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The Acolyte - June 4th


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1 hour ago, thrILL! said:

The Star Wars fan base in a nutshell tbh. 

You forgot to add the people getting upset at the trailer because theres no men, no white people and there being women characters in the show.

Edited by Sad People
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I’m interested to see them branch out eras wise. Never read any of the newer novels. But will be interesting to see like peak Jedi.

At some point Star Wars can’t stay in the same 60 year period.

Trailer was…fine. Not nearly as dark as I’d hoped from early talks and the teaser poster.

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4 hours ago, D82 said:

Why are we playing around with someone with a knife and not just...y'know...cutting their arm off or ending them with a lightsaber?

Taking meme speedrun **** like this seriously i guess?



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14 hours ago, Sad People said:

You forgot to add the people getting upset at the trailer because theres no men, no white people and there being women characters in the show.

Please stop doing this. It's a built in excuse for Disney to continue making crap.

Ahsoka was widely praised. She was a she, not a man and not white. Nobody batted an eye.

It is my theory and my belief that the percentage of complaints in film look something like this:

3% people with miserable lives who just like hating on things.
1% actually racist/sexist/homophobic. 
96% who genuinely feel the movie/show is not good.

By saying it's a racist/sexist/orientationist thing, you are giving Disney a free pass to continue making crap products.

Terminator 2, Aliens. Two of the biggest man card movies in existence. Meaning, if a man hasan't seen them you can't really call them a man. Nobody gives a crap the leads are female. Nobody. They're well-written, well-acted characters that just happened to be women. 

Star Wars. Friggin Star Wars, the OG. The original damn trilogy. You had Princess Leia. Carrie Fischer is probably like a 6 on the Hollywood actress attraction scale and yet every neckbeard you think is complaining about women in movies was in love with her. Lando became a fan favorite even after he betrayed the main characters in Empire Strikes Back. Nobody cared he was black. Nobody.

Nobody gave a crap Rey was the lead until Rey was a Mary Sue with no actual personality nor character nor vulnerability nor single solitary character flaw. Her character flaw was she wanted to know who she was. That's it. That's literally the character flaw they scrambled to come up with.

Nobody cares if a character is gay, straight, female, black, white, literally anything as long as it's not a DEI inclusion with no real point. Rose was a DEI inclusion. They had nothing for her character. It was embarrassing how they tried. John Boyega? Same thing. One of the best young actors in Hollywood right now and he might as well have been called DEI. Even he will tell you he had no point, no arc, nothing. He was literally a token black guy. Zero, not a single solitary purpose for his character. Not one. 

If you look up complaints for the sequel trilogy, if you go through every single solitary complaint and made a pie chart, you're looking at a sliver - a blip - of people complaining about the sexual orientation, race or gender of characters. You'll see a rather large slice about the depiction of Luke, and then a massive fat friggin 600 pound man size slice about how none of the characters had any sort of individuality, character, purpose and how the entire plot had no purpose. The actors have all admitted to this. Adam Driver did an interview where he said his original arc was supposed to be the exact opposite of Darth Vader's. Instead of uncertainty leading to a return to the light side, Kylo Ren was supposed to start out uncertain and then fully embrace the dark side. In the middle, Disney decided to let Rian Johnson completely shred any sort of plan and do whatever TF he wanted with some DEI wild goose chase thrown in.  

I don't care if there is a quadruple amputee who identifies as an octopus. If the character is well-written with his own inner motivations (that make sense) and he fits into the overarching narrative in a strong, beneficial and complimentary way, great! 

I am so sick of Disney getting off the hook for terrible crap by people saying, "Racists! Racists!" 

The series is crap. The entire thing is crap. I remember years ago, before the first sequel was released, I finally started watching Clone Wars. Ahsoka was my favorite character in it BY FAR and my biggest hope for the sequels was that they would bring her in. Well, she's not even in the sequel movie series, but she has her own damn series and I still haven't watched it because I'm so jaded with the overall lack of direction and cohesion in the current Star Wars universe.

And you can go back on here and you'd see that I was the BIGGEST defender of The Last Jedi. For an entire year I tried convincing myself and others it wasn't complete trash. It is. It's complete trash. So while people like you sit there and blame sexism and racism, Disney gets to sit back and avoid any backlash whatsoever and continue making subpar, inferior Star Wars movies and television and rake in billions for every new character they can sell the plastic version of to kids. 


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13 hours ago, Kiltman said:

I’m interested to see them branch out eras wise. Never read any of the newer novels. But will be interesting to see like peak Jedi.

At some point Star Wars can’t stay in the same 60 year period.

Trailer was…fine. Not nearly as dark as I’d hoped from early talks and the teaser poster.

