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Ready Player One (2018 - Spielberg)


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From the perspective of someone who read the book(didn't love it), I thought the movie was much better. A lot of changes were made, some very necessary, some less so but none so egregious that I have a problem with it. The only change I didn't like is during Halliday's funeral/recording, the book specifically mentions playing Oingo Boingo's Dead Man's Party there so I'm disappointed they didn't put it in the movie.

Mark Rylance was great as Halliday. 

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55 minutes ago, August4th said:

would something like the Oasis be possible in real life in the near future?

Don't see why not. 

VR is in its infancy but it's growing. 

Online avatars has been a thing for a long time.

Online classrooms is now a thing. 

The only thing stopping it is people, if we suddenly turn around and realise it probably isn't the best thing for civilisation.

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Ready Player One type VR is almost a certainty.  The only question is when.  Just think of how fast video games have advanced already.  Less than 30 years ago the SNES was released.  Compare that functionality to what we have now. 

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Went and seen this last weekend. I really enjoyed the movie, definitely geeked out a few times. Haven’t read the book. Which is really bad because it turns out the guy who wrote it is from my home town, not many good things come from this place.

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Saw it today, overall I liked it quite a bit, but it had since very up and down moments.  The characters are largely superfluous and under developed and are there largely just to have the reason to pack in the nostalgia and cool cgi.  The one guy who really pulled it together was Rylance. He was great as the founder of the Oasis and how his flaws and regrets are what the challenge was really about and what to learn from his mistakes. His character is really the only fully fleshed out character we get and he's dead the entire movie.   The main character professing his love for an online chick he let 2-3 times and never in person was also poorly written.  

With that out of the way, the CGI and nostalgia really were phenomenal.  Great score by Silvestri that really blended in well with the pop culture songs littered throughout.  Spielberg's direction was working overdrive to make the half baked script work and he largely pulls it off.  Not his best work, but still a good effort bringing the movie together where it really could have fallen apart.  

I'd give this a solid B, maybe a fringe B+ for how much fun it was, and I suspect the rewatchability factor it's going to be very high.

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On 06/04/2018 at 8:01 AM, thrILL! said:

Found a thorough list of easter eggs, cameos, references etc from the movie. 


Heavy spoilers tho 


I think that my faves are

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Kaneda's bike from Akira, the Delorean,and using the blade from Krull to cut off I-Rok's arm.



Easter eggs? Thought that didn't apply to things that were obvious. 

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