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22 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

I certainly know one thing...I've had far more exposure to Buckeye fans than you'll ever have with Wisco fans. 

Spinning this **** to make it about our loss this weekend is the epitome of cesspoolness. Your coach is a POS and nothing that happens elsewhere even remotely matters. Keep defending a scumbag and showing your true colors. Wins above everything. 

Ah man I’m so sorry you’ve had to share this precious earth with the scum that is Ohio State fan. You definitely deserve a medal for your heroic drudgery thru life. 

Again generalizing a fan base, you do realize you’re stooping down to our awful subhuman molecules of dirt shouldn’t exist life?

Must be awesome on that superior station of life you got going there. Yeah I’ve never come across too many Wisconsin fans in my life. I must be so sheltered. I really need to expand my horizons. These people must be the elite of the elite. 

Its nice to know at least your people are not narrow minded. It’s nice to know your people can forgive and let healing begin. It’s nice to know your people can overlook human frailties to realize mistakes are made from the best of us. 

Hopefully someday you’ll forgive me my fandom of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Hopefully someday you can accept me in your tribe of superior humanity. 

Hopefully someday you can look outside your superiority and see people for what they are. 

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6 hours ago, Bonanza23 said:

Hopefully someday you can look outside your superiority and see people for what they are. 

And isn’t that kind of what people expected from Urban Meyer? 

Look outside his superiority and see Zach Smith for what he was.

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Well I guess we’ve reached this stage with most of the OSU fans on this board.

- Accusing people of “moral superiority.” Which, by the way, in what world do you live in where you’d be remotely ok with someone doing to your mother, wife, sister, daughter, best friend, etc what Zach Smith did to Courtney Smith? And in what world would be ok with anyone enabling that situation? Let’s say your sister was in an abusive relationship similar to the one Courtney Smith was in. And your brother in law worked under a high profile tech CEO. But when it became public, would you be ok if people said, “well good for you and your moral superiority and superior humanity for caring about this. You only care because you’re a fanboy for a competing tech company.”

- Saying, “well you’re just using news about this story to distract from your team losing.” That’s exactly what OSU fans don’t understand. For one second. Are you incapable of casting football aside for even one second? Are you incapable of acknowledging even a little bit of fault in the interviews that your coach is having? Or is someone posting an objectively bad interview for Urban Meyer just being posted because they have to make up for their team losing?

- The football program is not a victim (no matter how much Urban Meyer might say it or want you to believe). If people want to take down Ohio State football, they aren’t going to use this (if anything, they’ll use the shutout against Clemson the last time OSU was in the playoffs). This is a very real issue that clearly still isn’t being taken seriously by a man that played a massive role in enabling it. It’s comical that some of the Ohio State fans on this board imply that the Ohio State football program is so incredible that opponents will exaggerate this scandal to “bring them down”. Look, your football coach is a morally bankrupt person. We knew this from his time at Florida. Many posters here denied that about him at Ohio State claiming he changed. Well, that didn’t work out. And he was caught trying to lie about it. If that’s what you’re ok with, say it and admit that you like the wins and you’ll deal with his awfulness. 

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There are legitimate parallels to arguing with a climate change denier and an Urban Meyer supporter:

- This report saying Urban lied at media day is a bunch of nonsense : This report that increasing carbon dioxide emissions are pushing us towards cataclysmic climate change is a bunch of nonsense.

- The report that Urban Meyer knew is a bunch of nonsense : The report that humans are contributing to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a bunch of nonsense.

- You’re just a rival fan who is making this up to take us down and build up your team  off a hoax : You’re just an investor in solar panel and alternative fuel tech and trying to profit off a hoax.

- Well I guarantee that literally any other coach would have handled it the exact same way so why does OSU have to suffer : Well I guarantee that literally any other country would not cut back on their emissions so why does America have to suffer

- Urban Meyer denied it and so that’s good enough for me : The oil companies denied that climate change is being exacerbated by increased emissions so that’s good enough for me.

- Urban Meyer said he didn’t know about it and doesn’t remember the incident so that’s good enough for me : The oil company executives said they didn’t know climate change could be exacerbated by increased emissions and don’t remember seeing any research so that’s good enough for me.

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2 hours ago, WeaponX said:

And isn’t that kind of what people expected from Urban Meyer? 