I think they’re going for the Jedi’s “weakness” of some sort, as mentioned by Mace and Yoda in the prequels.  Already in the High Republic era, a non-force user is leading a band of pirates/mauraders called the Nihil and he has control over creatures who hunt Force-Sensitives and the Jedi are powerless to fight them.  This could always be shown, either in this show or the novels (or both), that the Nihil are ultimately a distraction from the Sith, since from the trailer they clearly show a red lightsaber.  

There is also a coven of witches shown in the trailer, so we have to see where their allegiances lie as well.  

Also, if you go back to the Legends Darth Plagueis novel, the machinations that Palpatine concluded were going on well before he came into being, and like him, the Sith hide in plain sight. Plagueis was a Muun who went by Hego Damask, and was in charge of the Intergalactic Banking Clan and wielded the most power of anyone not in the Republic, setting up a lot of the political alliances that would lead to the Separatists, and he guided the Trade Federation gaining power and a seat in the Senate.  His Master, Darth Tenebrous, was a Bith who was a renowned shipbuilder named Rugess Nome, and it was a sign of your elite status to have a ship designed by him.  

I’m cautiously excited if we’re exploring the rise of the Sith, and potentially leading up to a young Palpatine show.  

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We also need to stay on topic and should stay away from all of the Disney stuff besides what is on the screen.  

I know I’ve been somewhat guilty in the past of throwing a comment or two into different threads, so I’ll make sure I follow that as well.  

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59 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Please stop doing this. It's a built in excuse for Disney to continue making crap.

Ahsoka was widely praised. She was a she, not a man and not white. Nobody batted an eye.

It is my theory and my belief that the percentage of complaints in film look something like this:

3% people with miserable lives who just like hating on things.
1% actually racist/sexist/homophobic. 
96% who genuinely feel the movie/show is not good.

By saying it's a racist/sexist/orientationist thing, you are giving Disney a free pass to continue making crap products.

Terminator 2, Aliens. Two of the biggest man card movies in existence. Meaning, if a man hasan't seen them you can't really call them a man. Nobody gives a crap the leads are female. Nobody. They're well-written, well-acted characters that just happened to be women. 

Star Wars. Friggin Star Wars, the OG. The original damn trilogy. You had Princess Leia. Carrie Fischer is probably like a 6 on the Hollywood actress attraction scale and yet every neckbeard you think is complaining about women in movies was in love with her. Lando became a fan favorite even after he betrayed the main characters in Empire Strikes Back. Nobody cared he was black. Nobody.

Nobody gave a crap Rey was the lead until Rey was a Mary Sue with no actual personality nor character nor vulnerability nor single solitary character flaw. Her character flaw was she wanted to know who she was. That's it. That's literally the character flaw they scrambled to come up with.

Nobody cares if a character is gay, straight, female, black, white, literally anything as long as it's not a DEI inclusion with no real point. Rose was a DEI inclusion. They had nothing for her character. It was embarrassing how they tried. John Boyega? Same thing. One of the best young actors in Hollywood right now and he might as well have been called DEI. Even he will tell you he had no point, no arc, nothing. He was literally a token black guy. Zero, not a single solitary purpose for his character. Not one. 

If you look up complaints for the sequel trilogy, if you go through every single solitary complaint and made a pie chart, you're looking at a sliver - a blip - of people complaining about the sexual orientation, race or gender of characters. You'll see a rather large slice about the depiction of Luke, and then a massive fat friggin 600 pound man size slice about how none of the characters had any sort of individuality, character, purpose and how the entire plot had no purpose. The actors have all admitted to this. Adam Driver did an interview where he said his original arc was supposed to be the exact opposite of Darth Vader's. Instead of uncertainty leading to a return to the light side, Kylo Ren was supposed to start out uncertain and then fully embrace the dark side. In the middle, Disney decided to let Rian Johnson completely shred any sort of plan and do whatever TF he wanted with some DEI wild goose chase thrown in.  

I don't care if there is a quadruple amputee who identifies as an octopus. If the character is well-written with his own inner motivations (that make sense) and he fits into the overarching narrative in a strong, beneficial and complimentary way, great! 

I am so sick of Disney getting off the hook for terrible crap by people saying, "Racists! Racists!" 

The series is crap. The entire thing is crap. I remember years ago, before the first sequel was released, I finally started watching Clone Wars. Ahsoka was my favorite character in it BY FAR and my biggest hope for the sequels was that they would bring her in. Well, she's not even in the sequel movie series, but she has her own damn series and I still haven't watched it because I'm so jaded with the overall lack of direction and cohesion in the current Star Wars universe.

And you can go back on here and you'd see that I was the BIGGEST defender of The Last Jedi. For an entire year I tried convincing myself and others it wasn't complete trash. It is. It's complete trash. So while people like you sit there and blame sexism and racism, Disney gets to sit back and avoid any backlash whatsoever and continue making subpar, inferior Star Wars movies and television and rake in billions for every new character they can sell the plastic version of to kids. 


Yeah im not reading all this lol

Good on ya though

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5 minutes ago, Sad People said:

I can come up with a response if that suits you better?

