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Wrestlemafia, the sign up and game thread


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1 hour ago, bcb1213 said:

Waiting on one pm 

Seriously. I am going to get fired if this game continues any longer. I can't keep taking 20 minute poop breaks so I can try to read up on everyone's activity. 

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1 hour ago, bcb1213 said:

Waiting on one pm 

I would suggest tagging everyone left at the 12 hour mark as a reminder.  22 hours is the fastest night so far.  Other than Ted who is intl?  

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Night 4



SirA was having a semi productive game.  Although everyone he was comparing randomly ended up dying as luck would have it.  However, this night, SirA would find out his number was up. A man in a leather jacket with a smile motined for him to come over.  SirA came strolling over and leaned in closer. The smiling man then hit a quick thrust to SirA’s throat causing him to temporary start choking on his patented chewing gum.  The man then took a struggling SirA and forced him over the rope


SirA has been thrown over the ropes.  He was Curt Hennig The perfect comparer-  WWE Legend Aligned


Untouchable was running back and forth throughout the entire rumble just waiting for his oppurtunity to do something.  You would think he would get tired eventually but no. He had the heart of a wel….anyhow the homeless man had just about enough of watching touch run back and forth.  He stepped in front of touch and back body dropped him out of the ring


Touch has been thrown over the ropes.  He was The Ultimate Warrior   Parts Unknown-  WWE Legend Aligned


FJ had been lying low.  Maybe a little to low. I mean i guess how low can one be when they are a dancing freak with a glowing ball constantly spinning above his head.  Anyhow, a man in pink has had just about enough of this . He took FJ by his long hair, and excellently threw him over the top rope and to the floor


FJ has been eliminated.  He was Disco Inferno-   Dancing King Jobber Aligned


It is now day 5.  With 15 alive and voting, it is 8 to lynch

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Allright, interesting information to you.

I used one shot ability on woz and found out how many town and how many non-town voted him. 

"fj, ltbf, touch, tk3, teude, James, Bucs ,dome, slappy"

Were the ones who voted him and five of them are non-town. So i'm town, touch was town, fj was non-town. Leaves ltbf, tk3, James, Bucs, dome and slappy, which four are non-town.

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1 minute ago, teude said:

*Four non-town was original number, so three non-towners left.

Okay, thats a relief.

I'm town but I'm not sure if I can really prove it. If that list had only one other town I was going to guess slappy. With two I'd probably say slappy and dome.

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13 minutes ago, teude said:

Allright, interesting information to you.

I used one shot ability on woz and found out how many town and how many non-town voted him. 

"fj, ltbf, touch, tk3, teude, James, Bucs ,dome, slappy"

Were the ones who voted him and five of them are non-town. So i'm town, touch was town, fj was non-town. Leaves ltbf, tk3, James, Bucs, dome and slappy, which four are non-town.

 .rehto na ro aifam neeb evah i nehw ot ralimiS .yadretsey htrof dna kcab pu dessem a saw tahT .aifaM rof setadidnac gnidael ym era emoD dna scuB

lol lla meht desU .hctaw dna ,tcetorp ,tsevni a dah I

 .lol sevom erom yna dah i thguoht yllaer yeht fi rednow I .em detisiv nam gnidleiw llabesab A .thgin tsal em dekcolbelor ohw aifaM saw ti emussa I .yltcefrep dekrow nalp ym lleW

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Just for a fully transparent/unbiased look, here's the vote list with what's actually confirmed:

FJ-Dead-Jobber (3 non-town left)

So 3 non-town in the following list


teude is still un-cc'ed, so pretty sure he's town. So for me its 3 of LTBF, tk3, Bucs, Dome, Slappy

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8 minutes ago, LetTheBallFly said:

 .rehto na ro aifam neeb evah i nehw ot ralimiS .yadretsey htrof dna kcab pu dessem a saw tahT .aifaM rof setadidnac gnidael ym era emoD dna scuB

lol lla meht desU .hctaw dna ,tcetorp ,tsevni a dah I

 .lol sevom erom yna dah i thguoht yllaer yeht fi rednow I .em detisiv nam gnidleiw llabesab A .thgin tsal em dekcolbelor ohw aifaM saw ti emussa I .yltcefrep dekrow nalp ym lleW

Baseball bat wielding man? Could be Sting from WCW.

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lol edueT morf llehsbmob taht retfa tnelis era elpoep fo tol a driew fo dniK

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH......reggib si eniM .uoy rof doog eb tnow ti esuac gnikcap eb retteb uoy emit sihT .niaga taht od uoy ees stel....AIFAM

.ereh ni pu nuf emos evah ew emit stI



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