Look outside his superiority and see Zach Smith for what he was.

True but it’s hard to do that with such a close family/friends. Urbz has prolly known Zach prolly his entire life. Urbz was closer with smiths family. Had smith play for him at BG and got his career as a coach started. 

I think if Urbz had no other connection to him outside of just Being coaches, he is gone. Prolly never gets brought to tOSU with him. 

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10 hours ago, beekay414 said:

The fans on here are the ones directly deflecting and defending that POS in your head coaching office. That's more than enough for me to equate them to the rest of the bunch in Columbus.

Low standards + assumptions + bias = a winning combination!! 

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9 hours ago, Bonanza23 said:

Yeah I’ve never come across too many Wisconsin fans in my life. I must be so sheltered. I really need to expand my horizons. These people must be the elite of the elite. 

Go to the next Big 10 Championship game. They have their super trashy fans and they have their OK fans like every other fan base on the planet.... except us, of course. We all support DV...................................... lol. Morons.

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10 hours ago, beekay414 said:

The fans on here are the ones directly deflecting and defending that POS in your head coaching office. That's more than enough for me to equate them to the rest of the bunch in Columbus.

There are reasonable OSU fans, and OSU fans/students/alumni who are not happy about how this was handled (rightfully). They're not defending Urban Meyer, OSU's treatment of him, or acting like the fanbase/football program is the victim here though.

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1 hour ago, JTagg7754 said:

Go to the next Big 10 Championship game. They have their super trashy fans and they have their OK fans like every other fan base on the planet.... except us, of course. We all support DV...................................... lol. Morons.

Yep we’re a bunch of kitten kickers too. 

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Y'all are also the most sensitive fan base on the site lmao.

I also dont give a **** that Wisco lost. They deserved to lose. That has absolutely no bearing on what's being discussed here. None. Y'all are just embarrassing lol.

I like a few of you but the rest...my goodness. 

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I suppose I'll sum up my own thoughts on this matter:

1. I have always thought and will always think that Urban cares about winning above all else and couldn't care less about making men of character. Unfortunately, despite how things are spun, I think the same about 95% of all other Power 5 (and maybe even all other Division I NCAA) coaches. If you don't believe me, look at the paydays that these guys get (Jimbo, Urb, Saban), how they're judged (wins and losses vs. developing men of character...see: Ty Willingham, Charlie Strong, etc.).

2. I KNOW that Brett McMurphy is an avid Urban hater going back a decade plus. I believe that he's edited his posts, not done his due diligence/made an attempt to stay unbiased, and also been lying in wait for Urban for quite some time. He's trying to get paid and looking for a job. I also believe that Urban probably has this coming in the eyes of most media members. I feel the same about if/when other "elite" coaches (Saban) mess up, there will be a Brett McMurphy type figure waiting for them. 

3. I believe that either worst case scenario Urban lied to/failed to properly take appropriate measures about this, let alone go above and beyond. I believe that best case scenario Urban's loyalty and nepotistic beliefs got him in this.

4. I believe that if Urban was a coach that wasn't elite, lost to his rivals, didn't win B1G championships, he'd be out of a job. It's funny how important character/integrity becomes when you aren't a fantastic coach or player. I also believe that he was suspended conveniently for 3 games to pacify the public instead of doing it for "right reasons".

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I suppose I'll sum up my own thoughts on this matter:

1. I have always thought and will always think that Urban cares about winning above all else and couldn't care less about making men of character. Unfortunately, despite how things are spun, I think the same about 95% of all other Power 5 (and maybe even all other Division I NCAA) coaches. If you don't believe me, look at the paydays that these guys get (Jimbo, Urb, Saban), how they're judged (wins and losses vs. developing men of character...see: Ty Willingham, Charlie Strong, etc.).

2. I KNOW that Brett McMurphy is an avid Urban hater going back a decade plus. I believe that he's edited his posts, not done his due diligence/made an attempt to stay unbiased, and also been lying in wait for Urban for quite some time. He's trying to get paid and looking for a job. I also believe that Urban probably has this coming in the eyes of most media members. I feel the same about if/when other "elite" coaches (Saban) mess up, there will be a Brett McMurphy type figure waiting for them. 

