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2 minutes ago, Dome said:

I mean if it’s more comfortable for them to have a weight on them (like my sister) then it will help. IDK what causes this, but other people have the same feeling and that’s how my sister ended up getting advised about it. 

i didn’t realize people were trying to use a blanket to actually treat symptoms of something, thought people literally just bought them cause the weight made them sleep better.

is that not the point?

I've heard of people buying them to alleviate things such as sleep apnea. It's also was a big product in the autism community because the extra weight supposedly made autistic people feel comfortable (which isn't the case, there is no singular tool that works universally for all people on the spectrum).

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20 minutes ago, Dome said:

You don’t think a blanket that makes you more comfortable could potentially allow you to sleep better? 

Seems like a pretty clear cut route to better sleep IMO, buy more comfortable sleeping tools. 

From the study linked:


Seventy-three children were randomized and analysis conducted on 67 children who completed the study. Using objective measures, the weighted blanket, compared with the control blanket, did not increase TST [total sleep time] as measured by actigraphy and adjusted for baseline TST. There were no group differences in any other objective or subjective measure of sleep, including behavioral outcomes. On subjective preference measures, parents and children favored the weighted blanket.

All the studies I’ve found all say basically the same thing. People are more comfortable with the weighted blanket. But being more comfortable doesn’t make for better sleep under these conditions. That said - it doesn’t hinder sleep patterns either. So if it’s comfortable to the person, it’s worth having. Comfort is good - even if it doesn’t actually increase sleep proficiency - and may even apply some form of placebo effect on the user.

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19 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I've heard of people buying them to alleviate things such as sleep apnea. It's also was a big product in the autism community because the extra weight supposedly made autistic people feel comfortable (which isn't the case, there is no singular tool that works universally for all people on the spectrum).

Lol why would having weight on you as you sleep stop you from stopping breathing several times per hour at night 

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23 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

You can try sleeping sitting up (not all the way, at a 45 degree angle).

I’ll have to try that. Sleeping at 270° just doesn’t seem to be working out for me

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