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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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12 hours ago, LeeEvans said:

Plus wouldn't you kill the dragon that everyone is trying to escape on? That just makes sense. 

Also for the post about the possibility of Dany being able to get there in time is ridiculous. At bare minimum they would have froze to death before they got there. Also the White Walkers summon the cold so I would assume that the ice would freeze more quickly in their presence. 

You are assuming that the NK is calculating.

From everything we have seen. He isn't, he isn't shown to have comprehensive thought. He seems to be more reaction instead of trying to outthink people. Or deciding what to do. He is more of a Great White then a predator trying to out fox his prey.

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16 minutes ago, iPwn said:

What if the Night King was formerly a human that had knowledge of dragons and knew that the underbelly of a dragon would be far easier to pierce than the scaled top? Would that not justify throwing at the one flying that could be hit in the underbelly? Opposed to the one with the underbelly laying on the ground.

He was definitely aiming for the throat/underbelly as Viserion was breathing fire then the dragon was kind of on fire and the fall may have been the final finisher. He didn't have much to aim for with Drogon and wouldn't have fallen from the sky. 

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22 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Besides the NK, its a fact that Bran is the most powerful in the series. Then Dany, then Cersei, then Euron.

Best fighters right now are Sandor, Jon, and Euron.


It was well documented that Brienne was fighting the Hound who was so infected, and in pain he was no where near his best. Same with Jaimie who was starved, beaten, and bound for months. 


Sandor, followed by Euron are probably the best fighters in Westeros out of the living. Not counting Zombie Mountain.

Jon comes in 2nd tier. Which I would also include Thormund, Jorah, and Bronn.

What about the mountain he's pretty powerful though he does lack speed.

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22 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

You are assuming that the NK is calculating.

From everything we have seen. He isn't, he isn't shown to have comprehensive thought. He seems to be more reaction instead of trying to outthink people. Or deciding what to do. He is more of a Great White then a predator trying to out fox his prey.

I don't agree with that at all. I think he is extremely cunning and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he baited Dany into coming so he could seize a dragon.

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43 minutes ago, iPwn said:

What if the Night King was formerly a human that had knowledge of dragons and knew that the underbelly of a dragon would be far easier to pierce than the scaled top? Would that not justify throwing at the one flying that could be hit in the underbelly? Opposed to the one with the underbelly laying on the ground.

He doesn't really hit the underbelly. Watch it slowly. Hits him in the neck basically. Somewhere just above the wing and along the neck. 

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I believe in the book that the weapons used by the "others" were made of ice (or appeared as ice) and they also cut through armor with ease, like a hot knife through buttah.   The book goes into a little detail at the fist of men, again it has been quite a while since I have read the book... probably 15+ years but that is what I recall.  So it should not really matter what part of the dragon was exposed as we are not talking about steel weapons.

On the topic of which dragon to attack, one possed an immediate threat and one did not, I do not know why it is such a big issue.

Edited by burlow
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11 minutes ago, LeeEvans said:

I don't agree with that at all. I think he is extremely cunning and it wouldn't surprise me at all if he baited Dany into coming so he could seize a dragon.

How though? How does he know dragons exist? And even if he did, when has he ever shown to be anything other then a beast following his prey. Not once in the show has he. Nor has he needed too.

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21 hours ago, flyers0909 said:

It really seems like Bran could/should be playing a more important role in this entire thing.  For someone who can see the past/present/(future?), he's done literally nothing of value. 

Can Bran take possession of a wight dragon?

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22 hours ago, deltarich87 said:

Night King has Drogon sitting right there not moving with Dany and everybody else sitting on it waiting on Jon to kill a few more zombies for no good reason, but decides to throw his spear at the flying dragon instead.

The bigger issue is why didn't Dany have Drogon attack the Night King and end the freaking war altogether?  They showed the camera angle of her looking down at Jon and the others.  I was screaming at the TV for Jon to point her toward the Night King.  

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8 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

How though? How does he know dragons exist? And even if he did, when has he ever shown to be anything other then a beast following his prey. Not once in the show has he. Nor has he needed too.

The fact he could see Bran while he warging or whatever weird time travel stuff he's doing hints that he's got some major magical powers. The way he's manovered his armies and attacked hardhome to enlarge his army instead of just attacking the wall hints at some kind of plan. If he's just a mindless creature GoT would have created a really disappointing master villain.

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7 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

The bigger issue is why didn't Dany have Drogon attack the Night King and end the freaking war altogether?  They showed the camera angle of her looking down at Jon and the others.  I was screaming at the TV for Jon to point her toward the Night King.  

Did you notice the way when the NK walked toward the flames that they just evaporated? I get the feeling, that if dragon fire came right at him. It would be the same result. Like fire will have no effect on him what so ever.

It's gonna have to be Jon.

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