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FA Thread 2018


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7 minutes ago, Bianconero said:

Bridgewater isn't making anyone think twice

I generally agree. But they were in the same draft class and might have some sort of relationship. I mean his other main options are Chicago with Trubisky who was average, SF with Garapollo who we all barely know anything about and Jacksonville with Bortles. 

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1 hour ago, jetfan8178 said:

I disagree...

Im feeling like 1997 going into 98 right now. Very positive thoughts

You got a good memory, we did have outstanding year in 1998. The reason for that was because we had BILL PARCELL, I sure don't have the same confidence in Sleeping Jesus AKA Bowles. But he will have a another chance this year to right the ship. 

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27 minutes ago, jetskid007 said:

Miami has become the front runners for Albert Wilson. Haven’t seen it reported but there’s some traction between Lee and Chicago as well

I really only have interest in us looking into





And in that order.

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