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  • NFL Team
    Denver Broncos
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    New York Yankees
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    Denver Nuggets
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    San Diego State University
  • Players
    Von Miller, Kawhi, Jokic,Trout

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  1. I am loving this off season. Paton is killing it and this might be my favorite move of them all. Hard not to root for a guy like Kareem! Haven’t posted in awhile.. like a year plus.. I have a lot to catch up on post wise.
  2. Too bad Clowney signed with the Titans. Could have used him now.
  3. I’d feel more satisfaction seeing NE lose but I know it’ll be a totally different NE team.
  4. He had our prior drafts at #8 and #18 (2018 and 2019). Even mentioned the 2019 draft could have been higher on his list but there was a log jam of teams and just didn’t value some of the players like others did. He’s been pretty accurate in his write ups.
  5. I forgot we have a 1st rd draft pick this year, I’ll be honest, I haven’t looked at any prospects. I’ll have to defer to everyone on here.
  6. I feel like I haven’t talked Nuggets basketball in forever, well, sports talk in general so this is nice. I think Denver got lucky with the season being paused or cancelled. Denver was not looking good at all following the trade deadline. All season, the team was inconsistent with stretches of really good and sloppy play. We never had that killer instinct this year like we did last year. As far as players, I liked the growth I saw from Murray but I cannot help but think this dude will never fully unlock his potential, he just can’t shoot a high pct from behind the arc and cannot stay healthy. I’m actually fine parting away with him for a better, proven player like Beal as mentioned. Harris, was one of my favs but how quickly he’s fallen to a shy away from contact player. He’s a dog on defense but taller guards/forwards still eat against him. His 3pt shot and finish at the rim has been night and day different from two years ago. I’d be fine parting ways with him as well. Barton was excellent this season, like his contract year, he did all the little things to carry the team when Jokic couldn’t. Always been a fan and hope we keep him. Sap is just awesome. He’s definitely older but still savvy when on the court. His defense and offense at times looked meh but that 3pt was money this season. I hope we retain so he can be that bench player or spot starter. Jokic is an mvp caliber player and certainly played like it for majority of the season. Still has motivation and emotional issues when playing but the dude is the engine of this team. Also super clutch. Bench: Morris was hit and miss this season but when he was on, it looked like last years bench which was electric. MPJ is simply a keeper, hope he continues to learn and grow because he can have no limitations to his game. I want to see improved ball handling, better positioning and better on ball defending. Grant was amazing in the starting lineup but clearly was hindered playing on a wildly inconsistent bench. I hope we sign him to start PF for us. Plumdog is reliable and would be fine signing him for the cheeeappp. Others, unknown or I just don’t care. Miss Beasley and Juancho, that’s for sure. I think Denver should try to trade assets to get another star. Include murray and or Harris if need be. Too bad we couldn’t include Beasley and Juancho in a mega deal.
  7. You aren’t let down during season 4. Much of the same.
  8. This years draft I did not follow as closely as I would have liked. Looking into how others (PFF, SI, FF, etc) have graded Denver’s draft has me really optimistic for the future. Last year provided us much needed hope and the offseason+draft has me super excited for this season (unless covid19 lingers well into the year). Based on my limited knowledge from quick research and the YouTube film reel, I love the Jeudy, Hamler, Agim, Muti and Tuszka picks! I’m iffy on Ojemudia, Albert O and Cleveland picks. I’m shocked we didn’t make any trades but pleased for the most part of all selections. Hoping we can hit on one UDFA like we seemingly do every year.
  9. You must not get out much, huh?
  10. Muti can heal up/learn for a year+ since we have potentially 3 legit IOL.
  11. The highlights of Muti driving defenders into the ground is awesome!
  12. I’m going to mess up spelling these names all season.
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