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What Are You Thinking About v.CC


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9 hours ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Cause we come from religious folks, I would assume.

^^^^ this.

This country has a long tradition of not minding our own business.

9 hours ago, Bonanza23 said:

Are you married to one woman?  If so you understand. 

This also.

What sadistic human being would want multiple wives....

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10 hours ago, BigBillsFan13 said:

Serious question... Why is polygamy not legal?

Not saying that I'm interested in it, or even agree with it tbh, but why is it illegal? 

1 fairly straightforward answer is that marriage comes with Power of Attorney. Say you're incapacitated and you don't have a will, it's your spouse who makes those decisions. If you have 2 spouses with equal rights in the decision-making, you have a problem.

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9 hours ago, BigBillsFan13 said:

Serious question... Why is polygamy not legal?

Not saying that I'm interested in it, or even agree with it tbh, but why is it illegal? 

Because guys got jealous that some guys had seven wives and they couldn't get a date. 

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33 minutes ago, vike daddy said:

tradition mainly. but it also complicates inheritance situations.

So? (to either)

Tradition is not a good enough reason to impede upon or limit freedoms, especially ones that don't bring harm.

Having extra children or re-marrying someone who already has kids also "complicates" inheritance situations, that's not a good enough reason for something to be illegal.


If implemented on a grand scale it'd be chaos because it chips away at the foundation of our collective core values but in that case it should only be socially stigmatized yet not made illegal because it doesn't actively cause harm. If Jeff Bezos wanted a mini harem with 4 wives he takes everywhere.. power to him I say.

Edited by cddolphin
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30 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

Tradition is not a good enough reason to impede upon or limit freedoms, especially ones that don't bring harm.

Sure. But it was asked why it is this way, not why it should stay this way.

Our social laws were implemented based on puritan values and traditions. If anything is a way it’s been since the start and we can’t find a good reason for it, the short answer is probably “we just haven’t had a social value change that pushed far enough away from those puritanical traditions so as to justify a legal change”. 

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I really hate that I just Googled why polygamy is illegal.  Whichever NRA agent has me on his list is going to think I'm an awful person.  Anyhoo, what I found... Inheritance was spot on by vike daddy as one reason.  Parental responsibility is another.  The fact that most people think it's morally wrong is another, but the biggest reason, and the one that I think is an actual issue, is that it prevents men from abusing young women either through selling young women off to be married or by creeps taking advantage of young, impressionable women and marrying them before anyone can do anything about it. 

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32 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

is that it prevents men from abusing young women either through selling young women off to be married or by creeps taking advantage of young, impressionable women and marrying them before anyone can do anything about it. 

Everything else brought up in this thread is reasonable but this one I don't get. Can't you still do this? Try to send off your daughter via an arranged marriage or a 40 year old man nabbing an 'impressionable' 19 year old?

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17 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

I think it comes down to this. I can barely manage one, let alone the 13 I could have.

.... you've got me thinking.

Why can't my wife just have another wife? This frees me from having to "manage" or worry about multiple wives, but comes with lots of benefits. 

They could go do all their lady stuff together like shopping and crap and that would really free up my weekends and evenings. I'd never have to go see a chick flick ever again. House would be pristine 24/7 (already is, but we don't have kids yet. Wife's wife could help with the kiddos). The could get their cycles lined up in unison and I've got an excuse to go on a 4 day camping trip every month. Additional household income. Funner vacations, and afternoonsies. 


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3 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

.... you've got me thinking.

Why can't my wife just have another wife? This frees me from having to "manage" or worry about multiple wives, but comes with lots of benefits. 

They could go do all their lady stuff together like shopping and crap and that would really free up my weekends and evenings. I'd never have to go see a chick flick ever again. House would be pristine 24/7 (already is, but we don't have kids yet. Wife's wife could help with the kiddos). The could get their cycles lined up in unison and I've got an excuse to go on a 4 day camping trip every month. Additional household income. Funner vacations, and afternoonsies. 


ITT domepatrol discovers why starting a pyramid scheme is a win

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4 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

.... you've got me thinking.

Why can't my wife just have another wife? This frees me from having to "manage" or worry about multiple wives, but comes with lots of benefits. 

They could go do all their lady stuff together like shopping and crap and that would really free up my weekends and evenings. I'd never have to go see a chick flick ever again. House would be pristine 24/7 (already is, but we don't have kids yet. Wife's wife could help with the kiddos). The could get their cycles lined up in unison and I've got an excuse to go on a 4 day camping trip every month. Additional household income. Funner vacations, and afternoonsies. 



Just wait until one or both are mad about something. That cancels out any and all positives.

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