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Jets would be my new favorite team in the AFC assuming they land Rodgers.  I'd honestly be hoping for Rodgers to take them to the SB.  Just because I think his time in GB has run its course, doesn't mean I can't root for him to succeed elsewhere.

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2 hours ago, Mazrimiv said:

Jets would be my new favorite team in the AFC assuming they land Rodgers.  I'd honestly be hoping for Rodgers to take them to the SB.  Just because I think his time in GB has run its course, doesn't mean I can't root for him to succeed elsewhere.

Well said, i would be watching as well. Of course the Pack every minute. With that said i have a buddy who's a JETSSS fan so it would be cool for him as they have had such piss poor QB play for so long. Would be fun to hang with him and watch some Jets games. 

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1 hour ago, {Family Ghost} said:

Lets get a WR & TE first.

While i think this would be cool, i would much prefer to give Love something AR rarely got. a top 10 D. We have Smith who is ok, Gary off an ACL and behind them we have nadda.

Although some could argue that we have the ponies just garbage coaching. 


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1 hour ago, PackFan13 said:

We need more weapons ASAP. Please move on from lazard and bring in a TE to be loves security blanket


What would be wrong with Lazard back at a good price. By all accounts he's a great teamate, has decent hands, blocks like a TE. If Love uses the middle of the field a guy like Lizard could do well with Watson and Doubs outside. 

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2 hours ago, Green19 said:

And Rodgers would of gladly been a good little employee and played on the tag… come on.

They did that because of Love’s development. They have had Love 3 years… in those years the message was heavily “Rodgers is our QB”, “we aren’t trading Rodgers”….. now going into the 4th year, what’s the message?  It’s about Love’s development and basically hey we are just waiting on Rodgers to make up his mind if he is playing or not.

When they did the deal Rodgers had the power. So it heavily favors Rodgers. Had the front office seen what they do now with Love…. Rodgers never gets that deal.

They didn’t trust the development until they saw results. Which to your point, who in that position would? You’d have to be very bold, and most people aren’t.

The fact is what has killed Rodgers trade value is: last years play; his constant talk of retirement; the brutal fact about his age; his clear inability to deal with change; his off the field media; his very limited market; the fact that like Brady, he will need 1 or 2 of “his guys” on the team…. The list goes on.


The simple truth is the packers mismanaged the QB position badly for the last 3 years.   They drafted a replacement too early.    Instead of sticking with their plan to move on they lacked the courage to follow through with their earlier decision and gave a ridiculous contract to AR when they knew his age, physical condition, off-season attendance, his off-field media, and his unwillingness to change.  Rodgers did not have the power before that contract, the Packers did.   They still had him under contract and had the threat of tagging him for 2 years at this point in his career.  They threw away the power in the negotiation because they were more worried about keeping their job then they were in doing a good job.   They turned a 4-time MVP and back-to-back MVP into a negative contract situation.    Instead of a Russell Wilson like haul we are discussing whether a 2nd round pick is enough because it saves us from some of the cap hell the AR contract forces.

I am becoming convinced that there is nothing Packers leadership can do that would draw criticism from a portion of this fan base.   Beyond that they will be defended in the face of every bit of evidence showing the error of their ways.   I took CRAP when I posted that drafting Love was a mistake and that it was a couple years too soon.  I took it again last year when I said the contract was ridiculous and they should have made a Russell Wilson like trade.   

Now a group of us take the same garbage from people who point out how badly Gute and Murphy have performed.  We get heat because we are too negative, not "fan" enough.   I would push back and say that a real fan of the organization wants the problem at the top fixed so we can go back to being the best organization in the league.Let's make the changes needed so we can go back to winning SB's.

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15 minutes ago, hitnhope said:

The simple truth is the packers mismanaged the QB position badly for the last 3 years.   They drafted a replacement too early.    Instead of sticking with their plan to move on they lacked the courage to follow through with their earlier decision and gave a ridiculous contract to AR when they knew his age, physical condition, off-season attendance, his off-field media, and his unwillingness to change.  Rodgers did not have the power before that contract, the Packers did.   They still had him under contract and had the threat of tagging him for 2 years at this point in his career.  They threw away the power in the negotiation because they were more worried about keeping their job then they were in doing a good job.   They turned a 4-time MVP and back-to-back MVP into a negative contract situation.    Instead of a Russell Wilson like haul we are discussing whether a 2nd round pick is enough because it saves us from some of the cap hell the AR contract forces.

I am becoming convinced that there is nothing Packers leadership can do that would draw criticism from a portion of this fan base.   Beyond that they will be defended in the face of every bit of evidence showing the error of their ways.   I took CRAP when I posted that drafting Love was a mistake and that it was a couple years too soon.  I took it again last year when I said the contract was ridiculous and they should have made a Russell Wilson like trade.   

Now a group of us take the same garbage from people who point out how badly Gute and Murphy have performed.  We get heat because we are too negative, not "fan" enough.   I would push back and say that a real fan of the organization wants the problem at the top fixed so we can go back to being the best organization in the league.Let's make the changes needed so we can go back to winning SB's.

Not giving you “heat”, have your opinion. My point is… it’s easy to be bold as some rando on the internet.

When you are a GM and handling a beloved QB… that’s a different type of pressure and that makes people act differently.

Its easy online and in video games to manage these things “correctly”. How long has Gute been in GB, his family, his kids, etc?

These aren’t  soulless pixels on a screen. All of these factor into this.

