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The Acolyte - June 4th


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9 minutes ago, Sad People said:

Ok after snarky comment from a mod i decided to take some time to read this and it isnt really all that bad. You can thank that mod for me continuing to talk about this.

I pretty much agree with everything you are saying except for the bolded parts because i dont really understand it. Im not trying to push the narrative that anything is racists, or "woke" in SW, in fact the complete opposite.

My comment was a shot at a small albeit loud minority of SW fans that try and push the "woke wars" narrative who get offended when theres anyone from a marginalized group on screen, when i dont agree with it at all. Your further prove my point when you bring up Leia and Lando because it makes me think they never watched the OT. I was in multiple live streams yesterday where the content creators were breaking down the trailer and a good amount of the chat was upset because there isnt any men in the show (which is wrong), theres no white people (which is wrong) and the trailer showcasing a lot of women. I dont have any problem with any of tha, even if it is all wrong. I agree with you on that i could care less about who or whats in the show or on the screen as long as we get good SW which we really arent except for Tales of the Jedi and Ahsoka. Im clowning on a bunch of soft, fragile, low self esteem men who get upset at the sight of anything that they dont agree with it. The "Woke Wars" truthers want to be pandered to when its incredibly ironic, they just want to be pandered to their demographic.

My entire point is that blaming racists and sexists for bad reviews is a cop out and easy defense for bad storytelling.

It was used to excuse The Last Jedi. It was used to excuse the terrible Ghostbusters movie. It was used to excuse every box office flop Disney or any other studio has ever made.

Good storytelling and good characters will overcome the very silent minority complaining about this stuff.

Star Wars lately just has not been great at storytelling or creating new characters.

Edited by MacReady
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23 minutes ago, MacReady said:

My entire point is that blaming racists and sexists for bad reviews is a cop out and easy defense for bad storytelling.

It was used to excuse The Last Jedi. It was used to excuse the terrible Ghostbusters movie. It was used to excuse every box office flop Disney or any other studio has ever made.

Good storytelling and good characters will overcome the very silent minority complaining about this stuff.

Star Wars lately just has not been great at storytelling or creating new characters.

I just dont think those fans will ever be silenced until they get a show or movie thats nothing but the specific demographic they wanna see on screen and i think both you and i know of whom im speaking about. The OT is a good reference point of what they want.

Im right there with you though. Ahsoka is by far my favorite character in SW as well. And if you havent watched her show id suggest it. Theres a couple fight scenes where i dont really like but i think thats because theyre limited with what they can do with the view or whatever set they use is called. Its a good show with some really really good episodes that sets up something nice for the future.

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18 minutes ago, JonStark said:

Rose/Finn stuff aside, TLJ is a great movie. 

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I can ALMOST agree with this.

I’m still in the minority in believing they were right about Luke.

Killing off Snoke just because it seemed like a good idea at the time was dumb and it led to the stupid Sidius last minute thing.

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3 minutes ago, Sad People said:

I just dont think those fans will ever be silenced until they get a show or movie thats nothing but the specific demographic they wanna see on screen and i think both you and i know of whom im speaking about. The OT is a good reference point of what they want.

Im right there with you though. Ahsoka is by far my favorite character in SW as well. And if you havent watched her show id suggest it. Theres a couple fight scenes where i dont really like but i think thats because theyre limited with what they can do with the view or whatever set they use is called. Its a good show with some really really good episodes that sets up something nice for the future.

I am currently boycotting anything not available on physical media, so I’ll see it eventually.

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If you can't comment on the new show without venturing into topics we don't talk about here - don't comment.

This is the last request. Don't get banned over a Star Wars show.


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7 minutes ago, MacReady said:

I can ALMOST agree with this.

I’m still in the minority in believing they were right about Luke.

Killing off Snoke just because it seemed like a good idea at the time was dumb and it led to the stupid Sidius last minute thing.

Problem is, Legends Luke is even more powerful than Anakin if he ended up not becoming Vader within the suit. That Luke, who redeemed someone trying to kill him and eventually marries her, is the complete opposite of the Luke we get here.  And the fans who followed all of this knew that.  It’s the whole “subvert expectations” thing because people were expecting Peak Luke, and didn’t get it.  

To be fair, they also did it with Wedge Antilles too.  One of the most popular EU characters got nuked into oblivion as an afterthought.  A character with so much rich background that they could do anything with it.  

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7 minutes ago, MacReady said:

I am currently boycotting anything not available on physical media, so I’ll see it eventually.

Yeah I’ve seen you post about that in the past. I know you’re a big believer in owning the physical copies of the media you consume. 

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

If you can't comment on the new show without venturing into topics we don't talk about here - don't comment.

This is the last request. Don't get banned over a Star Wars show.


That’s what I was trying to get other people to do. Judge the series based on the merit of the series.

Frankly, I am innocent.

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3 hours ago, MacReady said:

I can ALMOST agree with this.

I’m still in the minority in believing they were right about Luke.

Killing off Snoke just because it seemed like a good idea at the time was dumb and it led to the stupid Sidius last minute thing.

Killing off Snoke to setup Kylo as the true big bad was a perfectly fine choice. It was Rise of Skywalker that ruined it.

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7 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

Killing off Snoke to setup Kylo as the true big bad was a perfectly fine choice. It was Rise of Skywalker that ruined it.

Let’s be honest, Kathleen Kennedy ruined it when she didn’t have Dave Filoni take all creative control with a plan from the minute the ink was dry on the deal to buy it from Lucas.

She compounded that mistake by not listening to Lucas’ advice on where to take the series.

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6 minutes ago, MacReady said:

She compounded that mistake by not listening to Lucas’ advice on where to take the series.

This times a billion percent.

I thought it was the dumbest thing when she and anyone else involved in the decision decided not to use the trilogy Lucas had planned out or wrote. It was easy money, and an easy decision. And on the off chance it stunk they could use the excuse without publicly saying it "well it was Georges idea, not ours".

Edited by Sad People
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3 hours ago, Sad People said:

This times a billion percent.

I thought it was the dumbest thing when she and anyone else involved in the decision decided not to use the trilogy Lucas had planned out or wrote. It was easy money, and an easy decision. And on the off chance it stunk they could use the excuse without publicly saying it "well it was Georges idea, not ours".

SW fans then:  “The prequels are terrible!  George Lucas is ruining his legacy!”

Those same fans now: “Disney should’ve followed George Lucas’ plans!  They’re ruining his legacy!” 

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