3. I believe that either worst case scenario Urban lied to/failed to properly take appropriate measures about this, let alone go above and beyond. I believe that best case scenario Urban's loyalty and nepotistic beliefs got him in this.

4. I believe that if Urban was a coach that wasn't elite, lost to his rivals, didn't win B1G championships, he'd be out of a job. It's funny how important character/integrity becomes when you aren't a fantastic coach or player. I also believe that he was suspended conveniently for 3 games to pacify the public instead of doing it for "right reasons".

3 is the only one I would say deserves somewhere between push-back and clarification. We know, for example, that Urban Meyer lied to the media, he's admitted as much. But that lie isn't the really important lie (though I don't think it's totally meaningless by any stretch).

Would you say that, based on what we know, that the most likely scenario here or the scenario that best explains his behavior is that Urban Meyer was aware of what Smith did in 2015, kept him on staff in spite of that knowledge, and removed any evidence of his knowledge by deleting the messages from his phone? I'm not saying there's 100% undeniable smoking gun proof of what happened. All I'm saying is you outlined best/worst case scenario without mentioning their relative likelihood, and I think that's important in these discussions.

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8 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

3 is the only one I would say deserves somewhere between push-back and clarification. We know, for example, that Urban Meyer lied to the media, he's admitted as much. But that lie isn't the really important lie (though I don't think it's totally meaningless by any stretch).

Absolutely. But, I think that people differentiate between the lie and the event/main problem itself.

8 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Would you say that, based on what we know, that the most likely scenario here or the scenario that best explains his behavior is that Urban Meyer was aware of what Smith did in 2015, kept him on staff in spite of that knowledge, and removed any evidence of his knowledge by deleting the messages from his phone? I'm not saying there's 100% undeniable smoking gun proof of what happened. All I'm saying is you outlined best/worst case scenario without mentioning their relative likelihood, and I think that's important in these discussions.

Since your asking my opinion and what I truly think, I'll do it as best as I can below:

Urban, and most coaches, think that their responsibility is to coach as much as possible and don't want to deal with any "administrative stuff" (More on this below). Obviously, my biggest hangup from the start was why in the world he hired Smith again in 2012. I understand the initial 2009 hiring (Earl Bruce, grandson of the guy who got him started, etc.), but after the initial incidents in 2009, I'd have told him in 2012 "Sorry, you're on your own, I gave you a start/chance. Have fun at Temple and best wishes" and stayed WAY CLEAR of him. Instead, he hires him due to nepotism/loyalty/recruiting (because it sure wasn't because he's a good WR coach, because he was terrible there. There's a reason he was paid way less than every other assistant despite his longest tenure there).

As for the aforementioned "administrative stuff", Myer was informed by the Compliance director AND Gene Smith (both superiors) of the incident, Smith was called back in 2015 from a recruiting trip, and subsequently informed by both Smith and Myer "If you hit her, you're done. If charges are pressed, you're done." From there, Urban ordered immediate counseling. In Urban the coach's mind (definitely not the human being's mind, because that's FAR from the minimum), he did the minimum as both his immediate supervisors were contacted and he had washed his hands of it with the ultimatum.

As for the phone portion, Urban either:

A. Knew that there was a smoking gun on this incident OR a variety of others, whether at OSU (most likely) or Florida (also a high likelihood) and had them deleted immediately

B. Was concerned that maybe he made a mistake that could be linked to him (costing him his job, sanctions, money, etc.) and even if he didn't,  he didn't want to chance it (See: The absolute joke that is/was deflategate and Tom Brady's phone).

As for  the relative likelihood, what husband and wife don't talk about everything together? I'm sure Urban knew about all of this, but you can't "prove it" I suppose. Once this came to light, you knew that Urban wasn't throwing his wife under the bus (no husband would), especially considering her tenured status as a professor, possible Title IX violations, etc. He decided to play the "I was trying to help a struggling couple" card with the evidence that was out there (documentation supporting that as a possibility via texts). Now, I don't believe that for a second because of my above presupposition about Urban the person, as opposed to say, a Jim Tressel, who had a crash and burn end but at least made it his goal/mission for most of his career to mentor young men.

I don't know if that sufficiently addressed your question/comment, but I did my best and am happy to readdress any of the above.

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