Im critical of leadership… I think the management of the WR has been terrible given Rodgers’ needs. I think the handling of the defense has been poor… but I put that more on LaFluer, but I do know when they hired LaFluer that leadership wanted Pettine to stay on.

The issue here is these people are all humans and I guess I recognize that in these situations. McCarthy’s biggest issue was he was too loyal to his guys, and I can recognize that but it’s hard for me to get crazy upset given that that’s human.

Gute wasn’t going to run off Rodgers until he felt good about the heir. That didn’t happen until this off-season. And they redid the deal because Rodgers was threatening all matter of nonsense. He had he over a barrel. And to be fair… after Love getting draft Rodgers gave 2 MVP years that could of been SB years.

In retrospect, yeah it was poorly managed because they didn’t get a SB and now the return will be less than what it could be. But if this was a bridge to another 15-18 years of great QB play…. is anyone here going to be upset that they only got one first rounder instead of two?

Gutes job is on the line with Love. If Love is terrible… Gute is likely gone, same with LaFleur. They slow played this to set Love up for success. I don’t have any problem with that, because everything for them will hinge on that and that alone.

Edited by Green19
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I disagree with the sentiment the Packers drafted sn heir apparent too early. They drafted a QB the year Rodgers started publicly saying he wasn't sure past this year. If you are in charge of scheduling and stagfing any sort of work force, when a guy starts saying that he's one foot out the door and if you want operations to run as smooth as possible you start looking for their replacement. 

Now bending over backwards last year to make him happy was a mistake. Obviously the thought was they have a chance to run it back one more time, but once Rodgers felt he "won" I don't feel he trained as much as the previous two years in the off-season both with and without the team environment. 

Im sure the brass thought they give Rodgers his friends, that contract, everything, this was supposed to be at least a 2 year deal. Between a disappointing season, feeling good about Love's development, and then Rodgers seemingly wanting to be begged to come back again, it's just left them all with a bad taste in their mouths.

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2 minutes ago, spilltray said:

I disagree with the sentiment the Packers drafted sn heir apparent too early. They drafted a QB the year Rodgers started publicly saying he wasn't sure past this year. If you are in charge of scheduling and stagfing any sort of work force, when a guy starts saying that he's one foot out the door and if you want operations to run as smooth as possible you start looking for their replacement. 

Now bending over backwards last year to make him happy was a mistake. Obviously the thought was they have a chance to run it back one more time, but once Rodgers felt he "won" I don't feel he trained as much as the previous two years in the off-season both with and without the team environment. 

Im sure the brass thought they give Rodgers his friends, that contract, everything, this was supposed to be at least a 2 year deal. Between a disappointing season, feeling good about Love's development, and then Rodgers seemingly wanting to be begged to come back again, it's just left them all with a bad taste in their mouths.

IMO Gute managed the transition away from Rodgers damn near perfectly, right up until GB signed Rodgers to a new contract last off-season rather than trading him.   I understand the reasons why it played out that way, but still... so close.

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44 minutes ago, Green19 said:


Gutes job is on the line with Love. If Love is terrible… Gute is likely gone, same with LaFleur. They slow played this to set Love up for success. I don’t have any problem with that, because everything for them will hinge on that and that alone.

If Love doesn't pan out (I sure hope he does) I am confident that we will have a contingent of posters on this board supporting Gute for his effort in replacing AR.   I now feel like Love could fail, the drafts continue to yield little results, the record gets worse and people on this forum will still blame AR rather than Gute for the Packers slide.

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41 minutes ago, Mazrimiv said:

IMO Gute managed the transition away from Rodgers damn near perfectly, right up until GB signed Rodgers to a new contract last off-season rather than trading him.   I understand the reasons why it played out that way, but still... so close.

That argument could be made.   The problem is that they did give the contract.   They put a plan together and then quit on it as soon as the decision became difficult.   They were more worried about keeping their job than in leading the GB Packers to success long term.

Instead of reaping a bunch of draft capital they made the situation about as bad as it could be.

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51 minutes ago, spilltray said:

I disagree with the sentiment the Packers drafted sn heir apparent too early. They drafted a QB the year Rodgers started publicly saying he wasn't sure past this year. If you are in charge of scheduling and stagfing any sort of work force, when a guy starts saying that he's one foot out the door and if you want operations to run as smooth as possible you start looking for their replacement. 

Now bending over backwards last year to make him happy was a mistake. Obviously the thought was they have a chance to run it back one more time, but once Rodgers felt he "won" I don't feel he trained as much as the previous two years in the off-season both with and without the team environment. 

Im sure the brass thought they give Rodgers his friends, that contract, everything, this was supposed to be at least a 2 year deal. Between a disappointing season, feeling good about Love's development, and then Rodgers seemingly wanting to be begged to come back again, it's just left them all with a bad taste in their mouths.

They made the draft pick after Rodgers had made the statement that he planned to play 5 more years.    The drama and retirement garbage started after they made the Love draft pick. 

 After being with the organization for 15 years already it wasn't a hard read to understand how Rodgers would react to that pick being made.   We as a fan base have had to live through the last 3 years of nonsense because of it.

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44 minutes ago, hitnhope said:

If Love doesn't pan out (I sure hope he does) I am confident that we will have a contingent of posters on this board supporting Gute for his effort in replacing AR.   I now feel like Love could fail, the drafts continue to yield little results, the record gets worse and people on this forum will still blame AR rather than Gute for the Packers slide.

Nah .. If Love busts the whole bunch should get the axe.

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