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The Siege of Gotham Mafia - Mafia Wins!!!

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3 minutes ago, bcb1213 said:

I'm not gonna give more info unnecessariky at night.  It'll all make sense soon tho 

See, stuff like this is just pointless.

Don't come out and tease with information and then say "I cant give you the info...but it'll all make sense soon"

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5 minutes ago, MathMan said:

smh you guys


4 minutes ago, MathMan said:

and you guys should be letting it go.

there is 0 point giving too much info at night

no cookies for you with that attitude

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Here's what I got.

For transparency, I have include myself in the Town Lean list because I'm not cleared.

In a game of no open roles, the only one that's 100 cleared is Rag.



Rags - Batman

Town Lean (in order that I trust)
gopher - Garcia
Mookie - Robin

scum lean (biggest suspect at the top):

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13 minutes ago, Darth Pees said:

I've read up.

Did I miss anything other than we lynched another mafia? I saw that gopher claimed Garcia, and now bcb is trying to say Whicker never invested him? Is there anything else?

Yes, I need your thoughts on the town and scum lists.

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12 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

If bcb is saying he’s not been investigated by whicker then I’ll claim my spot as the only cleared civ, I don’t care what malf says 

no, whicker got a civ read on you based on the ksj hit.

the fact that you are claiming to be cleared is suspicious.

we will talk more tomorrow

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3 hours ago, MathMan said:

Here's what I got.

For transparency, I have include myself in the Town Lean list because I'm not cleared.

In a game of no open roles, the only one that's 100 cleared is Rag.



Rags - Batman

Town Lean (in order that I trust)
malf/jfin -- I trust this read. Either malf/fin are playing the best mafia game ever, or they're civ.
gopher - Garcia -- Yep, agreed here.
squire -- I'm actually not sold on squire. I might have to read back a ways but I feel like there's a lot of inconsistencies in his story and actions thus far. I'd actually move him to neutral.
dome -- Claims he has an "action" but we don't know what it is. I'm still iffy.
slappy -- Again, with the alfred claim and his "I can't help town" stuff, I'm actually inclined to think he's less town.
Mookie - Robin -- Nothing to add here.
woz -- This one is my most difficult read. I actually don't have any clue about where to lean on woz right now.
mission -- After he blew his load on whicker and then bragged about it I've soured on mission - but I think he's civ.

scum lean (biggest suspect at the top):
md4l -- Absolutely agreed here. He's either scum or mafia-aligned other (or true indy?).
xmad -- Same thing, but I get the feeling he's not actually mafia and just a true other.
touch -- I actually haven't paid much attention to touch throughout this game, and now that I think about it he could be mafia boss flying under the radar. Not sure. I feel less mafia about touch though than I do about md4l or even squire for that matter.
bcb -- This one is surprising, because I thought with whicker's invest we had all but cleared bcb. I want to see what happens now that he's claiming whicker never investigated him. He could either jump to the top of my mafia list or completely clear himself.

My list would be (in order of most town to least town)

  1. Rags
  2. Mookie
  3. malfin
  4. gopher
  5. woz
  6. bcb(?)
  7. mission
  8. slappy
  9. dome
  10. xmad
  11. touch
  12. squire
  13. md4l
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