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Packers Forum 2018 NFL Draft Discussion (NO SPOILERS!)


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Per NFL.com:

Madison's athletic ability, foot quickness and ability to sustain blocks on the move make him a desirable target for teams who want offensive linemen who can excel in space. However, his lack of anchor in pass protection will likely be targeted by pass rushers looking to for holes to exploit. A move inside to guard could benefit Madison, if he can add strength and play with better knee bend.



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Sounds like an experienced player, started some games already as a freshman, and then three full durable years in Pac10.  So should have some experience facing a variety of reasonably talented guys.  Sounds like kind of classic Packer format:  a little weak, not much power in the run game, but has some pass-blocking capacity.  

One eval suggested he's excellent in the screen game.  I know Rodgers and MM hate screens and aren't going to use them much, but I still think the concept is kinda fun.  I still think some screens to Monty, Jones, or Williams could be fun and sometimes effective.  

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