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The Good the Bad the Loss


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If you trust the D why do you not go for it on the 4th and 1? 
The D is playing well so you risk it. Makes no sense to say you punted because your D is doing well.


also the first 4th and 1, AP talks about being physical and tough… then let’s not be cute and run from shotgun. Line up in power and bully them for the 1 yard. He’ll put Wilkins in at fb and just tell him to push Minshew 1 yard

the 3 straight time outs was strange too on their last td scoring drive. 

We got out coached. 
Harbaugh a very good coach obviously, but we were clearly out coached.

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6 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

also the first 4th and 1, AP talks about being physical and tough… 

I think AP is what happens when you buy into what someone says instead of truly evaluating what they do. 

Dan Campbell is a rah-rah guy who built a solid staff and makes in-game decisions reflecting his rah-rah nature. He doesn't just say it because it sounds tough, he bets on it. 

The Raiders thought they were getting their own Dan Campbell, but what we got was Jeff Saturday. 

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Bowers and the D were the best things we had today. Excited as all hell about both of them. Bowers is going to be a matchup nightmare and as he gets his feet wet will continue to feast and feast more. Potential to be an absolute chess piece. 

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The Good:

Wilkins looks as expected with a little dirt to spice things up. The Defense looked GREAT at times and just needs the Offense to help out more to be great the whole Game.

I liked the '13' package with 3 TE's and think we need to work on that more with running the ball.

The BAD:

The running game looked bad at first and it looked like the passing opened up the running game later. Gardner didn't look comfortable on some of those hand offs so that should get better with time. I thought his stance/footwork (I don't know) but something looked off. His size might also be hindering what he sees open. I'm sticking with him because I still think he can win games for us if he's playing his game. 



4th down calls...Being aggressive at the Wrong time which causes you to be conservative when you should go for it. 

So with that said, I'm adding one more thing to The Good/Bad/Ugly and it's WHAT CAN WE DO TO make it better NOW! Focus on solutions more than the problems.


What can we do to make it better NOW!:

Let Gardner know I've got his back and to play his game. 

JPJ replaces Whitehair. A couple times I saw a guy Look LOST on Who to block and it was Cody. At least the rookie can do that and get better.

Adding a LOT more plays in 12 and 13 sets. Especially being I'm willing to trade Adams.

Trade Adams if we can get a decent pick or a player that helps us out this season. I think the guy deserves better than what we can give him and I don't think he makes us a better team until we have a QB that can get him the ball consistently. I think the talk of him wanting out will become a distraction if we don't Win and get him the ball consistently. This could wait til more losses but Bye then we might get low balled.

Extend Koonce before he's off IR. Paying one of our own always looks good and he might SIGN after an injury could have ruined his season before FA.


All possible and realistic that can be done now and not next off-season.


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Am I the only one who thinks Minshew actually played pretty well aside from maybe 2-3 plays? I know that's a funny thing to say since those 2-3 plays were costly but I didn't necessarily see him make any bad throws that were off target. Had a really high completion % and that backwards pass/fumble was nuts, but overall I thought he did ok. 

What sucks is if we don't have the two costly fumbles (1 from Minshew and 1 from White) we most likely win this game. Defense played really well. Frustrating loss but I did see some positives.... just sucks to lose to a team that I believe we are better than.

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I'm not sure about how I feel about seeing this trading Adams narrative I keep seeing... unless we are getting a 1st round pick. Why trade away a top 5 WR when you'll only get a 2nd or 3rd round pick for him? It's not like he has character issues and is refusing to play. 

Plus don't we have him under contract through 2026? 


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3 minutes ago, RaisinBran said:

I'm not sure about how I feel about seeing this trading Adams narrative I keep seeing... unless we are getting a 1st round pick. Why trade away a top 5 WR when you'll only get a 2nd or 3rd round pick for him? It's not like he has character issues and is refusing to play. 

Plus don't we have him under contract through 2026? 


And if you do draft a rookie QB his value will be being the best safety net for that QB, it’s not ideal to pair a rookie QB with a rookie WR. 

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I understand the criticism of the 4th and 1 decisions but I honestly don't agree with it. At least to some degree
How many 3rd and 1 situations did we have the whole game? Did they manage to get a first down on any of those situations?

So unpopular it was - It was understandable that you rather trust your defense to get a 3 and out and have a better field position than trying to go for it on 4th down
and handing your opponent a good field position to score. That is how the Chargers got their first points on the board.

I'd rather question why they didn't adjust their plan on what to do on 3rd & 1 situations - I thought it was always the same idea to hand it somehow to a RB.
And we don't have a physical RB for those situations.

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2 hours ago, Styrian Raider said:

I understand the criticism of the 4th and 1 decisions but I honestly don't agree with it. At least to some degree
How many 3rd and 1 situations did we have the whole game? Did they manage to get a first down on any of those situations?

So unpopular it was - It was understandable that you rather trust your defense to get a 3 and out and have a better field position than trying to go for it on 4th down
and handing your opponent a good field position to score. That is how the Chargers got their first points on the board.

I'd rather question why they didn't adjust their plan on what to do on 3rd & 1 situations - I thought it was always the same idea to hand it somehow to a RB.
And we don't have a physical RB for those situations.

That is a good point about the third downs, however, for me the situation demanded we go for it as I didn’t think we’d have a better chance and we were, I think, already in Charger territory at about the 43 if memory serves me?

If we were deep in our own half, I’d say yes absolutely, but I though even if we punt and get a quick three and out we’d get the ball back maybe at our own 30 or 40, with a less time and we’d probably still have to negotiate a 4th down somewhere to score anyway. Also, I just had a feeling we were putting too much on the defence and sooner or later they’d give up a big play which they subsequently did. I just felt like the time was right then to take that chance as I felt we were going to need to take a chance somewhere to win anyway. 

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12 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

This is all but assured to be a lost season. 

Nothing that happened today leads me to think this staff should be retained. If this was the product they offer, it'll just waste a QB. 

We lost to a team that isn't really even very good. And even when we had a lead, it never felt like we were in control.

The offense is beyond bad. Blocking was as bad as we've seen in years, we have no QB, our best RB is a career RB2. We have collected nifty weapons but did so at the expense of base level fundamentals. We can "dream team" skill guys all day long, they won't matter if we can't block and have bad QB play along with shoddy coaching.

The defense looked OK, but the Chargers O is as barren of talent as it gets. We still got gouged way too much. Individual players like Deablo again proved to be warm bodies. We have a pass rush and DL, but that's it. Soon as someone gets beyond Crosby and Wilkins, we struggle to stop  runs from going long. The secondary is sort of suspect but I've seen worse. 

With sides of the ball and the team as a whole lacks discipline. Schematically, they're unprepared and playing sandlot ball outside of the DL. Basically what you expect from a team that didn't take hiring coaches seriously, as was the case. 

As a franchise, we got some reprieve by ditching McDaniels, but we didn't replace him correctly. We were unserious about it, and it shows. This looks like a clown show. 

This game does not offer much optimism, but do you think a new coach would have had a better performance yesterday? Assuming the roster is the same as is?  I mean its the first game of the season, how much can you build a team up in 1 preseason?


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