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Super Bowl 52 GDT: New England Evil Empires vs Philadelphia Destiny


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35 minutes ago, Mastercheddaar said:

As a primary Browns fan seeing my home town team go 0-16 this season, I would like to thank all of Philly for allowing me to see one of my teams win the superbowl (FINALLY!) 

Also thinking about making the 6 hour trek to see the parade. Would that be advisable? Or is it going to be completely crazy there? 

That is all


I'm making the 8 hour trek from Raleigh. This is happening!

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I just love how weird and fun this 2017 team was. If we lost the Super Bowl I wouldn't have taken the actual loss as hard as knowing this group didn't get to win it all and achieve the pinnacle of the sport, which seems like the same thing, but in my mind there's a subtle distinction. One moment this team is baptizing Marcus Johnson in a hotel pool and then the next Jeff Lurie is breaking out in a dance surrounded by players in the locker room to Meek Mill, while people in dog masks are standing around barking at each other. 

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6 minutes ago, Phire said:

I just love how weird and fun this 2017 team was. If we lost the Super Bowl I wouldn't have taken the actual loss as hard as knowing this group didn't get to win it all and achieve the pinnacle of the sport, which seems like the same thing, but in my mind there's a subtle distinction. One moment this team is baptizing Marcus Johnson in a hotel pool and then the next Jeff Lurie is breaking out in a dance surrounded by players in the locker room to Meek Mill, while people in dog masks are standing around barking at each other. 

This was just such a great team. Emphasis on team. It was a brotherhood. 

Replenish my likes forum!!

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9 minutes ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

When is the parade happening? If it was on the weekend I would 100000% be there, still might make it out during the week if I can find the time.

Ugh yeah I wish these were on a weekend so bad.

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Not to pee on the parade, but you know what annoys me - our team saying they are "World Champions".  How can you be world champions when no one else has a professional league (ok except Canada).  Its not like even the NFL has a franchise outside America.

I much prefer Super Bowl Champions.

Everyone carry on.

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