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2 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Dominating performance but yeah, after the second round Smith went into survival mode. 

Jones needs to move up to HW. He's damn near cleared out the LHW division. 

I want to see him fight Thiago Santos first.. Santos will throw the kitchen at Jones

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24 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

I've never seen a guy just refuse to even attempt to throw a punch or fight back.



I can't stand JBJ, but glad Smith didn't milk that for the win. 

I'm not sure that was what was happening. It's not that he didn't try to throw a punch, he tried opening up several times. It's just that Jones is so great at creating a frame so the other guy can't reach him.

Smith looked more confused than anything. Jones is a puzzle, and Smith had no clue how to solve it. Also Jones invested quite heavily into body shots, and that certainly made a difference near the end of the fight.

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1 hour ago, beekay414 said:

From what I've been told, he survived the onslaught, took control of Robbie's arm, backslid out and then got control of the bulldog choke. May have been early but Robbie's arm fell apparently. My guy said he was out for a second and he wasnt getting out. 

here's part of the onslaught

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3 hours ago, BillsGuy82 said:
3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

May have been early but Robbie's arm fell apparently. My guy said he was out for a second and he wasnt getting out. 

100% accurate

Any Herb Dean hate is a joke

here's a good breakdown of it. you can see from that one angle that the choke isn't even around his neck, it is on his mouth/chin, so he definitely didn't go out. and you can see why herb did a bad job with the rest



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45 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i have as much interest in santos v. jones as i had in smith v. jones tbh

does close to nothing for me besides the prospect of getting to watch jones do his thing 

I'm going to need to hear an apology after Marreta spin kicks Jones into the shadow realm

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Wow that Cody v Pedro fight was awesome. I know Cody fight emotionally but he is alot of fun to watch in victory and defeat. 

Damn I feel so bad for Lawler with that stoppage, that sucks so much. Wanted to see alot more of that fight. Surprised Askren wasn't done early.

Herb checks his arm and he picked it up so why stop the fight if you checked his arm and he's fine? Also I hate the whole "well Herb asked him if he's okay" Lawler has a guy squeezing his head, he doesnt wanna talk right now...

1-0 Usman, maybe I'm wrong about this one, I usually am more wrong than not haha. Din Thomas talking with a sense of urgency it sounds. 

Colby is such a cheeseball 

2-0 Usman, maybe even a 10-8, I was VERY wrong about Usman *shrugs*

Has anyone ever seen so many shots to the body up against the cage in a row? Usman lands like 12 in a row and they have got to be hurting because he isn't just touching TWood, he is swinging. Usman has a great gas tank.

As much as I love a good standup striking war the breaking up the clinch is silly. Goddard has done it a few times and these guys are still landing and being active there

3-0 Usman and even if round 2 wasn't a 10-8, its all or nothing for the champ. I'm glad Thomas is talking to him like this, too many coaches make it sound like things are great and they aren't

You jump for a guillotine choke in round 4 when he is sweaty as heck and basically gift him the round because you didn't get it...wow

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