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36 minutes ago, Green19 said:



29 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

So we have him for two years and then can franchise him if need be or franchise him for two years (Till hes 38) or franchise and trade him for a kings ransom. Unfortunately for Aaron and fortunately for the Packers they have all the leverage in this situation. 

I'm of the strong opinion that as soon as you start letting the players dictate the direction of the franchise your in trouble. 

He did learn from the best....97f845ef603d35bab64ab412d08858ed.jpg

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Aaron should have no say in what goes on in the Front Office and his passive aggressiveness obviously rubs some people the wrong way. However letting him know that your cutting his friend and firing his QB coach may have been a good idea. Especially when you are trying to lock him down to a contract extension. Rodgers has no leverage in this situation but any thought of him taking a more team friendly deal maybe out the window at this point. 

I think both sides could've played this better. 

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2 minutes ago, pollino14 said:

I don’t blame Aaron for being upset. He’s not some average player, he’s our Lebron James and deserves to be apart of the conversations 

No no no no no. Just no. Rodgers job is to play QB. Hes not spending time in the offseason reviewing players to draft, reviewing the cap for potential FA signings, looking into the broad performance of a coach or coaching staff, he plays QB. 

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Best way to fix any rift is simple: get Rodgers the players around him he needs and deserves to get back to the ship. If he has to throw to Geronimo Allison and Trevor Davis because teams are doubling Adams on the other side of the field, then I hope Rodgers is livid and I'll be standing right behind him. He has already had to put up with Dom Capers and a below-average defense for the last 6 years because MM was too scared or inept to make a move. When it comes to that, I feel for the guy. Favre dealt with much of the same in his last few years. 

On the other hand, Rodgers can help himself if he really wants to win. The longer he holds out on a deal, the harder it will be for GB to put better players around him. If he wants to hold out and cripple us with a franchise tag, that's on him, but our team will suffer as a result as will his chance for another ring. Rodgers should be working to get a deal done sooner rather than later and at the same time be lobbying for GB to bring in FAs that can help us win. He can do that by going to Gute or even himself. How many times have we seen players personally reach out to FAs and lobby for them? Does it ever work? Maybe, maybe not but it can't hurt. Yet, Rodgers never seems to do that. He needs to quit pouting about losing his 32-year old "friend" Jordy and pick up the phone and tell Dez that the two of them can set records if he signs with GB. That's just one example. 

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3 minutes ago, packfanfb said:

Best way to fix any rift is simple: get Rodgers the players around him he needs and deserves to get back to the ship. If he has to throw to Geronimo Allison and Trevor Davis because teams are doubling Adams on the other side of the field, then I hope Rodgers is livid and I'll be standing right behind him. He has already had to put up with Dom Capers and a below-average defense for the last 6 years because MM was too scared or inept to make a move. When it comes to that, I feel for the guy. Favre dealt with much of the same in his last few years. 

This is a great point. If the 3rd receiver bombs out and Jordy does well in Oakland. This rift could get even worse. 

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1 hour ago, Green19 said:


He is in no position to demand a hand in roster shaping.  Until he is hired as the GM he should stick to playing QB.  I am a Rodgers fan but he is beginning to sound a lot like Favre did towards the end of his tenure in GB.   ¬¬

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1 minute ago, pollino14 said:

When a player is that vital to the success of your team, and let’s not get this confused, Aaron is vastly responsible for our success; when you have that kind of player, at the very least you ask his opinion.

You don't ask for someones opinion on something you don't plan on at least taking their opinion into consideration on. If we planned on releasing Jordy and said "Hey Aaron What do you think about releasing Jordy"? He is going to say  "No" and then when you inevitably end up releasing him you have a player that is now even more pissed off since you asked his opinion but didn't use it. 

I think at most you tell Aaron before the public what the plan is you don't start giving players the option to dictate franchise direction. 

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13 minutes ago, ArthurPensky said:

That's a real slippery slope.

Depends of what he wants, which none of us know. Does he want a seat at the table and actually get a vote on personnel decisions? I'd be against that as no player should have that ability. Should Rodgers be consulted on some moves? That's a hard "yes" in my opinion. In fact, why would you not want to involve Rodgers in those moves is my question? He is the best selling point on this team. You want FAs to come to GB "because of" Aaron Rodgers. Get him involved, ask his opinion on a player, hell, have him contact the player directly. NFL players don't respect GMs or other managment personnel, they respect other NFL players. I'd by using Aaron Rodgers as a lightning rod to attract everyone I could to GB. On the flip side, if you're talking about letting someone go, give him a call and tell him...so what? Should Rodgers get to veto the release of Jordy Nelson? No. Should Rodgers be told, "this happening, this is why and here is what we plan to do to get better as a result of the move" -- again, there is nothing wrong or unreasonable about that. 

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3 minutes ago, Pugger said:

He is in no position to demand a hand in roster shaping.  Until he is hired as the GM he should stick to playing QB.  I am a Rodgers fan but he is beginning to sound a lot like Favre did towards the end of his tenure in GB.   ¬¬

Rodgers should have no say. 

But this feeling is felt by numerous star QBs. Brady's gripes on roster decisions have been well documented. Brees was mad about the Graham decision. I am sure Manning had similar issues. Obviously Favre with Moss. 

I think this more stems from Rodgers having personal friendships with Van Pelt and Jordy. Jordy said he was hurt by the way it went down and I am sure he has made Aaron well aware of that feeling. 

This is not a unique situation at all. 

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