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  1. Lots of positions to focus on, hopefully we nail at least a couple. I probably have the most faith in picking up a good LB and EDGE, but it's just a hunch.
  2. Which was a good move, as getting Øde is a world class move if he continues with this run of form and develops into a constant elegant footballer that he is/could be. And I also feel like it is easier to add a complimentary piece in attack once our midfield and wings are set in stone, which is what we've done so, as we have just discussed, we can now clearly see what type of attacker we need to take this squad to the next level, hopefully. Also, if we get CL football we are most likely signing two strikers (granted both Laca and Nketiah don't resign, which they won't) so that should be very, very exciting. I'm personally all in on Jonathan David, but before we get to that, let's just get that top 4 and then we can dream a little and be properly excited again. And I must say, it is a feeling I've well and truly missed, to say the least.
  3. Indeed, Giroud worked really well in many areas, apart from being, as you said, quick enough, and I would also add that he was never a clinical striker. Had long stretches of mediocre and bad form and the best Wenger was able to do was have Sanogo and Bendtner as alternatives. Schick is a decent player although I will admit that he doesn't really excite me and I feel like he is a level below of where our standards should be, but as a rotational option, yes, decent enough. And to answer your question about Chelsea, it is simply laughable and preposterous. Middlesbrough said it best in their statement, calling it ironic and bizarre, which it undoubtedly is. Imagine calling upon sporting integrity when for the past 18 years your club has been owned by a mob man. Classless, pathetic, despicable club.
  4. Absolutely agree. Having that type of player is crucial for the way we want to play, especially considering the way that Øde, Saka, Gabi and ESR play, with intricate passes and great movement both on and off the ball. With those guys we're starting to play our brand of football again, which has been (mostly) absent since we lost Cazorla and our midfield started to decline dramatically. I'd love us to sign Jonathan David as a high-ceiling type of prospect along with a marquee striker signing in the summer. We'd have great depth + potential up front in our squad in that case. That's without mentioning a Xhaka upgrade because I cannot stand that man, and either a winger or right-back. Also hoping that Saliba will FINALLY be integrated into the squad. He's a beast and his potential it not scary - it's terrifying.
  5. Very happy that we're finally looking a bit like The Arsenal again. Nice, fast, intricate passes and build up and an actual identity to how we're playing football. Getting CL is absolutely crucial now as it would mean that in the summer we could massively improve our squad and perhaps be a legitimate contending team along with City, Liv and Chelsea. Still a long way to go, but this is the most encouraged I've been since probably 2015 just in terms of our potential and the direction we seem to be going in.
  6. @SaveOurSonics completely agree with everything you said. There is just no way of objectively saying that the deal we got for Russ was good, or that even the decision of trading him is good. Plenty of stars wanted to leave their teams at some point, but they don't always get their way. Remember Kobe? Dude almost signed for the Clippers and then some time later was sending public love letters to the Bulls. He never wanted to put on a Lakers jersey again. Of course, history barely remembers that now. I am a newer Seahawks fan, since I'm from Europe and didn't discover football until 2017 and from my perspective, not having witnessed the LOB era, I can tell you that Pete ain't it. I felt like we always played down to our opponents level, and that our roster was way to talented to play boring, stubborn, run first football. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I saw it in the last five years. The best of times? When Russ could go crazy. Instead, even I knew exactly which plays we were gonna run in my first season of watching football, cause run-run, pass, punt really wasn't too complicated to notice.
  7. Pretty much what what I thought from the start. I just never felt there was a big enough hint of him actually being kinda ready to retire, and the dude is still playing like a MVP. Out of all the possible scenarios, retiring after a Divisional round game loss was just way to underwhelming for it to actually be his real send off.
  8. Great player, we will see if it's a good decision. All depends on how we retool during this off-season. Still remains to be seen what the hell we're actually doing with our roster.
  9. Good point. Neither is an overly exciting or crazy good option, but we have seen that Jimmy can at least be consistently average when there is other talent around him. I suppose it makes sense for the Colts in the short term, not like the bar has been set high the last few years anyway.
  10. You bring up a very good point and I agree. As the years go on, it feels like Pete's legacy isn't as great as it used to look, since it now seems that in many aspects he held the team back as much as he instilled some much needed culture in the team and the franchise once he took over. Also, the recent comments from Greg Olsen have been pretty damning, but we've been saying it for years - it often truly felt like the coaching was holding the teams best playmakers back, instead of enabling them. It's kinda bizarre, so I will always have a hard time understanding the decision to stick with Pete and JS and letting Russ go, when really Russ is the one who has been raising our ceiling, while Pete and JS have, in recent years, raised only our floor, at best.
  11. And I think it's a reach trading a second for love, as is a second for Jimmy G, but these trades happen all the time so whatever. I won't say much about Love cause who the hell knows if the kid can play, but Jimmy G is just so.. meh.
  12. Couldn't have said it better myself. The collapse has been been happening for years now, and somehow those who are most responsible for it are at the helm for this new coming chapter. That is.. underwhelming to say the least. Frustrating and beyond silly if I'm being rightfully a bit more harsh.
  13. Hahaha I actually wasn't being sarcastic even though it sounds like that. Just a bit out of the loop lately so I'm genuinely wondering what would be a realistic offer for Love.
  14. You're setting the bar way too high, you had some world beaters in at QB the last few years man..
  15. It is insane how in recent years teams still fell for the Westbrook trap. I am very much enjoying his current meltdown over being called Westbrick. Dude has zero self awareness whatsoever.
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