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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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8 hours ago, RuralBill said:

I want to know whose idea it was to make vehicles for the last couple of years have LED headlights. I want to find them and punch them in the face.


Dumbest idea ever. Always irritate the hell out of my eyes when I'm driving.  

I was literally thinking this last night driving around. I was like "am I becoming less tolerant of headlights, or are they getting brighter?!". Who's bright (no pun) idea was that?!

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On 12/21/2017 at 9:52 AM, skywindO2 said:

Almost got in an car accident this morning because a guy ran a red light. I've been pissed off all morning about something that didn't happen and that's really bothering me. 

Two monks, one elder and one acolyte, are walking through the woods. They come across a river, where a woman stands on one bank.

She asks of the monks, "Please, may you help me cross the river? I cannot swim."

The younger monk looks to his elder, knowing they've taken vows of celibacy and thus are forbidden from even touching a woman.

To his surprise, the elder monk does not hesitate, and lifts the woman on his shoulders and carries her across the river. Upon crossing, the woman thanks the monk and goes on her way. The monks continue on their journey in silence.

Finally, after hours, the younger monk cannot stand it any longer, asking "Elder, why did you touch that woman? It is forbidden for us."

The elder monk turns to him and says, "Child, why are you still carrying her when I put her down hours ago?"

Edited by cddolphin
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32 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Two monks, one elder and one acolyte, are walking through the woods. They come across a river, where a woman stands on one bank.

She asks of the monks, "Please, may you help me cross the river? I cannot swim."

The younger monk looks to his elder, knowing they've taken vows of celibacy and thus are forbidden from even touching a woman.

To his surprise, the elder monk does not hesitate, and lifts the woman on his shoulders and carries her across the river. Upon crossing, the woman thanks the monk and goes on her way. The monks continue on their journey in silence.

Finally, after hours, the younger monk cannot stand it any longer, asking "Elder, why did you touch that woman? It is forbidden for us."

The elder monk turns to him and says, "Child, why are you still carrying her when I put her down hours ago?"

Thought it was a joke...then realized it wasnt...so now you owe me a joke about two monks.

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13 hours ago, patdt13 said:

I bought a SNES classic tonight 

I bought it on the first release. Still haven’t really played it yet, been meaning to play Zelda but just haven’t got around to it. I didn’t even know it was being released I just went to Walmart and seen a line for it and stuck around to get one. One of these days I’ll actually play it.

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Lady got fired from the store I work at last night.... she called back after she went home and told the manager “did you know I have a gun?” And kept repeating that, so they called the cops on her and locked down the store cause she lives just a couple minutes away.

police pulled her over on the main highway headed to the store and found a gun in her vehicle...

so much holiday drama in this little town lol

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9 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Lady got fired from the store I work at last night

4 days before Christmas? Yeesh.

16 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Yeah. I read the last line twice because I didn't get it at first. I was expecting the lulz.

What, no appreciation for parables? :D

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