yoda is aware of the rule of 2, as we find out in The Phantom Menace, and legends says it's well known among jedi in general(which I guess can take as canon or not depending on your opinion of legends, but Yoda definitely knows if no one else does).

#4 - Yet again, given Sol is blamed for this, Yoda and the jedi in general should now be on alert. If they were extremely lackadaisical in their actions before hand, this should end that immediately. Jedi don't just up and decide to go on a murder spree without some kind of dark influence in them.

"For 800 years have I trained jedi"(though I guess this timeframe cuts it to like 700ish? lol). Yoda should be the last person to believe Sol just did a complete 180 for no good reason.

If there's going to be a season 2, the writers are going to have about 6 billion hoops to jump through to explain how Yoda and the council just buys all this.

Yoda and palpatine had hour long conversations (probably amounting to like a couple hundred since palpatine was chancellor for like 10-15 years?)about the senate's relationship with the jedi. 

Yoda may be wise as as a tree frog on shrooms but perception he does not have.

View the jedi as the marshals who are supposed to remain independent, there's gonna be a few bad eggs in a pool of like 15-30,000. 

The entire prequels is literally about how the jedi council are blind to the rise of the sith and cheerfully root for it until they get cut down.

Thematically it all makes sense but there's some jank. Sol takes his own life and force chokes himself ? Hmmm..... Kills 10-12 jedi because he felt guilty about what happened on Brendok? Including his apprentice who had nothing to do with it...?

Rip Dafne Keen best character in this show.

Also real world comparisons, cops. Jedi are space cops or knights. Both models definitely had their bad share of eggs.

What's easier to believe the hidden story or the "murder spree by whacko man who inhaled too much despair because he is a failure and murderer?"

But god no to season 2 let this slowly fade into obscurity and just let her do something not confined to the modern era of star wars. 

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Honestly - take the focus of the show away from the "twins" or whatever they are and focus on Qimir and Plageuis and the Jedi and you might have had something. 

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2 hours ago, D82 said:

Honestly - take the focus of the show away from the "twins" or whatever they are and focus on Qimir and Plageuis and the Jedi and you might have had something. 

Almost like they should've been the protagonist the whole and were easily the most interesting character.

Seriously switch the POV of this show and you probably have a very good star wars show....but we need the human side and the good characters to root for.

if we do get a season 2 I need Qimir and Osha to be the focus, small scaled focused on just exploring the dark side and their adventures as they go around doing dumb sith stuff.

Writers why you do this.

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9 hours ago, Xmad said:

Almost like they should've been the protagonist the whole and were easily the most interesting character.

Seriously switch the POV of this show and you probably have a very good star wars show....but we need the human side and the good characters to root for.

if we do get a season 2 I need Qimir and Osha to be the focus, small scaled focused on just exploring the dark side and their adventures as they go around doing dumb sith stuff.

Writers why you do this.

Disney has a habit of doing this. Ashoka wasn’t the main focal point of her show and it ruined it. Obi-Wan felt the need to make Leia a main point in the show and it ruined it. 

I feel like they have the basis of good stuff going but then they feel the need to try and cram so much into a show and it detracts from the overall product. 

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On 7/17/2024 at 4:35 PM, Fresh Prince said:

Doesn’t the crystal make the color of the saber. Was it suppose to be a damaged  crystal changed colors?

In Legends yes, red was a color.  In Disney canon, the crystal does make the color of the saber, but evil acts ‘bleed’ the crystal red.  

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On 7/17/2024 at 5:58 PM, TitanLegend said:

So everyone and their brother might as well have been aware of all the jedi dying, Yoda somehow didn't sense it(even though he could sense things like Anakin killing Tusken Raiders), and is now going to have Vernestra lie straight to his face(I assume) and not know it.

This show should have never seen the light of day.

The Jedi Temple is built on a nexus of the dark side which probably blinds the Jedi to many things about the Sith.  

We’re also in a point in the timeline where a bunch of Jedi just died from a group of pirates who ransacked parts of the galaxy and had animals who ‘fed’ on Force users, so there is probably some residual ‘damage’ to what the Jedi are perceiving through the Force.  

And while we haven’t finished the Nihil story arc……I’m betting it was a front by the Sith to hid their motives.  

Personally, I think the biggest affront to this story is saying that Osha and Mae are powerful Force beings, but Osha, along with Qimir, are going to be defeated by Plagueis and replaced by Frank in due time. 

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On 7/10/2024 at 1:13 PM, adamq said:

The initial secrecy around who the big bad is, plus the reveal, soured me at first on the show. But the most recent episode/getting past that has turned me around.. It was unnecessary (and how were we supposed to believe this weak weirdo traversed a dangerous jungle on another planet by himself, on a whim, to help out this girl who.. doesn't like him but is always around?) 

Sol is pretty dumb, but aren't all jedi? I dig his character, it took too long for us to see an Asian jedi.

again I am a sucker for all of this live action Star Wars stuff, though. 😂


I am sorry for your loss. lol.

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Instruction for Mae was to kill jedi knights without weapon may suggest Qimir's primary goal was to have Osha as his apprentice.  If Mae used a saber to kill a jedi, its light would be bled in red.  If so, Qimir may have to kill Mae in order to open a spot for Osha.  It could create serious problem because Osha would never forgive him nor join with him afterwards.   Qimir is definitely one of the smartest dark jedis.


I would expect a heavy storyline about Qimir and his former master should the series come back for 2nd season. Vernestra reporting to Yoda about her former pupil turning evil and the possibility of active 2 (Qimir and Osha) may keep Plagueis hidden well from Yoda.   That way Yoda wont know the current existence of actual Sith of 2 until Sidious' time.


Qimir Rules!



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23 hours ago, D82 said:

Disney has a habit of doing this. Ashoka wasn’t the main focal point of her show and it ruined it. Obi-Wan felt the need to make Leia a main point in the show and it ruined it. 

I feel like they have the basis of good stuff going but then they feel the need to try and cram so much into a show and it detracts from the overall product. 

Meh Ahsoka's show worked fine I feel the sabine element just felt flat. 

That's a fair point, outside of Andor which very much knows what it wants to be there really isn't a star wars show that focuses on it's core story. Not counting the animation stuff because that is basically just dave filoni and friends doing what they want lol.

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I’ve also got to say that, no matter what people may feel about the plot, storytelling, etc…….the lightsaber fights, especially the final duel with Qimir and Sol, were some of the best Star Wars cinematic things ever seen.  They did a fantastic job choreographing those.  

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