Does that tickle your fancy a bit?

Don't bother. I won't read it. 

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3 hours ago, MacReady said:

Please stop doing this. It's a built in excuse for Disney to continue making crap.

Ahsoka was widely praised. She was a she, not a man and not white. Nobody batted an eye.

It is my theory and my belief that the percentage of complaints in film look something like this:

3% people with miserable lives who just like hating on things.
1% actually racist/sexist/homophobic. 
96% who genuinely feel the movie/show is not good.

By saying it's a racist/sexist/orientationist thing, you are giving Disney a free pass to continue making crap products.

Terminator 2, Aliens. Two of the biggest man card movies in existence. Meaning, if a man hasan't seen them you can't really call them a man. Nobody gives a crap the leads are female. Nobody. They're well-written, well-acted characters that just happened to be women. 

Star Wars. Friggin Star Wars, the OG. The original damn trilogy. You had Princess Leia. Carrie Fischer is probably like a 6 on the Hollywood actress attraction scale and yet every neckbeard you think is complaining about women in movies was in love with her. Lando became a fan favorite even after he betrayed the main characters in Empire Strikes Back. Nobody cared he was black. Nobody.

Nobody gave a crap Rey was the lead until Rey was a Mary Sue with no actual personality nor character nor vulnerability nor single solitary character flaw. Her character flaw was she wanted to know who she was. That's it. That's literally the character flaw they scrambled to come up with.

Nobody cares if a character is gay, straight, female, black, white, literally anything as long as it's not a DEI inclusion with no real point. Rose was a DEI inclusion. They had nothing for her character. It was embarrassing how they tried. John Boyega? Same thing. One of the best young actors in Hollywood right now and he might as well have been called DEI. Even he will tell you he had no point, no arc, nothing. He was literally a token black guy. Zero, not a single solitary purpose for his character. Not one. 

If you look up complaints for the sequel trilogy, if you go through every single solitary complaint and made a pie chart, you're looking at a sliver - a blip - of people complaining about the sexual orientation, race or gender of characters. You'll see a rather large slice about the depiction of Luke, and then a massive fat friggin 600 pound man size slice about how none of the characters had any sort of individuality, character, purpose and how the entire plot had no purpose. The actors have all admitted to this. Adam Driver did an interview where he said his original arc was supposed to be the exact opposite of Darth Vader's. Instead of uncertainty leading to a return to the light side, Kylo Ren was supposed to start out uncertain and then fully embrace the dark side. In the middle, Disney decided to let Rian Johnson completely shred any sort of plan and do whatever TF he wanted with some DEI wild goose chase thrown in.  

I don't care if there is a quadruple amputee who identifies as an octopus. If the character is well-written with his own inner motivations (that make sense) and he fits into the overarching narrative in a strong, beneficial and complimentary way, great! 

I am so sick of Disney getting off the hook for terrible crap by people saying, "Racists! Racists!" 

The series is crap. The entire thing is crap. I remember years ago, before the first sequel was released, I finally started watching Clone Wars. Ahsoka was my favorite character in it BY FAR and my biggest hope for the sequels was that they would bring her in. Well, she's not even in the sequel movie series, but she has her own damn series and I still haven't watched it because I'm so jaded with the overall lack of direction and cohesion in the current Star Wars universe.

And you can go back on here and you'd see that I was the BIGGEST defender of The Last Jedi. For an entire year I tried convincing myself and others it wasn't complete trash. It is. It's complete trash. So while people like you sit there and blame sexism and racism, Disney gets to sit back and avoid any backlash whatsoever and continue making subpar, inferior Star Wars movies and television and rake in billions for every new character they can sell the plastic version of to kids. 


Ok after snarky comment from a mod i decided to take some time to read this and it isnt really all that bad. You can thank that mod for me continuing to talk about this.

I pretty much agree with everything you are saying except for the bolded parts because i dont really understand it. Im not trying to push the narrative that anything is racists, or "woke" in SW, in fact the complete opposite.

My comment was a shot at a small albeit loud minority of SW fans that try and push the "woke wars" narrative who get offended when theres anyone from a marginalized group on screen, when i dont agree with it at all. Your further prove my point when you bring up Leia and Lando because it makes me think they never watched the OT. I was in multiple live streams yesterday where the content creators were breaking down the trailer and a good amount of the chat was upset because there isnt any men in the show (which is wrong), theres no white people (which is wrong) and the trailer showcasing a lot of women. I agree with you on that i could care less about who or whats in the show or on the screen as long as we get good SW which we really arent except for Tales of the Jedi and Ahsoka. Im clowning on a bunch of soft, fragile, low self esteem men who get upset at the sight of anything that they dont agree with it. The "Woke Wars" truthers want to be pandered to when its incredibly ironic, they just want to be pandered to their demographic.

Edited by Sad People
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